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Eric Hanchrow offby1

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2010-01-05T05:54:46-0800 <= ":offby1!n=foo@bar PRIVMSG rudybot :http://foo/bar/baz/gazonga/foo/bar/baz/gazonga/foo/bar/baz/gazonga/foo/bar/baz/gazonga"
2010-01-05T05:54:48-0800 => "NOTICE rudybot :"
2010-01-05T05:54:48-0800 offby1 privately said http://foo/bar/baz/gazonga/foo/bar/baz/gazonga/foo/bar/baz/gazonga/foo/bar/baz/gazonga to me
2010-01-05T05:54:48-0800 Not doing http://foo/bar/baz/gazonga/foo/bar/baz/gazonga/foo/bar/baz/gazonga/foo/bar/baz/gazonga ()
2010-01-05T05:54:48-0800 => "PRIVMSG offby1 :eh? Try \"rudybot: help\"."
"na" 31 "/me nods absently"
"naively" 5 "naïvely"
"ng" 182 "/me nods gravely"
"ns" 317 "/me nods sagely"
"nv" 2 "/me nods vigorously"
"atm" 40 "at the moment"
"bas" 194 "/me backs away slowly"
"dli" 62 "/me dances like an idiot in the end zone"
"eiz" 2 "◎_◎"
"fucks" 1 "f***s"
"gan" 1114 "/me glances around nervously."
"iinm" 4 "if I'm not mistaken"
"iinm " 0 "if I'm not mistaken"
(when (require 'erc-join nil t)
(setq erc-autojoin-channels-alist
(,(rx (and "" string-end)) .
(defun copy-buffer-file-name (use-backslashes)
"Puts the file name of the current buffer (or the current directory,
if the buffer isn't visiting a file) onto the kill ring, so that it
can be retrieved with \\[yank], or by another program. With argument,
uses backslashes instead of forward slashes."
(interactive "P")
(let ((fn (subst-char-in-string
(if use-backslashes ?\\ ?/)
12:04:23 [erich@flap tmp]$ git clone git://
Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/perl101/.git/
remote: Counting objects: 386, done.
Receiving objects: 100% (386/386), 88.20 KiB | 115 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (190/190), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (188/188), done.
remote: Total 386 (delta 190), reused 375 (delta 185)
12:04:32 [erich@flap tmp]$ cd perl101/
12:04:34 [erich@flap perl101] (master)$ git remote add petdance git://
12:04:49 [erich@flap perl101] (master)$ git remote update
19:02:52 [erich@flap x] (master)$ git stash list
stash@{0}: WIP on master: 67a053e yeah
19:02:55 [erich@flap x] (master)$ git ss stash@{0}
commit 76977a5
Merge: 67a053e fa52c4d
Author: Eric Hanchrow <>
Date: Sat Feb 13 19:02:30 2010
WIP on master: 67a053e yeah
22:07:32 [erich@debian git] (master)$ git status
# On branch master
nothing to commit (working directory clean)
22:07:34 [erich@debian git] (master)$ git revert --no-commit 0afcb5f7915337c76c6743dab70c49facdeddd7e
Finished one revert.
22:07:36 [erich@debian git] (master)$ git status
# On branch master
# Changes to be committed:
# (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
[remote "github"]
url =
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/github/*
21:06:09 [erich@flap etc] (master)$ cd oh-my-zsh/
21:06:12 [erich@flap oh-my-zsh] (master)$ ls
21:06:13 [erich@flap oh-my-zsh] (master)$ touch frotz
21:06:16 [erich@flap oh-my-zsh] (master)$ git add frotz
fatal: Path 'etc/oh-my-zsh/frotz' is in submodule 'etc/oh-my-zsh'
21:06:17 [erich@flap oh-my-zsh] (master)$ git status
# On branch master
nothing to commit (working directory clean)