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Last active December 31, 2015 05:49
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Tmux Commands
Tmux commands
Time to play around with tmux commands:
Ctrl-b c Create new window
Ctrl-b d Detach current client
Ctrl-b l Move to previously selected window
Ctrl-b n Move to the next window
Ctrl-b p Move to the previous window
Ctrl-b & Kill the current window
Ctrl-b , Rename the current window
Ctrl-b % Split the current window into two panes
Ctrl-b q Show pane numbers (used to switch between panes)
Ctrl-b o Switch to the next pane
Ctrl-b ? List all keybindings
Ctrl-b n (Move to the next window)
Ctrl-b p (Move to the previous window)
Ctrl-b l (Move to the previously selected window)
Ctrl-b w (List all windows / window numbers)
Ctrl-b <window number> (Move to the specified window number, the default bindings are from 0 – 9)
Ctrl-b % (Split the window vertically)
Ctrl-b : “split-window” (Split window horizontally)
Ctrl-b o (Goto next pane)
Ctrl-b q (Show pane numbers, when the numbers show up type the key to goto that pane)
Ctrl-b { (Move the current pane left)
Ctrl-b } (Move the current pane right)
Using TMUX
First let's open some windows and panes, hit Ctrl-b c and then Ctrl-b , to rename the window (just think of a random name). To switch between these windows you can use Ctrl-b p and Ctrl-b n (next and previous window respectively). Then if we want to split this window into two panes, we use Ctrl-b %. To navigate between panes we can just use Ctrl-b "arrow key" or Ctrl-b q and then hit the number of the right pane. To automatically arrange the panes hit Ctrl-b "SPACEBAR".
Configuring Tmux
In your homefolder create a file called
. In here we can set multiple tmux parameters. For instance this my (edited) tmux configuration:
set-window-option -g utf8 on
set -g default-terminal screen-256color
set -g status-bg black
set -g status-fg white
set -g status-interval 1
set-option -g pane-active-border-fg green
set-option -g pane-active-border-bg black
set-option -g pane-border-fg white
set-option -g pane-border-bg black
set-window-option -g window-status-fg yellow
set-window-option -g window-status-bg black
set-window-option -g window-status-attr dim
set-window-option -g window-status-current-fg red
set-window-option -g window-status-current-bg default
set-window-option -g window-status-current-attr bright
set -g status-left '#[fg=green]#H#[fg=red]:#[fg=white]#S #[fg=green]][#[default]'
set -g status-right "#[fg=gray,bright]#(whoami)#[default,fg=white,bg=black]|#[fg=white,bg=black,bright]%a %d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S#[default]"
set -g status-right-length 50
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