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Created January 27, 2012 20:30
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My rtorrent Screen Config
# AgentGreasy/OffbeatAdam's rtorrent ScreenRC
## Terminal Settings (for 256 Colors, thanks Lion!) ##
term screen-256color
# Just in case, additional settings for xterm
attrcolor b ".I"
termcapinfo xterm 'Co#256:AB=\E[48;5;%dm:AF=\E[38;5;%dm'
defbce on
# Status Bar
backtick 1 5 5 true
termcapinfo rxvt* 'hs:ts=\E]2;:fs=\007:ds=\E]2;\007'
hardstatus string "screen (%n: %t)"
caption string "%{= kw}%Y-%m-%d;%c %{= kw}%-Lw%{= kG}%{+b}[%n %t]%{-b}%{= kw}%+Lw%1`"
caption always
# Prevent text-editor ghosting (visible after quit)
altscreen on
# I know how to use screen, disable the welcome.
startup_message off
# I don't like not being able to scroll easily.
termcapinfo xterm* ti@:te@
# Let's open up some default screens.
screen -t 0 rtorrent -n -o
screen -t btn 1 rtorrent -n -o import=.btn.rt
screen -t tehconnection 2 rtorrent -n -o import=.tehconnection.rt
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