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Created January 13, 2023 09:59
Authorization Code Flow easy guideline for linkedin api. just replace your value and every think work fine.

I create a guideline for you how to create a authorization token by linkedin API


  1. client_id (Require)
  2. redirect_uri (Require)
  3. scope (Require)
  4. response_type (The response_type value is always be code for example response_type: code)
  5. state (Random unique string read more in docs) 
redirect_uri=  state=RandomString&

Step 1*******oo&redirect_uri=http://localhost:3000/&state=foobar&scope=rw_organization_admin%20w_organization_social%20r_organization_social%20w_member_social%20r_member_social

Note: scope is allways convert to urlencoded without comman.

In the first step we recive two value code and state as responce by linkedin authorization API. We use code and state for step 2.

your response look like code vaild for 10 min or maybe less


Step 2

For step 2 we need code and state paste code in code section*******oo

After you recevice your access token and refresh token, test it with following curl command.

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \

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