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Created August 2, 2017 05:57
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Unwatch All Org Repos
// Navigate to and then run:
// Taken from:
.forEach(el => { const org = el.querySelector('a[href^="/YOUR_ORG"]'); if (org) el.querySelector('button').click()});
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ypcrts commented Sep 8, 2020

hey @github PMs! notice me senpai. we struggle with autowatch, especially when added to teams with 1892731892379812739 repos.

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gaqzi commented Sep 8, 2020

there is an option to not automatically watch repositories when you get added to a team, but sometimes it's just a bit too late to learn about that option… :P

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ypcrts commented Sep 12, 2020

I actually want autowatch. I want to watch all the things. But now if someone adds me to the wrong team. Then I want to mass unwatch.


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edman commented Nov 23, 2020

Here's the latest working script, adapted from @gaqzi's

(function() {
let qx = $x;
let unwatch = function(org, notificationType) {
  let nodes = document.querySelectorAll('.Box-row');
  let rows = [ ...nodes ];
  let orgRows = rows.filter(e => e.innerText.startsWith(`${org}/`));
  let orgUnsubButtons = => row.querySelector(`button.SelectMenu-item[value="${notificationType}"]`));
  orgUnsubButtons.forEach(button => console.log(;
  setTimeout(function() {
  }, 1000);

let org = 'ORG'; // <--- change ORG to desired organization, and repeat for all pages
let notificationType = 'included'; // 'included' = participating and @mentions, 'subscribed' = all activity, 'ignore' = ignore
unwatch(org, notificationType);

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stas00 commented Jan 25, 2021

@edman's revision worked today - thank you!

just a note that one needs to continue to reload the page and re-run the script multiple times if there are multiple screens.

there is an option to not automatically watch repositories when you get added to a team, but sometimes it's just a bit too late to learn about that option… :P

That's a great tip - thank you, @gaqzi!

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Mxrcon commented Jul 16, 2021

Thanks for the last revision @edman still working! This gist is amazing.

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thank you guys, don't know what I would have done without you!

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Thanks for the last revision @edman still working! This gist is amazing.

For me too -- thanks much!

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gander commented Oct 14, 2021

My quick implementation to only remove stuff I don't want to track.

setInterval(() => {
  let ignore = ['vite', 'vue', 'awesome', 'livewire'];
  document.querySelectorAll('.Box-row').forEach((row) => {
    let url = new URL(row.querySelector('a').href);
    if (new RegExp(ignore.join("|")).test(url.pathname.toLowerCase())) return;
}, 250);

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Mehul commented Nov 10, 2021

Had to modify script from @edman / @gaqzi to get it work for me in FF/Chrome. Minor changes, thanks to @dwells:

(function() {
  let qx = $x;
  let unwatch = function(org, notificationType) {
    let nodes = document.querySelectorAll(".Box-row");
    let rows = [...nodes];
    let orgRows = rows.filter(e => e.innerText.startsWith(`${org}/`));
    let orgUnsubButtons = =>
    orgUnsubButtons.forEach(button => console.log(;
    //orgUnsubButtons.forEach(button => console.log(`click ${notificationType}`));
    setTimeout(function() {}, 1000);
  let org = "ORG"; // <--- change ORG to desired organization, and repeat for all pages
  let notificationType = "included"; // 'included' = participating and @mentions, 'subscribed' = all activity, 'ignore' = ignore
  unwatch(org, notificationType);

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Anigif commented Mar 21, 2022

This feature now seems to be integrated into Just click "Unwatch all" and selected the organization.

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