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Created June 17, 2015 00:57
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find peaks PP
static vector <int> getPeaks( ofPolyline & l, float angleThresh, int numToLook, bool bInvert, bool bGroup, int numToSkip = 0 ){
vector <int> results;
if( l.size() >= 3 ){
for(int k = 0; k < l.size(); k++){
ofPoint normal;
bool bPeak = true;
for(int j = 1; j < numToLook; j++){
int L = k - j;
int R = k + j;
int Lp = L+1;
int Rp = R-1;
if( L < 0 ) L += l.size();
if( R >= l.size() ) R -= l.size();
if( Lp < 0 ) Lp += l.size();
if( Rp >= l.size() ) Rp -= l.size();
if( Rp < 0 ) Rp += l.size();
if( Lp >= l.size() ) Lp -= l.size();
if( j == 1 ){
ofPoint delta = l[R] - l[L];
normal.set(-delta.y, delta.x);
if( bInvert ){
normal *= -1.0;
ofPoint vecL = l[L] - l[Lp];
ofPoint vecR = l[R] - l[Rp];
float angle1 = normal.angle(vecL);
float angle2 = normal.angle(vecR);
//cout << " normal is " << normal << " vecL " << vecL << " angle1 = " << angle1 << " vecR is " << vecR << " angle 2 = " << angle2 << endl;
if( fabs(angle1) < 90+angleThresh || fabs(angle2) < 90+angleThresh ){
bPeak = false;
if( bPeak )results.push_back(k);
if( results.size() && bGroup ){
bool bCollecting = false;
int findGoodStart = 0;
for(int k = 0; k < l.size(); k++){
bool bFound = false;
for(int j = 0; j < results.size(); j++){
if( results[j] == k ){
bFound = true;
if( bFound == false){
findGoodStart = k;
vector <int> newResults;
vector <int> curCollection;
int notFoundCount = 0;
for(int k = 0; k < l.size(); k++){
int d = k + findGoodStart;
if( d >= l.size() ) d -= l.size();
bool bFound = false;
for(int j = 0; j < results.size(); j++){
if( results[j] == d ){
bFound = true;
//TODO: erase from here
if( bFound && bCollecting == false ){
bCollecting = true;
notFoundCount = 0;
if( bCollecting ){
if( bFound ){
if( !bFound ){
if( ( !bFound && notFoundCount > numToSkip ) || k == l.size()-1 ){
if( curCollection.size() == 1 ){
}else if( curCollection.size() > 1 ){
int res = curCollection[curCollection.size()/2];
bCollecting = false;
results = newResults;
return results;
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