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Last active October 16, 2019 03:42
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Winning Streak simulation code of Mr. Yu's ML Lecture week 5
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
def three_continous() -> None:
def has_three_continous(possible):
return "111" in possible
all_possible = ["1", "0"]
for _ in range(PLAY_TIMES-1):
tmp_possible = []
for i in all_possible:
tmp_possible.append(i + "1")
tmp_possible.append(i + "0")
all_possible = tmp_possible
# print(tmp_possible)
# for i in tmp_possible:
# print(has_three_continous(i))
all_count = 0
cont_count = 0
for i in all_possible:
all_count += 1
if has_three_continous(i):
cont_count += 1
# n >= 1
def winning_streak(n: int, m: int, p: int, std_out=True):
def has_m_streak(pattern: str, m: int):
return "1"*m in pattern
all_possible = {
"1": p,
"0": 1-p
for _ in range(n-1):
tmp_possible = {}
for pattern, poss in all_possible.items():
tmp_possible[pattern+"1"] = poss * p
tmp_possible[pattern+"0"] = poss * (1-p)
all_possible = tmp_possible
possibility = 0
for pattern, poss in all_possible.items():
if has_m_streak(pattern, m):
possibility += poss
if std_out:
print("for {} winning streak in {} matches, winning rate is {}".format(m, n, p))
return possibility
def simple_test():
winning_streak(10, 3, 0.5)
def main():
# Fixing random state for reproducibility
# ================ BELOW IS REFER TO ==================
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
# p = 0.5
# n and m varies
colors = ['r', 'g', 'b']
yticks = [15, 10, 5] # n that differs
for c, k in zip(colors, yticks):
# Generate the random data for the y=k 'layer'.
xs = np.arange(k)
ys = np.array([winning_streak(k, m, 0.5, std_out=False) for m in xs])
# You can provide either a single color or an array with the same length as
# xs and ys. To demonstrate this, we color the first bar of each set cyan.
cs = [c] * len(xs)
cs[0] = 'c'
# Plot the bar graph given by xs and ys on the plane y=k with 80% opacity., ys, zs=k, zdir='y', color=cs, alpha=0.8)
# On the y axis let's only label the discrete values that we have data for.
if __name__ == "__main__":
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