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Created March 14, 2016 09:57
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automatic jekyll breadcrumb
<ol class="breadcrumb">
<li><a href="{{ site.baseurl }}/">Home</a></li>
{% capture page_url_without_index_html %}{{ page.url | remove: "/index.html" }}{% endcapture %}
{% assign splitted_url_parts = page_url_without_index_html | split: '/' %}
{% capture forLoopMaxInt %}{{ splitted_url_parts.size | minus:1 }}{% endcapture %}
{% for i in (1..forLoopMaxInt) %}
{% capture current_breadcrumb_url %}{{next_prepender}}/{{ splitted_url_parts[i] }}/index.html{% endcapture %}
{% capture current_breadcrumb_md_url %}{{next_prepender}}/{{ splitted_url_parts[i] }}/{% endcapture %}
{% capture next_prepender %}{{next_prepender}}/{{ splitted_url_parts[i] }}{% endcapture %}
{% for breadcrumb_page in site.pages %}
{% if current_breadcrumb_url == breadcrumb_page.url or current_breadcrumb_md_url == breadcrumb_page.url %}
{% assign j = forLoopMaxInt | plus: 0 %}
<li {% if i == j %}class="active"{% endif %}>
{% capture breadcrumb_page_page_url_without_index_html %}{{ breadcrumb_page.url | remove: "index.html" }}{% endcapture %}
<a href="{{ site.baseurl }}{{breadcrumb_page_page_url_without_index_html}}">{{breadcrumb_page.breadcrumb}}</a>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
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dhhepting commented May 17, 2018

Thanks for this gist.
For Bootstrap 4.1.1 breadcrumbs, the markup has changed a bit, and the active item doesn't need link. I've made these changes in my fork of this gist.

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