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Forked from ssylvia/BannerNotification.js
Last active August 16, 2018 13:26
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Banner Notification

Banner Notification Install Instructions

Step 1: Add BannerNotification.js file to the app.

Step 2: Verify that the strings have been added to the respective NLS template.js files.

  • Viewer Strings (Strings needed for the reuseable banner notification module)
  • Builder Strings (Strings specific to the https transition notification)

Step 3: Import and/or configure viewer strings into the BannerNotification.js.

Step 4: Import the BannerNofication.js file into the app

  • define(['path/to/BuilderNofication'], function(BuilderNofication) {...})
// Import reusable strings as needed (e.g. dojo/i18n!./path/to/template.js)
], function(
// String Object (e.g. ViewerStrings)
) {
'use strict';
var existingNotifications = [];
var isUniqueNotification = function(id) {
if (existingNotifications.indexOf(id) >= 0) {
return false;
return true;
return function(options) {
// Configuration needed for each template to reference string and other settings
var config = {
// BannerNotification strings
strings: i18n.viewer.bannerNotification
var settings = {
// Unique ID for notification DOM element
// Background color of banner message and primary action buttons
primaryColor: options.primaryColor || '#027bd2',
// Contrasing color used with primary color
secondaryColor: options.secondaryColor || '#fff',
// Override the "Learn More" text in the banner button.
bannerMainActionText: options.bannerMainActionText || config.strings.learnMore,
// The browser tooltip text for the close button
bannerCloseActionText: options.bannerCloseActionText || config.strings.close,
// Text to display next to a checkbox to tell the user the message shouldn't display again
dontShowAgainText: options.dontShowAgainText || config.strings.dontShowAgain,
// The message to display in the banner
bannerMsg: options.bannerMsg,
// The html of the main message. CSS supports the following tags h1, h2, h3, and p.
mainMsgHtml: options.mainMsgHtml,
// An array of action objects
// {
// primary: true or false, Should the button be themed as a primary action or secondary action.
// string: 'Example', // The text for the button
// action: function () {...}, // The method to call
// closeOnAction: true or false, // Should the banner notification be closed when the action is called
// }
actions: [].concat(options.actions),
// The cookie properties for "Do not show again"
// See syntax attributes:
// Supported attributes (domain, path, and max-age)
// {
// domain: '',
// path: '/example/path',
// maxAge: 123456 //(calculated expiry date for browser support).
// }
cookie: {
domain: options.cookie.domain,
path: options.cookie.path,
maxAge: options.cookie.maxAge || 0
// The number of times to show the banner message before it doesn't shown
// again.
autohideAfter: typeof options.autohideAfter !== 'undefined' ? options.autohideAfter : 2,
// The number of milliseconds after which the banner will disappear.
fadeAfter: typeof options.fadeAfter !== 'undefined' ? options.fadeAfter : 30000,
// The IDs of other banner notification that will block this banner from
// showing if their hidden cookie has not been set. This allows you to
// only show a single banner per app load.
// NOTE: All blockingNotifications must use the same cookie domain
blockingNotifications: options.blockingNotifications || []
var cookieKey = 'bannerNotification_' + + '_hidden';
var setDontShowCookie = function(incrementAutoHide) {
var domain = settings.cookie.domain ? "domain=" + settings.cookie.domain + ";" : "";
var path = settings.cookie.path ? "path=" + settings.cookie.path + ";" : "";
var maxAge = new Date(new Date().getTime() + (settings.cookie.maxAge * 1000)).toUTCString();
var expiresNow = new Date().toUTCString();
var dontShowCheckbox = document.querySelector('#'+ + '-banner-notification-dont-show');
if (dontShowCheckbox && dontShowCheckbox.checked) {
document.cookie = cookieKey + "=true;expires=" + maxAge + ";" + domain + path;
} else if (incrementAutoHide === true) {
var cookieValue = document.cookie.replace(new RegExp("(?:(?:^|.*;\\s*)" + cookieKey + "\\s*\\=\\s*([^;]*).*$)|^.*$"), "$1");
var cookieInt = parseInt(cookieValue);
if (settings.autohideAfter === 0) {
document.cookie = cookieKey + "=true;expires=" + maxAge + ";" + domain + path;
} else if (cookieValue.length === 0) {
document.cookie = cookieKey + "=0;expires=" + maxAge + ";" + domain + path;
} else if (cookieInt !== NaN && cookieInt < settings.autohideAfter - 1) {
document.cookie = cookieKey + "=" + (cookieInt + 1) + ";expires=" + maxAge + ";" + domain + path;
} else if (cookieInt !== NaN && cookieInt >= settings.autohideAfter - 1) {
window.onbeforeunload = function() {
var cv = document.cookie.replace(new RegExp("(?:(?:^|.*;\\s*)" + cookieKey + "\\s*\\=\\s*([^;]*).*$)|^.*$"), "$1");
if (cv !== 'false') {
document.cookie = cookieKey + "=true;expires=" + maxAge + ";" + domain + path;
} else {
document.cookie = cookieKey + "=false;expires=" + maxAge + ";" + domain + path;
var bannerTimer;
var isNotificationBlocked = function() {
var isBlocked = false;
var blockingNotifications = [].concat(settings.blockingNotifications);
for (var i = 0; i < blockingNotifications.length; i++) {
if (document.cookie.replace(new RegExp("(?:(?:^|.*;\\s*)bannerNotification_" + blockingNotifications[i] + "_hidden\\s*\\=\\s*([^;]*).*$)|^.*$"), "$1") !== 'true') {
isBlocked = true;
return isBlocked;
var isHidden = function () {
var cookieValue = document.cookie.replace(new RegExp("(?:(?:^|.*;\\s*)" + cookieKey + "\\s*\\=\\s*([^;]*).*$)|^.*$"), "$1");
if (settings.autohideAfter === 0) {
return true;
if (isNotificationBlocked() || < 0) {
return true;
return cookieValue === 'true';
if (!isHidden() && isUniqueNotification( {
var styleTag = '\
<style type="text/css">\
.mobile-view .banner-notification {\
display: none;\
.banner-notification {\
position: fixed;\
top: 0;\
width: 100%;\
z-index: 9999;\
animation-duration: 1s;\
animation-name: slideInBannerNotificationMiniMessage;\
font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;\
#' + + '.banner-notification .mini-msg-popup {\
background-color: ' + settings.primaryColor + ';\
color: ' + settings.secondaryColor + ';\
padding: 8px 45px 8px 8px;\
text-align: center;\
font-size: 16px;\
cursor: pointer;\
.banner-notification button {\
border: solid 1px;\
margin: 0;\
padding: 3px 6px;\
border-radius: 3px;\
width: auto;\
overflow: visible;\
background: inherit;\
font: inherit;\
color: inherit;\
cursor: pointer;\
text-align: inherit;\
-webkit-font-smoothing: inherit;\
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: inherit;\
-webkit-appearance: none;\
.banner-notification .mini-msg-popup p {\
display: inline-block;\
font-size: 16px;\
padding: 3px;\
#' + + '.banner-notification .mini-msg-btn {\
border-color: ' + settings.secondaryColor + ';\
background-color: ' + settings.primaryColor + ';\
font-size: 13px;\
#' + + '.banner-notification .mini-msg-btn:hover,\
#' + + '.banner-notification .mini-msg-btn:focus {\
color: ' + settings.primaryColor + ';\
background-color: ' + settings.secondaryColor + ';\
.banner-notification .mini-close {\
position: absolute;\
border: none;\
right: 1px;\
top: -1px;\
border-radius: 0;\
background: none;\
padding: 0 10px 4px;\
font-size: 36px;\
line-height: 1;\
opacity: 0.6;\
overflow: hidden;\
@media all and (-ms-high-contrast: none), (-ms-high-contrast: active) {\
.banner-notification .mini-close {\
top: 3px;\
@supports (-ms-ime-align:auto) {\
.banner-notification .mini-close {\
top: 3px;\
.banner-notification .mini-close:hover,\
.banner-notification .mini-close:focus {\
opacity: 1;\
@keyframes slideInBannerNotificationMiniMessage {\
from {\
top: -50px;\
to: {\
top: 0\
.banner-notification .main-msg-wrapper {\
display: none;\
width: 100%;\
background-color: #fff;\
overflow: auto;\
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;\
.banner-notification.msg-visible .main-msg-wrapper {\
display: block;\
.banner-notification.msg-visible .banner-notification-learn-more-btn {\
display: none;\
.banner-notification .text-column-wrapper {\
width: 100%;\
max-width: 700px;\
margin: auto;\
line-height: 1.6em;\
.banner-notification .text-column-wrapper-inner {\
width: 100%;\
margin: 0 15px;\
.banner-notification .text-column-wrapper h1 {\
font-size: 1.9em;\
margin: 25px 0 15px;\
font-weight: 400;\
.banner-notification .text-column-wrapper h2 {\
font-size: 1.5em;\
margin: 30px 0 -10px;\
font-weight: 400;\
.banner-notification .text-column-wrapper h3 {\
font-size: 1.3em;\
margin: 30px 0 -10px;\
font-weight: 400;\
.banner-notification .text-column-wrapper p {\
margin: 20px 0 0;\
font-size: 1.1em;\
font-weight: 200; \
.banner-notification .text-column-wrapper p strong{\
font-weight: 400;\
#' + + '.banner-notification .text-column-wrapper p a {\
font-weight: 200;\
color: ' + settings.primaryColor + ';\
#' + + '.banner-notification .main-msg-btn {\
margin: 15px 7px 0 0;\
padding: 3px 22px;\
border-color: ' + settings.primaryColor + ';\
font-size: 15px;\
#' + + '.banner-notification .primary-action {\
color: ' + settings.secondaryColor + ';\
background-color: ' + settings.primaryColor + ';\
#' + + '.banner-notification .primary-action:hover,\
#' + + '.banner-notification .primary-action:focus {\
color: ' + settings.primaryColor + ';\
background-color: ' + settings.secondaryColor + ';\
#' + + '.banner-notification .secondary-action {\
color: ' + settings.primaryColor + ';\
background-color: ' + settings.secondaryColor + ';\
#' + + '.banner-notification .secondary-action:hover,\
#' + + '.banner-notification .secondary-action:focus {\
color: ' + settings.secondaryColor + ';\
background-color: ' + settings.primaryColor + ';\
.banner-notification .banner-notification-dont-show {\
margin: 25px 0 0 0;\
.banner-notification .banner-notification-dont-show label {\
display: inline;\
font-size: 0.9em;\
vertical-align: middle;\
.banner-notification .actions-buttons {\
padding-bottom: 15px;\
.banner-notification.msg-visible .main-msg-wrapper {\
opacity: 1;\
animation-duration: 0.5s; \
animation-name: openBannerNotificationMainMessage; \
@keyframes openBannerNotificationMainMessage {\
from {\
opacity: 0;\
to: {\
opacity: 1;\
.banner-notification.closing {\
opacity: 0;\
animation-duration: 0.5s; \
animation-name: closeBannerNotificationMessage; \
@keyframes closeBannerNotificationMessage {\
from {\
opacity: 1;\
to: {\
opacity: 0;\
var miniMsgTemplate = '\
<div class="mini-msg-popup">\
<p>' + settings.bannerMsg + '</p>&nbsp;\
<button type="button" class="mini-msg-btn banner-notification-learn-more-btn">' + settings.bannerMainActionText + '</button>\
<button type="button" class="banner-notification-close-btn mini-close" title=' + settings.bannerCloseActionText + '>&times;</button>\
var mainMsgTemplate = '\
<div class="main-msg-wrapper">\
<div class="text-column-wrapper">\
' + settings.mainMsgHtml + '\
<form class="banner-notification-dont-show">\
<input type="checkbox" id="'+ + '-banner-notification-dont-show">\
<label for="'+ + '-banner-notification-dont-show">' + settings.dontShowAgainText + '</label>\
<div class="actions-buttons"></div>\
var appendActionButtons = function() {
var actionsPanel = document.querySelector('#' + + ' .actions-buttons');
for (var i = 0; i < settings.actions.length; i++) {
var props = settings.actions[i];
var actionBtn = document.createElement('button');
actionBtn.innerHTML = props.string;
actionBtn.setAttribute('type', 'button');
if (props.primary) {
} else {
if (props.closeOnAction) {
if (typeof props.action === 'function') {
actionBtn.addEventListener('click', props.action);
actionBtn.addEventListener('keypress', function(e) {
if (e.keyCode === 13) {
var escapeEvent = function (e) {
if (e.keyCode === 27) {
var resizeMainMsg = function () {
var newHeight = document.body.offsetHeight - document.querySelector('#' + + '.banner-notification .mini-msg-popup').offsetHeight;
document.querySelector('#' + + ' .main-msg-wrapper').style.height = newHeight + "px";
var openMessage = function () {
document.querySelector('#' + + '.banner-notification').classList
document.addEventListener('keyup', escapeEvent);
document.querySelector('#' + + '-banner-notification-dont-show').checked = true;
var closeMessage = function (e) {
if (e && e.stopPropagation) {
document.removeEventListener('keyup', escapeEvent);
window.removeEventListener('resize', resizeMainMsg);
var msgWrapper = document.querySelector('#' + + '.banner-notification');
setTimeout(function() {
}, 500);
var createMessage = function() {
// Add DOM elements
// Add actions buttons
// Add events
var learnMore = document.querySelector('#' + + ' .mini-msg-popup');
var closeBtns = document.querySelectorAll('#' + + ' .banner-notification-close-btn');
var dontShowCheckbox = document.querySelector('#'+ + '-banner-notification-dont-show');
window.addEventListener('resize', resizeMainMsg);
// Open Message
learnMore.addEventListener('click', openMessage);
learnMore.addEventListener('keypress', function(e) {
if (e.keyCode === 13) {
// Close Message
for (var i = 0; i < closeBtns.length; i++) {
var closeBtn = closeBtns[i];
closeBtn.addEventListener('click', closeMessage);
closeBtn.addEventListener('keypress', function (e) {
if (e.keyCode == 13) {
// Close message if ignored by author when bannerTimer expires
bannerTimer = setTimeout(closeMessage, settings.fadeAfter);
// Don't show again checkbox
dontShowCheckbox.addEventListener('click', setDontShowCookie);
dontShowCheckbox.addEventListener('keypress', function(e) {
if (e.keyCode === 13) {
// Create wrapper and append to body
var bannerNoficationMsgHtml = styleTag + miniMsgTemplate + mainMsgTemplate;
var bannerNotificationWrapper = document.createElement("div");
bannerNotificationWrapper.className = "banner-notification";
bannerNotificationWrapper.innerHTML = bannerNoficationMsgHtml;
setTimeout(function() {
if (!app.isPortal) {
topic.subscribe(/* 'app-ready' */, function() {
var stringsSurvey = i18n.viewer.surveyJune2018Message;
var stringsHttps = i18n.viewer.httpsTransitionNotification;
new BannerNotification({
id: "storymapsSurvey",
bannerMsg: stringsSurvey.bannerMsg,
primaryColor: '#1e8a87',
mainMsgHtml: '\
<h2>' + stringsSurvey.s1h1 + '</h2>\
<p>' + stringsSurvey.s1p1 + '</p>\
<p>' + stringsSurvey.s1p2 + '</p>\
actions: [
string: stringsSurvey.action1,
closeOnAction: true
primary: true,
string: stringsSurvey.action2,
closeOnAction: true,
action: function() {'');
cookie: {
domain: '',
path: '/',
maxAge: 60 * 60 * 24 * 365
autohideAfter: new Date() > new Date(/*'July 31 2018'*/) ? 0 : 2
new BannerNotification({
id: "httpsTransitionMessage",
bannerMsg: stringsHttps.bannerMsg,
mainMsgHtml: '\
<h2>' + stringsHttps.s1h1 + '</h2>\
<p>' + stringsHttps.s1p1 + '</p>\
<p>' + stringsHttps.s1p2 + '</p>\
<h2>' + stringsHttps.s2h1 + '</h2>\
<p>' + stringsHttps.s2p1 + '</p>\
actions: [
primary: true,
string: stringsHttps.action1,
closeOnAction: true
string: stringsHttps.action2,
action: function() {'');
string: stringsHttps.action3,
action: function() {'');
cookie: {
domain: '',
path: '/',
maxAge: 60 * 60 * 24 * 365
blockingNotifications: 'storymapsSurvey'
httpsTransitionNotification: {
bannerMsg: "Important Message about Web Security and Story Maps",
s1h1: "Esri is enhancing the security of Story Maps",
s1p1: "Your Story Maps live on the web, and the web community is always working to establish and implement better security. HTTPS, which provides a secure connection for content transmitted over the internet, is emerging as the expected way to access web content. Most modern browsers now show warning messages when HTTP instead of HTTPS is used. Because of this emerging standard, beginning with the June 2018 update to ArcGIS Online, your Story Maps will need to use HTTPS.",
s1p2: "Practically speaking, this means a story map and all its content (including images, layers, embedded apps and websites) must be accessed using links that start with HTTPS rather than HTTP. This ensures the best experience for your readers because most web browsers will indicate that your stories are secure.",
s2h1: "What do I need to do?",
s2p1: "Esri is working to make this an easy transition for Story Map authors and readers. Tools are available now in Story Map builders and My Stories that help you find insecure content (HTTP) in your stories and provide recommendations for how to address it. Please check your stories for insecure content and update to HTTPS before June 2018.",
action1: "Close",
action2: "Check my stories now",
action3: "Learn more"
surveyJune2018Message: {
bannerMsg: "Can we ask you something? It will help shape the future of Story Maps.",
s1h1: "Share your thoughts, shape the future",
s1p1: "Your input is our single most important source of feedback, and learning more about you will help us improve Story Maps. We would be grateful if you could participate in this three-minute survey.",
s1p2: "As always, thanks for using Esri Story Maps!",
action1: "Close",
action2: "Take the survey",
bannerNotification: {
learnMore: "Learn More",
close: "Close",
dontShowAgain: "Don't show this message again"
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