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Last active November 17, 2022 11:39
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  • Save officialpiyush/1d029e5a9c977194b2d1caf129f41eb5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save officialpiyush/1d029e5a9c977194b2d1caf129f41eb5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Install Modmail bot on your linux vps easily


How To Run?

  • Upload the script attached to your vps with its name as
  • Run chmod +x ./
  • Then run sudo ./ (Ignore sudo if logged in as a root user)
  • After the script has been completed successfully, just run pipenv run python3 modmail/ and pipenv run python3 logviewer/ to start the logviewer and the bot!

Running 24/7

  • Install pm2 and create a bash file
    pipenv run python3.7

Got Issues?

echo "Script Started"
pip3 install pipenv
echo "Installing modmail"
git clone
echo "Done! Installing Deps"
cd modmail
pipenv install
echo "Installed Deps!"
cd ..
git clone
cd logviewer
echo "Cloned LogViewer, Installing deps"
pipenv install
echo "Installed Deps Of LogViewer"
cd ..
cd modmail
touch .env
echo "Enter TOKEN [Your discord bot's token.]"
read token
echo TOKEN=$token >>.env
echo "Enter GUILD_ID [The id for the server you are hosting this bot for.]"
read gid
echo GUILD_ID=$gid >>.env
echo "Enter Owner ID's [Comma separated user IDs of people that are allowed to use owner only commands. (eval and update).]"
read own
echo OWNERS=$own >>.env
echo "Enter MONGO_URI [Mongo DB connection URI for self-hosting your data.]"
read uri
echo MONGO_URI=$uri >>.env
echo "Enter LOG_URL [This can be the ip and port of your vps which you will set later]"
read lu
echo LOG_URL=$lu >>.env
echo "Completed Setup for modmail, not settings for logviewer"
cd ..
cd logviewer
touch .env
echo MONGO_URI=$uri >>.env
echo "Completed Setup!"
exit 0
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