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Last active September 15, 2020 15:22
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how to make an openframeworks dylib

I'm writing these instructions against OF 0.9 but this should work on 0.9.3, etc.

so the general idea behind making a dylib is to do this:

in the case of OF, it's something like:

cd OF_ROOT/libs/openFrameworksCompiled/lib/osx
g++ -fpic -shared -Wl,-all_load openframeworks.a ../../../poco/lib/osx/PocoCrypto.a ../../../poco/lib/osx/PocoData.a ../../../poco/lib/osx/PocoDataSQLite.a ../../../poco/lib/osx/PocoJSON.a ../../../poco/lib/osx/PocoUtil.a ../../../poco/lib/osx/PocoXML.a ../../../poco/lib/osx/PocoNet.a ../../../poco/lib/osx/PocoNetSSL.a ../../../poco/lib/osx/PocoZip.a ../../../poco/lib/osx/PocoFoundation.a ../../../tess2/lib/osx/tess2.a ../../../glew/lib/osx/glew.a ../../../cairo/lib/osx/cairo-script-interpreter.a ../../../cairo/lib/osx/cairo.a ../../../cairo/lib/osx/pixman-1.a ../../../fmodex/lib/osx/libfmodex.dylib ../../../rtAudio/lib/osx/rtAudio.a ../../../openssl/lib/osx/crypto.a ../../../openssl/lib/osx/ssl.a ../../../glfw/lib/osx/glfw3.a ../../../FreeImage/lib/osx/freeimage.a ../../../freetype/lib/osx/freetype.a ../../../boost/lib/osx/boost_filesystem.a ../../../boost/lib/osx/boost_system.a -framework Accelerate -framework AGL -framework AppKit -framework ApplicationServices -framework AudioToolbox -framework AVFoundation -framework Cocoa -framework CoreAudio -framework CoreFoundation -framework CoreMedia -framework CoreServices -framework CoreVideo -framework IOKit -framework OpenGL -framework QuartzCore -framework QuickTime -framework QTKit -F../../../glut/lib/osx -framework GLUT  -Wl,-noall_load -o openframeworks.dylib

but a problem is that there are two libraries in openframeworks that use zlib (pocoFoundation and freeImage). In order to fix this, we will need to remove zlib from the compiled poco library by hand.

we basically follow this tutorial:

here's the steps:

change directory to poco/lib/osx/

#check platforms: 
lipo -info PocoFoundation.a  

cp PocoFoundation.a PocoFoundationBackup.a

#split platforms (assuming i386 / x86_64)
lipo -thin i386 PocoFoundation.a -o PocoFoundation_i386.a
lipo -thin x86_64 PocoFoundation.a -o PocoFoundation_x86_64.a

#make a few working directories and move the libs there
mkdir i386
mkdir x86_64

#fix each one

mv PocoFoundation_i386.a i386
cd i386
ar -x PocoFoundation_i386.a
mv PocoFoundation_i386.a ../
rm __.SYMDEF
rm adler32.o compress.o crc32.o deflate.o infback.o inffast.o inflate.o inftrees.o trees.o zutil.o
libtool  -static * -o ../PocoFoundation_noZlib_i386.a

cd ../

mv PocoFoundation_x86_64.a i386
cd x86_64
ar -x PocoFoundation_x86_64.a
mv PocoFoundation_x86_64.a ../
rm __.SYMDEF
rm adler32.o compress.o crc32.o deflate.o infback.o inffast.o inflate.o inftrees.o trees.o zutil.o
libtool  -static * -o ../PocoFoundation_noZlib_x86_64.a

cd ../

lipo -create PocoFoundation_noZlib_i386.a PocoFoundation_noZlib_x86_64.a PocoFoundation.a

now the g++ -fpic -shared above will work...

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