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Last active January 1, 2016 04:19
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  • Save oferreiro/8091355 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save oferreiro/8091355 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
require "json"
require "hashie"
"data": {
"type": "image",
"users_in_photo": [{
"user": {
"username": "kevin",
"full_name": "Kevin S",
"id": "3",
"profile_picture": "..."
"position": {
"x": 0.315,
"y": 0.9111
"filter": "Walden",
"tags": [],
"comments": {
"data": [{
"created_time": "1279332030",
"text": "Love the sign here",
"from": {
"username": "mikeyk",
"full_name": "Mikey Krieger",
"id": "4",
"profile_picture": ""
"id": "8"
"created_time": "1279341004",
"text": "Chilako taco",
"from": {
"username": "kevin",
"full_name": "Kevin S",
"id": "3",
"profile_picture": "..."
"id": "3"
"count": 2
"caption": null,
"likes": {
"count": 1,
"data": [{
"username": "mikeyk",
"full_name": "Mikeyk",
"id": "4",
"profile_picture": "..."
"link": "",
"user": {
"username": "kevin",
"full_name": "Kevin S",
"profile_picture": "...",
"bio": "...",
"website": "...",
"id": "3"
"created_time": "1279340983",
"images": {
"low_resolution": {
"url": "",
"width": 306,
"height": 306
"thumbnail": {
"url": "",
"width": 150,
"height": 150
"standard_resolution": {
"url": "",
"width": 612,
"height": 612
"id": "3",
"location": null
hr = "-------------------------------------------"
instagram_hash = JSON.parse instagram_json
@instagram = instagram_hash
puts @instagram
puts hr
puts hr
puts hr
puts hr
puts "each in"
puts hr do |comment|
puts comment
puts hr
puts "each in puts comment.from.username"
puts hr do |comment|
puts comment.from.username
puts hr
puts hr
puts hr
# Error. Don't exists…
# puts[2].from.username
puts "User data"
puts hr
puts hr
puts "User username"
irb(main):001:0> require "./instagr_json_to_hashie.rb"
#<Hashie::Mash data=#<Hashie::Mash caption=nil comments=#<Hashie::Mash count=2 data=[#<Hashie::Mash created_time="1279332030" from=#<Hashie::Mash full_name="Mikey Krieger" id="4" profile_picture="" username="mikeyk"> id="8" text="Love the sign here">, #<Hashie::Mash created_time="1279341004" from=#<Hashie::Mash full_name="Kevin S" id="3" profile_picture="..." username="kevin"> id="3" text="Chilako taco">]> created_time="1279340983" filter="Walden" id="3" images=#<Hashie::Mash low_resolution=#<Hashie::Mash height=306 url="" width=306> standard_resolution=#<Hashie::Mash height=612 url="" width=612> thumbnail=#<Hashie::Mash height=150 url="" width=150>> likes=#<Hashie::Mash count=1 data=[#<Hashie::Mash full_name="Mikeyk" id="4" profile_picture="..." username="mikeyk">]> link="" location=nil tags=[] type="image" user=#<Hashie::Mash bio="..." full_name="Kevin S" id="3" profile_picture="..." username="kevin" website="..."> users_in_photo=[#<Hashie::Mash position=#<Hashie::Mash x=0.315 y=0.9111> user=#<Hashie::Mash full_name="Kevin S" id="3" profile_picture="..." username="kevin">>]>>
#<Hashie::Mash caption=nil comments=#<Hashie::Mash count=2 data=[#<Hashie::Mash created_time="1279332030" from=#<Hashie::Mash full_name="Mikey Krieger" id="4" profile_picture="" username="mikeyk"> id="8" text="Love the sign here">, #<Hashie::Mash created_time="1279341004" from=#<Hashie::Mash full_name="Kevin S" id="3" profile_picture="..." username="kevin"> id="3" text="Chilako taco">]> created_time="1279340983" filter="Walden" id="3" images=#<Hashie::Mash low_resolution=#<Hashie::Mash height=306 url="" width=306> standard_resolution=#<Hashie::Mash height=612 url="" width=612> thumbnail=#<Hashie::Mash height=150 url="" width=150>> likes=#<Hashie::Mash count=1 data=[#<Hashie::Mash full_name="Mikeyk" id="4" profile_picture="..." username="mikeyk">]> link="" location=nil tags=[] type="image" user=#<Hashie::Mash bio="..." full_name="Kevin S" id="3" profile_picture="..." username="kevin" website="..."> users_in_photo=[#<Hashie::Mash position=#<Hashie::Mash x=0.315 y=0.9111> user=#<Hashie::Mash full_name="Kevin S" id="3" profile_picture="..." username="kevin">>]>
#<Hashie::Mash count=2 data=[#<Hashie::Mash created_time="1279332030" from=#<Hashie::Mash full_name="Mikey Krieger" id="4" profile_picture="" username="mikeyk"> id="8" text="Love the sign here">, #<Hashie::Mash created_time="1279341004" from=#<Hashie::Mash full_name="Kevin S" id="3" profile_picture="..." username="kevin"> id="3" text="Chilako taco">]>
#<Hashie::Mash created_time="1279332030" from=#<Hashie::Mash full_name="Mikey Krieger" id="4" profile_picture="" username="mikeyk"> id="8" text="Love the sign here">
#<Hashie::Mash created_time="1279341004" from=#<Hashie::Mash full_name="Kevin S" id="3" profile_picture="..." username="kevin"> id="3" text="Chilako taco">
each in
#<Hashie::Mash created_time="1279332030" from=#<Hashie::Mash full_name="Mikey Krieger" id="4" profile_picture="" username="mikeyk"> id="8" text="Love the sign here">
#<Hashie::Mash created_time="1279341004" from=#<Hashie::Mash full_name="Kevin S" id="3" profile_picture="..." username="kevin"> id="3" text="Chilako taco">
each in puts comment.from.username
User data
#<Hashie::Mash bio="..." full_name="Kevin S" id="3" profile_picture="..." username="kevin" website="...">
User username
=> true
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