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oeon/ Secret

Last active December 21, 2019 23:07
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setup Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team's Task Manager on Amazon EC2

Login to > Go to the Console > click EC2.

Launch Instance > Select provided AMI in Quick Start section, for Ubuntu > t2.micro/free tier eligible will work fine...Click the Review and Launch button > accept defaults and click Launch button.

Create a new key pair, give key pair a name value, download key pair > Click Launch Instances after key pair has downloaded.
Click View Instances > In EC2 Dashboard, click Instances and first note your Public IP address (write it down), then scroll all the way to the right - click the launch-wizard link in the Security Groups section > In the Inbound tab > click Edit > Add Rule > Type='All traffic', Source='Anywhere', Save.

Connecting to your server, for Mac and Windows:

(For Mac/Unix) Open > alter the permissions of the key, something like chmod 0600 yourkey.pem.
Run something like ssh -i yourkey.pem ubuntu@12.345.67.89 in your Terminal.

(For Windows) Download Putty if needed. Navigate to where PuTTY is installed in All Programs and open the PuTTYgen utility. Load the .pem file and save as .ppk private key.

Putty > Connection > SSH > click on Auth section > load private key.
Click back on Session section and enter your IP address.
Save Session with a name for quick loading next time.

The login in username is ubuntu.

(Resume instructions for all operating systems) after sucessfully connecting to your server via SSH...

Update/upgrade server with sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get upgrade (accept by pressing Y). If reaching purple screen, accept default choice and press enter.

sudo apt-get install python-setuptools python-dev libpq-dev apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi git postgresql-9.3-postgis-2.1 (accept by pressing Y).

Now follow setup steps documented at

(hint: right click to paste in PuTTY) enter commands line by line.

Create local.ini file with nano e.g. nano local.ini, change PASSWORD to your password.

Stop following the steps before the 'Launch the Application' section.

Create an Apache config file. Copy the code from here: > Paste into a new file e.g. sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/osmtm.conf be sure to alter the Location (line 13) parameter if you're serving your app from a URL like

Create a file named OSMTM.wsgi in ~/osm-tasking-manager/env > Copy its contents from but change last line to match osm-tasking-manager2 not osm-tasking-manager.

Execute this series of commands:
sudo a2dissite 000-default
sudo a2ensite osmtm
sudo service apache2 reload

Open http://your-public-ip/osmtm (http://12.345.67.89/osmtm) in a web browser.

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