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Created June 6, 2018 18:42
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  • Save oflarcade/4bcdb48fbe974527f119ccb0dc3d3f70 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save oflarcade/4bcdb48fbe974527f119ccb0dc3d3f70 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { View, Text, StyleSheet, ImageBackground, Dimensions, Image, } from 'react-native';
import * as Animatable from 'react-native-animatable';
import Expo, { SQLite, AdMobBanner } from 'expo';
import { Container, Content, Body, Right, Header, Left, Button } from 'native-base';
import AwesomeButton from 'react-native-really-awesome-button';
import AnimateNumber from 'react-native-animate-number'
import DropdownAlert from 'react-native-dropdownalert';
import LottieView from 'lottie-react-native';
import triviaStore from '../Store/store';
import questionsText from '../data/questions';
import levels from '../data/levels';
const db = SQLite.openDatabase('database.db');
const bannerWidth = Dimensions.get('window').width;
const screenHeight = Dimensions.get('window').height;
export default class winLose extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = triviaStore.getState();
triviaStore.subscribe(() => {
onError = () => {
let msg = '';
if (this.state.questionNbr < 10) {
msg = questionsText[this.state.questionNbr + 1].name;
else {
msg = questionsText[this.state.questionNbr].name
switch (this.state.questionNbr) {
case 1: {
if (this.state.questionTwo) {
this.dropdown.alertWithType('success', 'تم فتح', msg);
} break;
case 2: {
if (this.state.questionThree) {
this.dropdown.alertWithType('success', 'تم فتح', msg);
} break;
case 3: {
if (this.state.questionFour) {
this.dropdown.alertWithType('success', 'تم فتح', msg);
} break;
case 4: {
if (this.state.questionFive) {
this.dropdown.alertWithType('success', 'تم فتح', msg);
} break;
case 5: {
if (this.state.questionSix) {
this.dropdown.alertWithType('success', 'تم فتح', msg);
if (!(this.state.levelNbr == 7))
setTimeout(() => { this.dropdown.alertWithType('success', 'تم فتح', levels[this.state.levelNbr + 1].name); }, 2000)
} break;
case 6: {
if (this.state.questionSeven) {
this.dropdown.alertWithType('success', 'تم فتح', msg);
} break;
case 7: {
if (this.state.questionEight) {
this.dropdown.alertWithType('success', 'تم فتح', msg);
} break;
case 8: {
if (this.state.questionNine) {
this.dropdown.alertWithType('success', 'تم فتح', msg);
} break;
case 9: {
if (this.state.questionTen) {
this.dropdown.alertWithType('success', 'تم فتح', msg);
} break;
default: {
this.dropdown.alertWithType('success', 'حسنة', ' لقد انتهيت من جميع الأسئلة لهذا المستوى');
onClose(data) {
// data = {type, title, message, action}
// action means how the alert was closed.
// returns: automatic, programmatic, tap, pan or cancel
componentWillMount() {
this.persistQuestionData(this.state.levelNbr, this.state.questionNbr)
componentDidMount() {
displayStore (){
displayData = () => {
db.transaction(tx => {
(tx, results) => {
let len = results.rows.length;
if (len > 0) {
let row = results.rows.item(0);
bannerError() {
console.log("An error");
scorePersistor = (score) => {
console.log('we are persisting this value of score:', score)
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET score = ? WHERE id = 1', [score]) })
persistQuestionData = (ln, qn) => { // here dispatch NextquestionUnlocker levelunlocker then we persist ,the questionStatus ,the questionSolved ,the score
if (ln === 1) {
switch (qn) {
case 1:
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked;
if (!this.state.questionOne && this.state.questionTwo) {
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); // plus 10
} else {
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); // plus 1
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ2' });
console.log('value of score :', this.state.score )
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionOne = 0, questionTwo =0, score =?, questionSolved = ? where id = 1', [this.state.score, this.state.questionUnlocked]); })
this.scorePersistor(this.state.score) ; break;
case 2: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked });
if (!this.state.questionTwo && this.state.questionThree) {
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' });
} else {
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' });
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ3' });
console.log('entering database:',this.state.score)
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionTwo = 0, questionThree =0, score =?, questionSolved = ? where id = 1', [this.state.score, this.state.questionUnlocked]); })
} break;
case 3: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (!this.state.questionThree && this.state.questionFour) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ4' });
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionThree = 0, questionFour=0, score =?, questionSolved = ? where id = 1', [this.state.score, this.state.questionUnlocked]); })
} break;
case 4: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (!this.state.questionFour && this.state.questionFive) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ5' });
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionFour = 0, questionFive=0, score =?, questionSolved = ? where id = 1', [this.state.score, this.state.questionUnlocked]); })
} break;
case 5: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (!this.state.questionFive && this.state.questionSix) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ6' }); triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKL2' });
db.transaction(tx => {
tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionFive = 0, questionSix=0, score =?, questionSolved = ? where id = 1', [this.state.score, this.state.questionUnlocked]);
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET levelUnlocked = 0, score = ? where id = 2', [score]); })
} break;
case 6: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (!this.state.questionSix && this.state.questionSeven) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ7' });
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionSix = 0, questionSeven=0, score =?, questionSolved = ? where id = 1', [this.state.score, this.state.questionUnlocked]); })
} break;
case 7: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (!this.state.questionSeven && this.state.questionEight) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ8' });
db.transaction(tx => {
tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionSeven = 0, questionEight=0, score =?, questionSolved = ? where id = 1', [this.state.score, this.state.questionUnlocked]);
} break;
case 8: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (!this.state.questionEight && this.state.questionNine) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ9' });
db.transaction(tx => {
tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionEight = 0, questionNine=0, score =?, questionSolved = ? where id = 1', [this.state.score, this.state.questionUnlocked]);
} break;
case 9: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (!this.state.questionNine && this.state.questionTen) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ10' });
db.transaction(tx => {
tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionNine = 0, questionTen=0, score =?, questionSolved = ? where id = 1', [this.state.score, this.state.questionUnlocked]);
} break;
case 10: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (this.state.questionTen) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); }
db.transaction(tx => {
tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionTen = 0, score =?, questionSolved = ? where id = 1', [this.state.score, this.state.questionUnlocked]);
} break;
} else if (ln === 2) {
switch (qn) {
case 1: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (!this.state.questionOne && this.state.questionTwo) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ2' });
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionOne = 0, questionTwo =0, where id = 2'); })
} break;
case 2: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (!this.state.questionTwo && this.state.questionThree) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ3' });
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionTwo = 0, questionThree =0, where id = 2'); })
} break;
case 3: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (!this.state.questionThree && this.state.questionFour) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ4' });
db.transaction(tx => {
tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionThree = 0, questionFour=0, where id = 2');
} break;
case 4: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (!this.state.questionFour && this.state.questionFive) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ5' });
db.transaction(tx => {
tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionFour = 0, questionFive=0, where id = 2');
} break;
case 5: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (!this.state.questionFive && this.state.questionSix) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ6' }); triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKL3' });
db.transaction(tx => {
tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionFive = 0, questionSix=0, where id = 2');
tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET levelUnlocked = 0, where id = 3', [score]);
} break;
case 6: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (!this.state.questionSix && this.state.questionSeven) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ7' });
db.transaction(tx => {
tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionSix = 0, questionSeven=0, where id = 2');
} break;
case 7: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (!this.state.questionSeven && this.state.questionEight) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ8' });
db.transaction(tx => {
tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionSeven = 0, questionEight=0, where id = 2');
} break;
case 8: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (!this.state.questionEight && this.state.questionNine) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ9' });
db.transaction(tx => {
tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionEight = 0, questionNine=0, where id = 2');
} break;
case 9: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (!this.state.questionNine && this.state.questionTen) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ10' });
db.transaction(tx => {
tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionNine = 0, questionTen=0, where id = 2');
} break;
case 10: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (this.state.questionTen) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); }
db.transaction(tx => {
tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionTen = 0, where id = 2');
} break;
} else if (ln === 3) {
switch (qn) {
case 1: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionOne = 0, questionTwo=0 where id = 3'); })
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (!this.state.questionOne && this.state.questionTwo) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ2' });
case 2: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionTwo = 0, questionThree =0, where id = 3'); })
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (!this.state.questionTwo && this.state.questionThree){ triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ3' });
} break;
case 3: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => {
tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionThree = 0, questionFour =0, where id = 3');
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (this.state.questionThree) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ4' });
} break;
case 4: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => {
tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionFour = 0, questionFive=0, where id = 3');
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (this.state.questionFour) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ5' });
} break;
case 5: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => {
tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionFive = 0, questionSix =0, where id = 3');
tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET levelUnlocked = 0, where id = 4');
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (this.state.questionFive) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ6' }); triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKL4' });
} break;
case 6: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionSix = 0, questionSeven=0, where id = 3'); })
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (this.state.questionSix) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ7' });
} break;
case 7: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionSeven = 0, questionEight=0, where id = 3'); })
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (this.state.questionSeven) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ8' });
} break;
case 8: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionEight = 0, questionNine=0, where id = 3'); })
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (this.state.questionEight) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ9' });
} break;
case 9: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionNine = 0, questionTen=0, where id = 3'); })
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (this.state.questionNine) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ10' });
} break;
case 10: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionTen = 0, where id = 3'); })
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (this.state.questionTen) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); }
} break;
} else if (ln === 4) {
switch (qn) {
case 1: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionOne = 0, questionTwo =0, where id = 4'); })
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (!this.state.questionOne && this.state.questionTwo) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ2' });
} break;
case 2: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionTwo = 0, questionThree =0, where id = 4'); })
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (!this.state.questionTwo && this.state.questionThree){ triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ3' });
} break;
case 3: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionThree = 0, quetionFour=0, where id = 4'); })
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (this.state.questionThree) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ4' });
} break;
case 4: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionFour = 0, questionFive=0, where id = 4'); })
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (this.state.questionFour) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ5' });
} break;
case 5: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => {
tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionFive = 0, questionSix=0 where id = 4');
tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET levelUnlocked = 0, score=? where id = 5', [score]);
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (this.state.questionFive) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ6' }); triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKL5' });
} break;
case 6: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionSix = 0, questionSeven=0, where id = 4'); })
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (this.state.questionSix) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ7' });
} break;
case 7: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionSeven = 0, questionEight=0, where id = 4'); })
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (this.state.questionSeven) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ8' });
} break;
case 8: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionEight = 0, questionNine=0, where id = 4'); })
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (this.state.questionEight) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ9' });
} break;
case 9: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionNine = 0, questionTen=0, where id = 4'); })
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (this.state.questionNine) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ10' });
} break;
case 10: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionTen = 0, where id = 4'); })
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (this.state.questionTen) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); }
} break;
} else if (ln === 5) {
switch (qn) {
case 1: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionOne = 0, questionTwo=0 where id = 5'); })
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (!this.state.questionOne && this.state.questionTwo) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ2' });
} break;
case 2: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionTwo = 0, questionThree =0 where id = 5'); })
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (!this.state.questionTwo && this.state.questionThree){ triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ3' });
} break;
case 3: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionThree = 0, questionFour =0 where id = 5'); })
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (this.state.questionThree) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ4' });
} break;
case 4: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionFour = 0, questionFive = 0 where id = 5'); })
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (this.state.questionFour) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ5' });
} break;
case 5: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => {
tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionFive = 0, questionSix=0, where id = 5');
tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET levelUnlocked = 0, where id = 6');
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (this.state.questionFive) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ6' }); triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKL6' });
} break;
case 6: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionSix = 0, questionSeven=0 where id = 5'); })
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (this.state.questionSix) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ7' });
} break;
case 7: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionSeven = 0, questionEight=0 where id = 5'); })
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (this.state.questionSeven) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ8' });
} break;
case 8: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionEight = 0, questionNine=0 where id = 5'); })
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (this.state.questionEight) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ9' });
} break;
case 9: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionNine = 0, questionTen=0 where id = 5'); })
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (this.state.questionNine) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ10' });
} break;
case 10: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionTen = 0 where id = 5'); })
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (this.state.questionTen) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else {
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE', score });
} break;
} else if (ln === 6) {
switch (qn) {
case 1: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionOne = 0, questionTwo=0 where id = 6'); })
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (!this.state.questionOne && this.state.questionTwo) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ2' });
} break;
case 2: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionTwo = 0, questionThree=0 score =?, questionSolved = ? where id = 6', [this.state.score, this.state.questionUnlocked]); })
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (!this.state.questionTwo && this.state.questionThree){ triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ3' });
} break;
case 3: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionThree = 0, questionFour=0 where id = 6'); })
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (this.state.questionThree) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ4' });
} break;
case 4: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionFour = 0, questionFive=0 where id = 6'); })
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (this.state.questionFour) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ5' });
} break;
case 5: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => {
tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionFive = 0, questionSix=0 where id = 6');
tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET levelUnlocked = 0, score=? where id = 7', [score]);
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (this.state.questionFive) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ6' }); triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKL7' });
} break;
case 6: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionSix = 0, questionSeven = 0 where id = 6'); })
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (this.state.questionSix) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ7' });
} break;
case 7: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionSeven = 0, questionEight =0 where id = 6'); })
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (this.state.questionSeven) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ8' });
} break;
case 8: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionEight = 0, questionNine=0 where id = 6'); })
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (this.state.questionEight) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ9' });
} break;
case 9: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionNine = 0, questionTen=0 where id = 6'); })
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (this.state.questionNine) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ10' });
} break;
case 10: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionTen = 0 where id = 6'); })
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (this.state.questionTen) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else {
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE', score });
} break;
} else if (ln === 7) {
switch (qn) {
case 1: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionOne = 0, questionTwo = 0 where id = 7'); })
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (!this.state.questionOne && this.state.questionTwo) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ2' });
} break;
case 2: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionTwo = 0, questionThree =0 where id = 7'); })
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (!this.state.questionTwo && this.state.questionThree){ triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ3' });
} break;
case 3: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionThree = 0, questionFour = 0 where id = 7'); })
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (this.state.questionThree) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ4' });
} break;
case 4: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionFour = 0, questionFive = 0 where id = 7'); })
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (this.state.questionFour) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ5' });
} break;
case 5: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionFive = 0, questionSix=0 where id = 7'); })
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (this.state.questionFive) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ6' });
} break;
case 6: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionSix = 0, questionSeven =0 where id = 7'); })
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (this.state.questionSix) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ7' });
} break;
case 7: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionSeven = 0, questionEight =0 where id = 7'); })
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (this.state.questionSeven) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ8' });
} break;
case 8: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionEight = 0, questionNine=0 where id = 7'); })
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (this.state.questionEight) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ9' });
} break;
case 9: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionNine = 0, questionTen =0 where id = 7'); })
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (this.state.questionNine) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE' }); } triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'UNLOCKQ10' });
} break;
case 10: {
let questionUnlocked = this.state.questionUnlocked; let score = this.state.score;
db.transaction(tx => { tx.executeSql('UPDATE GAMEDATABASE SET questionTen = 0 where id = 7'); })
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SOLVED', questionUnlocked }); if (this.state.questionTen) { triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCORE' }); } else {
triviaStore.dispatch({ type: 'SCOREBEFORE', score });
} break;
//if levelone is unlocked keep array of data
_goBack = () => {
/* */
if (this.state.questionNbr < 10) {
} else
getText = () => {
let text1 = 'السؤال التالي'
let text2 = 'الباب التالي'
if (this.state.questionNbr < 10) {
return text1
else {
return text2
render() {
return (
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<Content style={styles.container}>
<View style={styles.body}>
timing="easeIn" />
<Animatable.Text animation="fadeInUpBig" iterationCount={1} direction="alternate" easing="ease" useNativeDriver style={styles.text}> أحسنت</Animatable.Text>
onPress={() => { setTimeout(() => { this._goBack() }, 3000); }}>
<Text style={styles.buttonText}> {this.getText()} </Text>
<Button onPress={()=> this.displayStore()}>
<Text>Display Store</Text>
<Button onPress={()=>this.displayData()}>
<Text>Display dataBase</Text>
<View style={styles.banner}>
ref={ref => this.dropdown = ref}
onClose={data => this.onClose(data)}
successColor={'#4bb29e'} />
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