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Last active February 21, 2021 09:56
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PoC for encoding/decoding null bytes in shellcode
// A simple PoC for the blog post : Encoding Null Bytes Faster With Escape Sequences
// odzhan, june 2020
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <limits.h>
typedef uint8_t u8;
typedef uint32_t u32;
#define NULLZ_KEY 0x4D
#define NULLZ_FILE "nullz.bin"
// compatible with x86 and x86-64
char NULLZ_DECODER[] = {
/* 0000 */ "\xeb\x17" /* jmp 0x19 */
/* 0002 */ "\x5e" /* pop esi */
/* 0003 */ "\xad" /* lodsd */
#define NULLZ_LEN 5
/* 0004 */ "\x35\x78\x56\x34\x12" /* xor eax, 0x12345678 */
/* 0009 */ "\x91" /* xchg eax, ecx */
/* 000A */ "\x56" /* push esi */
/* 000B */ "\x5f" /* pop edi */
/* 000C */ "\x56" /* push esi */
/* 000D */ "\xac" /* lodsb */
/* 000E */ "\xfe\xc8" /* dec al */
/* 0010 */ "\x75\x03" /* jne 0x15 */
/* 0012 */ "\xac" /* lodsb */
/* 0013 */ "\x34\x4d" /* xor al, 0x4d */
/* 0015 */ "\xaa" /* stosb */
/* 0016 */ "\xe2\xf5" /* loop 0xd */
/* 0018 */ "\xc3" /* ret */
/* 0019 */ "\xe8\xe4\xff\xff\xff" /* call 2 */
// create an executable loader
void make_loader(size_t inlen, const char *outfile) {
struct stat fs;
FILE *in=NULL, *out=NULL;
void *buf=NULL;
u8 *ptr;
u32 key, xlen, outlen;
// read size of file
if(stat(outfile, &fs) != 0) {perror(outfile); goto make_end;}
if(fs.st_size == 0) {printf("%s is empty.\n", outfile); goto make_end;}
// allocate memory for decoder + file
outlen = fs.st_size + NULLZ_DECODER_SIZE + sizeof(int);
buf = malloc(outlen);
if(buf == NULL) {perror("malloc()"); goto make_end;}
in = fopen(outfile, "rb");
if(!in) {perror(outfile); goto make_end;}
out = fopen(NULLZ_FILE, "wb");
if(!out) {perror(NULLZ_FILE); goto make_end;}
// find a key for the original length
for(key = -1; key != 0; key--) {
xlen = inlen ^ key;
while(xlen) {
if(!(xlen & 0xFF)) break;
xlen >>= 8;
if(xlen == 0) break;
if(key == 0) {
printf("unable to find key.\n");
goto make_end;
// 1. copy decoder
ptr = (u8*)buf;
// 2. set the key to decrypt original length
memcpy(&ptr[NULLZ_LEN], &key, sizeof(key));
// 3. set the original length of code
xlen = inlen ^ key;
memcpy(ptr, &xlen, sizeof(xlen));
ptr += sizeof(xlen);
// 4. set the data to decode
fread(ptr, 1, fs.st_size, in);
// 5. save data to file
fwrite(buf, 1, outlen, out);
printf("Loader saved to %s\n", NULLZ_FILE);
// encode a file to eliminate null bytes
void nullz_encode(FILE *in, FILE *out) {
uint8_t c, t;
for(;;) {
// read byte
c = getc(in);
// end of file? exit
if(feof(in)) break;
// adding one is just an example
t = c + 1;
// is the result 0(avoid) or 1(escape)?
if(t == 0 || t == 1) {
// write escape sequence
putc(0x01, out);
// XOR is just an example.
// Avoid using 0x00 or 0xFF with XOR!
putc(c ^ NULLZ_KEY, out);
} else {
// save byte plus 1
putc(c + 1, out);
// decode a file to restore null bytes
void nullz_decode(FILE *in, FILE *out) {
uint8_t c, t;
for(;;) {
// read byte
c = getc(in);
// end of file? exit
if(feof(in)) break;
// if this is an escape sequence
if(c == 0x01) {
// read next byte and XOR it
c = getc(in);
putc(c ^ NULLZ_KEY, out);
} else {
// else subtract byte
putc(c - 1, out);
// User interface. Args are input and output file.
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
struct stat fs;
FILE *in, *out;
// Check arguments
if ((argc!=4)||((argv[1][0]!='e')&&(argv[1][0]!='d'))) {
printf("Usage: nullz e/d infile outfile\n");
return 0;
if(stat(argv[2], &fs) != 0) {perror(argv[2]); return -1;}
if(fs.st_size == 0) {printf("%s is empty.\n", argv[2]); return -1;}
in = fopen(argv[2], "rb");
if (!in) {perror(argv[2]); return -1;}
out = fopen(argv[3], "wb");
if (!out) {perror(argv[3]); return -1;}
if (argv[1][0]=='e') {
printf("Encoding %s to %s ...\n", argv[2], argv[3]);
nullz_encode(in, out);
} else {
printf("Decoding %s from %s ...\n", argv[3], argv[2]);
nullz_decode(in, out);
make_loader(fs.st_size, argv[3]);
return 0;
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