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Last active September 1, 2023 02:01
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Echo chess generator
import sys
import random
from itertools import chain
from dataclasses import dataclass
@dataclass(eq=True, frozen=True)
class P:
rank: int
file: int
def __repr__(self):
return f'{chr(96 + self.rank)}{self.file}'
def __add__(self, other):
return self.__class__(self.rank + other.rank, self.file + other.file)
class Bounds:
width: int
height: int
def __contains__(self, p):
return 1 <= p.rank <= self.width and 1 <= p.file <= self.height
class King:
def __repr__(self):
return "K"
def moves(self):
yield from [(False, True, P(0, 1)), (False, True, P(1, 0)), (False, True, P(-1, 0)), (False, True, P(0, -1)), (False, True, P(1, 1)), (False, True, P(-1, -1)), (False, True, P(-1, 1)), (False, True, P(1, -1))]
class Pawn:
def __repr__(self):
return "P"
def moves(self):
yield from [(False, False, P(0, 1)), (True, True, P(-1, 1)), (True, True, P(1, 1))]
class Knight:
def __repr__(self):
return "N"
def moves(self):
yield from [(False, True, P(-2, -1)), (False, True, P(-2, 1)), (False, True, P(-1, -2)), (False, True, P(-1, 2)), (False, True, P(1, -2)), (False, True, P(1, 2)), (False, True, P(2, -1)), (False, True, P(2, 1))]
pieces = [Pawn(), Knight(), King()]
def reachable(piece, bounds, source):
history = set([source])
def go(u):
for (final, capture, n) in piece.moves():
v = u + n
if v not in history and v in bounds:
if capture:
yield v
if not final:
yield from go(v)
yield from go(source)
def dijkstra(piece, bounds, source, target):
dist = {}
prev = {}
dist[source] = 0
q = set([source])
history = set()
while len(q) > 0:
u = min(q, key=lambda p: dist[p])
for (final, capture, n) in piece.moves():
v = u + n
if v not in history and v in bounds:
if not final:
if (alt := dist[u] + 1) < dist.get(v, float('Inf')):
dist[v] = alt
prev[v] = u
path = []
u = target
while prev.get(u, None):
path.insert(0, u)
u = prev[u]
path.insert(0, source)
return path
def generate(bounds, source, piece):
explored = set([source])
board = {}
u = source
while True:
board[u] = piece
r = list(reachable(piece, bounds, u))
for v in r:
if v not in explored:
moves = dijkstra(piece, bounds, u, v)
piece = random.choice(pieces)
u = moves[-1]
return board
print(generate(Bounds(4, 4), P(1, 1), Knight()))
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