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oec/fd_test.go Secret

Created August 31, 2018 13:01
Test for open sockets for goproxy
package goproxy_test
// build +linux
import (
func oneShotProxyNoKeepalive(proxy *goproxy.ProxyHttpServer, t *testing.T) (client *http.Client, s *httptest.Server) {
s = httptest.NewServer(proxy)
proxyUrl, _ := url.Parse(s.URL)
tr := &http.Transport{TLSClientConfig: acceptAllCerts, Proxy: http.ProxyURL(proxyUrl), DisableKeepAlives: true}
client = &http.Client{Transport: tr}
func printfds(msg string, t *testing.T) int {
fd, _ := os.Open("/proc/self/fd")
fds, _ := fd.Readdir(-1)
names := []string{}
links := []string{}
for _, f := range fds {
names = append(names, f.Name())
link, _ := os.Readlink("/proc/self/fd/" + f.Name())
links = append(links, link)
lines := []string{}
for i := range names {
lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("%2v → %v", names[i], links[i]))
t.Logf("[%s] /proc/self/fd:\n\t%s", msg, strings.Join(lines, "\n\t"))
return len(fds)
func TestFDCountConnect(t *testing.T) {
proxy := goproxy.NewProxyHttpServer()
althttps := httptest.NewTLSServer(ConstantHanlder("althttps"))
proxy.OnRequest().HandleConnectFunc(func(host string, ctx *goproxy.ProxyCtx) (*goproxy.ConnectAction, string) {
u, _ := url.Parse(althttps.URL)
printfds("in handler", t)
return goproxy.OkConnect, u.Host
before := printfds("before", t)
for i := range "12345" {
pre := fmt.Sprintf("call %d", i+1)
printfds(pre+", before", t)
client, l := oneShotProxyNoKeepalive(proxy, t)
if resp := string(getOrFail(https.URL+"/alturl", client, t)); resp != "althttps" {
t.Error("Proxy should redirect CONNECT requests to local althttps server, expected 'althttps' got ", resp)
printfds(pre+", after", t)
after := printfds("after", t)
if before != after {
t.Errorf("#FD before ≠ after! FD before: %d, after: %d", before, after)
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