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Created September 11, 2011 12:07
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trace forms
(ns trace
(:use clojure.pprint))
(declare trace-form)
(def *ignore*
'#{def quote var try monitor-enter monitor-exit})
(defmulti trace-special-form (fn [form] (first form)))
(defn- trace-bindings [bindings]
(vec (apply concat
(map (fn [[sym value]]
`[~sym (trace-forms ~value)]) (partition 2 bindings)))))
(defmethod trace-special-form 'let* [[_ bindings & body]]
`(let* ~(trace-bindings bindings)
(trace-forms ~@body)))
(defmethod trace-special-form 'loop* [[_ bindings & body]]
`(loop* ~(trace-bindings bindings)
(trace-forms ~@body)))
(defmethod trace-special-form 'new [[_ name & args]]
`(new ~name ~@(map trace-form args)))
(defn trace-fn-body [body]
`(~(first body) ~@(map trace-form (rest body))))
(defmethod trace-special-form 'fn* [[_ & args]]
(if (symbol? (first args))
(if (vector? (second args))
`(fn* ~(first args) ~@(trace-fn-body (rest args)))
`(fn* ~(first args) ~@(map trace-fn-body (rest args))))
(if (vector? (first args))
`(fn* ~@(trace-fn-body args))
`(fn* ~@(map trace-fn-body args)))))
(defmethod trace-special-form :default [form]
(defn trace-value [v]
(vector? v) `(vector ~@(map trace-form v))
(map? v) `(into {} ~(vec (map trace-value v)))
(set? v) `(into #{} ~(vec (map trace-form v)))
:else v))
(defn recurs? [form]
(if (and (or (list? form)
(seq? form))
(> (count form) 0))
(condp = (first form)
'recur true
'quote false
(some identity (map recurs? (rest form))))
(defn trace-form* [form]
(if (and (or (list? form)
(seq? form))
(> (count form) 0))
(if (*ignore* (first form))
(let [sform (trace-special-form form)]
(if (= sform :default)
(let [mform (macroexpand-1 form)]
(if (= form mform)
(cons (first mform) (map trace-form (rest mform)))
(trace-form mform)))
(trace-value form)))
(defn trace-form [form]
(if (recurs? form)
(trace-form* form)
~(trace-form* form)
(catch Exception e#
(print "Form failed: ")
(pprint '~form)
(throw e#)))))
(defmacro trace-forms [& body]
~@(map trace-form body)))
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