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Created July 19, 2018 17:16
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Patching a role via ansible
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: no
role_prefix: "aodh"
path_prefix: "{{ lookup('env', 'HOME') }}/code/openstack/openstack-ansible-os_{{ role_prefix }}"
defaults_path: "{{ path_prefix }}/defaults/main.yml"
tasks_main_path: "{{ path_prefix }}/tasks/main.yml"
- lineinfile:
path: "{{ defaults_path }}"
insertbefore: >-
^(.*)_oslomsg_{{ item }}_transport:.*
regexp: >-
^(.*)_oslomsg_{{ item }}_host_group:.*
line: >-
{{ role_prefix }}_oslomsg_{{ item }}_host_group: "{% raw %}{{ oslomsg_{% endraw %}{{ item }}{% raw %}_host_group | default('rabbitmq_all') }}{% endraw %}"
- rpc
- notify
- lineinfile:
path: "{{ defaults_path }}"
insertbefore: >-
^(.*)_oslomsg_{{ item }}_transport:.*
regexp: >-
^(.*)_oslomsg_{{ item }}_setup_host:.*
line: >-
{{ role_prefix }}_oslomsg_{{ item }}_setup_host: "{% raw %}{{ ({% endraw %}{{ role_prefix }}{% raw %}_oslomsg_{% endraw %}{{ item }}{% raw %}_host_group in groups) | ternary(groups[{% endraw %}{{ role_prefix }}{% raw %}_oslomsg_{% endraw %}{{ item }}{% raw %}_host_group][0], 'localhost') }}{% endraw %}"
- rpc
- notify
- replace:
path: "{{ defaults_path }}"
regexp: >-
replace: >-
\1_oslomsg_\2_transport: "{% raw %}{{ oslomsg_\2_transport | default('rabbit') }}{% endraw %}"
- replace:
path: "{{ defaults_path }}"
regexp: >-
replace: >-
\1_oslomsg_\2_servers: "{% raw %}{{ oslomsg_\2_servers | default('') }}{% endraw %}"
- replace:
path: "{{ defaults_path }}"
regexp: >-
replace: >-
\1_oslomsg_\2_port: "{% raw %}{{ oslomsg_\2_port | default('5672') }}{% endraw %}"
- replace:
path: "{{ defaults_path }}"
regexp: >-
replace: >-
\1_oslomsg_\2_use_ssl: "{% raw %}{{ oslomsg_\2_use_ssl | default(False) }}{% endraw %}"
- lineinfile:
path: "{{ tasks_main_path }}"
insertbefore: >-
^- include.*: {{ role_prefix }}_db_setup.yml$
line: "{{ item }}"
- "- include_tasks: mq_setup.yml"
- " when:"
- " - \"{{ role_prefix }}_services['{{ role_prefix }}-api']['group'] in group_names\""
- " - \"inventory_hostname == ((groups[{{ role_prefix }}_services['{{ role_prefix }}-api']['group']]| intersect(ansible_play_hosts)) | list)[0]\""
- " with_items:"
- " - oslomsg_setup_host: \"{% raw %}{{ {% endraw %}{{ role_prefix }}{% raw %}_oslomsg_rpc_setup_host }}{% endraw %}\""
- " oslomsg_userid: \"{% raw %}{{ {% endraw %}{{ role_prefix }}{% raw %}_oslomsg_rpc_userid }}{% endraw %}\""
- " oslomsg_password: \"{% raw %}{{ {% endraw %}{{ role_prefix }}{% raw %}_oslomsg_rpc_password }}{% endraw %}\""
- " oslomsg_vhost: \"{% raw %}{{ {% endraw %}{{ role_prefix }}{% raw %}_oslomsg_rpc_vhost }}{% endraw %}\""
- " oslomsg_transport: \"{% raw %}{{ {% endraw %}{{ role_prefix }}{% raw %}_oslomsg_rpc_transport }}{% endraw %}\""
- " - oslomsg_setup_host: \"{% raw %}{{ {% endraw %}{{ role_prefix }}{% raw %}_oslomsg_notify_setup_host }}{% endraw %}\""
- " oslomsg_userid: \"{% raw %}{{ {% endraw %}{{ role_prefix }}{% raw %}_oslomsg_notify_userid }}{% endraw %}\""
- " oslomsg_password: \"{% raw %}{{ {% endraw %}{{ role_prefix }}{% raw %}_oslomsg_notify_password }}{% endraw %}\""
- " oslomsg_vhost: \"{% raw %}{{ {% endraw %}{{ role_prefix }}{% raw %}_oslomsg_notify_vhost }}{% endraw %}\""
- " oslomsg_transport: \"{% raw %}{{ {% endraw %}{{ role_prefix }}{% raw %}_oslomsg_notify_transport }}{% endraw %}\""
- " no_log: true"
- " tags:"
- " - {{ role_prefix }}-config"
- ""
- copy:
src: "{{ path_prefix }}/../openstack-ansible-tests/sync/tasks/mq_setup.yml"
dest: "{{ path_prefix }}/tasks/mq_setup.yml"
remote_src: yes
- shell: |
git add --all
git commit -a -m "Move MQ vhost/user creation into role" \
-m "There is no record for why we implement the MQ vhost/user creation
outside of the role in the playbook, when we could do it inside the
Implementing it inside the role allows us to reduce the quantity of
group_vars duplicated from the role, and allows us to better document
the required variables in the role. The delegation can still be done
as it is done in the playbook too.
In this patch we implement two new variables:
- {{ role_prefix }}_oslomsg_rpc_setup_host
- {{ role_prefix }}_oslomsg_notify_setup_host
These are used in the role to allow delegation of the MQ vhost/user
setup for each type to any host, but they default to using the first
member of the applicable oslomsg host group.
We also adjust some of the defaults to automatically inherit existing
vars set in group_vars form the integrated build so that we do not
need to do the wiring in the integrated build's group vars. We still
default them in the role too for independent role usage."
git checkout -b move-mq-setup-into-roles
git review
executable: /bin/bash
chdir: "{{ path_prefix }}"
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