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Created July 17, 2018 01:52
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compile chars backup
charFiles = c(list.files('/srv/shiny-server/printSheetApp/chars/',full.names = TRUE),
list.files('/srv/shiny-server/interactiveSheet/chars/',full.names = TRUE),
list.files('/srv/shiny-server/chars',full.names = TRUE),
list.files('/srv/shiny-server/chars2', full.names = TRUE),
list.files('/srv/shiny-server/chars3', full.names = TRUE),
list.files('/srv/shiny-server/chars4', full.names = TRUE))
chars = charFiles %>% lapply(function(x){
importCharacter(file = x)
fileInfo =
fileData = charFiles %>% basename %>% strsplit('_')
chars = lapply(1:length(chars),function(i){
char = chars[[i]]
char$date = fileInfo$mtime[i]
if(length(fileData[[i]]) == 1){
char$ip = 'NULL'
char$finger = 'NULL'
char$hash = fileData[[i]]
} else{
char$finger = fileData[[i]][1]
char$ip = fileData[[i]][2]
char$hash = fileData[[i]][3]
names(chars) = chars %>% map_chr(function(x){
charTable = chars %>% map(function(x){
data.frame(ip = x$ip,
finger = x$finger,
hash = x$hash,
name = x$Name,
race = x$Race,
date = x$date,
class = paste(x$classInfo[,1],x$classInfo[,3],collapse=', '),
justClass = x$classInfo[,'Class'] %>% paste(collapse =', '),
subclass = x$classInfo[,'Archetype'] %>% paste(collapse =', '),
level = x$classInfo[,'Level'] %>% as.integer() %>% sum,
day = x$date %>% format('%m %d'),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
}) %>%,.)
charTable$date %>% table %>% sort
charTable$date[!as.Date(charTable$date) > as.Date('2018-04-16')]
charTable %>% filter(as.Date(date) > as.Date('2018-04-16')) %$% date %>% weekdays() %>% table %>% sort %>% plot
# user = list(dummy = list(ip = 'hede',
# finger = 'hede',
# hash = 'hede',
# char = 'hede',
# fellows = 1))
# for(i in seq_len(nrow(charTable))){
# userIPs = user %>% map('ip')
# userFingers = user %>% map('finger')
# userHashes = user %>% map('hash')
# userChars = user %>% map('char')
# userFellows = user %>% map('fellows')
# ipMatches = findInList(charTable$ip[i], userIPs)
# fingerMatches =findInList(charTable$finger[i], userFingers)
# hashMatches =findInList(charTable$hash[i], userHashes)
# charMatches =findInList(paste(charTable$name[i],gsub(' [0-9]+','',charTable$class[i])), userChars)
# }
charTable %>% filter(justClass == "Fighter") %>% arrange(desc(level))%>% {.[!duplicated(.$name),]} %$%subclass %>% table %>% sort %>% as.df %>%
ggplot(aes(x =.,y= Freq)) + geom_bar(stat ='identity') + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=90,vjust = .5,hjust =1))
charCounts = chars %>% map_chr(function(x){
}) %>% duplicated %>% {chars[!.]} %>% map_chr('ClassField') %>% gsub(x = .,pattern = ' [0-9]+',replacement = '') %>%
{data.frame(names(.), .)} %>% unique %$% . %>% table %>% sort
# uniqueChars = chars %>% map_chr(function(x){
# paste(x$Name,x$ClassField) %>% gsub
# }) %>% unique %>% sort
charCounts %>% as.df %>% filter(Freq>=20) %>% ggplot(aes(x =.,y= Freq)) + geom_bar(stat ='identity') + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=90,vjust = .5,hjust =1))
sum(charCounts)/as.integer(Sys.Date() - as.Date('2018-04-06'))
# char stats
secureTable = charTable
secureTable$ip %<>% sapply(function(x){
if(x %in% c('','NULL')){
} else{
secureTable$name %<>% sapply(digest,'sha1')
uniqueTable = charTable %>% arrange(desc(level)) %>% {.[!duplicated(paste(.$name,.$justClass)),]}
charCounts = uniqueTable$justClass %>% table %>% sort
# fivethirtyeight re-create
races = uniqueTable$race %>% unique
races = c(Aarakocra = 'Aarakocra',
Aasimar = 'Aasimar',
Bugbear= 'Bugbear',
Dragonborn = 'Dragonborn',
Dwarf = 'Dwarf',
Elf = '(?<!Half-)Elf',
Firbolg = 'Firbolg',
Genasi= 'Genasi',
Gith = 'Geth',
Gnome = 'Gnome',
Goliath = 'Goliath',
'Half-Elf' = '(Half-Elf)|(Variant)',
'Half-Orc' = 'Half-Orc',
Halfling = 'Halfling',
Hobgoblin = 'Hobgoblin',
Human = 'Human',
Kenku = 'Kenku',
Kobold = 'Kobold',
Lizardfolk = 'Lizardfolk',
Orc = '(?<!Half-)Orc',
'Yaun-Ti' = 'Serpentblood',
Tabaxi = 'Tabaxi',
Tiefling ='Tiefling|Lineage',
Triton = 'Triton',
Turtle = 'Turtle|Tortle')
uniqueTable$justClass %<>% gsub(pattern = 'Revised ', replacement = '',x = .)
uniqueTable$class %<>% gsub(pattern = 'Revised ', replacement = '',x = .)
classes = uniqueTable$justClass %>% str_split(', ') %>% unlist %>% unique
coOccurenceMatrix = matrix(0 , nrow=length(races),ncol = length(classes))
colnames(coOccurenceMatrix) = classes
rownames(coOccurenceMatrix) = names(races)
for (i in seq_along(races)){
for (j in seq_along(classes)){
((grepl(races[i],uniqueTable$race,perl= TRUE)) * {
classLevel =str_extract(uniqueTable$class,glue('(?<={classes[j]} )[0-9]+')) %>% {.[] = 0;.} %>% as.integer()
}) %>% sum -> coOcc
coOccurenceMatrix[i,j] = coOcc
coOccurenceMatrixSubset = coOccurenceMatrix[,!coOccurenceMatrix %>% apply(2,sum) %>% {.<2}]
coOccurenceMatrixSubset = coOccurenceMatrixSubset[!coOccurenceMatrixSubset %>% apply(1,sum) %>% {.<2},]
coOccurenceMatrixSubset =
coOccurenceMatrixSubset[coOccurenceMatrixSubset %>% apply(1,sum) %>% order(decreasing = FALSE),
coOccurenceMatrixSubset %>% apply(2,sum) %>% order(decreasing = TRUE)]
coOccurenceMatrixSubset %>% reshape2::melt() %>% ggplot(aes(x = Var2,y = Var1)) +
geom_tile(aes(fill = value))+
scale_fill_continuous(low = 'white',high = '#46A948')+
# viridis::scale_fill_viridis() +
geom_text(aes(label = value %>% round(2) %>% format(nsmall=2))) +
scale_x_discrete(position='top') + xlab('') + ylab('')
# multiclassing network
coOccurence = uniqueTable$justClass %>% grepl(',',.) %>% {uniqueTable$justClass[.]} %>% gsub(pattern = 'Revised ', replacement = '',x = .)
uniqueClasses = coOccurence %>% strsplit(', ') %>% unlist %>% unique
adjMatrix = matrix(0,nrow= length(uniqueClasses),ncol = length(uniqueClasses))
for (i in seq_along(uniqueClasses)){
for(j in seq_along(uniqueClasses)){
if(i !=j){
adjMatrix[i,j] = sum(grepl(x = coOccurence,pattern = uniqueClasses[i]) & grepl(x = coOccurence,pattern = uniqueClasses[j]))
rownames(adjMatrix) = uniqueClasses
colnames(adjMatrix) = uniqueClasses
network=graph_from_adjacency_matrix( adjMatrix, weighted=T, mode="undirected", diag=F)
E(network)$width <- E(network)$weight
plot(network,layout = layout_as_star,
vertex.size = strength(network)
# normalize network strength by class popularity
adjMatrix = matrix(0,nrow= length(uniqueClasses),ncol = length(uniqueClasses))
for (i in seq_along(uniqueClasses)){
for(j in seq_along(uniqueClasses)){
if(i !=j){
adjMatrix[i,j] = sum(grepl(x = coOccurence,pattern = uniqueClasses[i]) & grepl(x = coOccurence,pattern = uniqueClasses[j]))/
(sum(coOccurenceMatrix[,uniqueClasses[i]]) + sum(coOccurenceMatrix[,uniqueClasses[j]]))
rownames(adjMatrix) = uniqueClasses
colnames(adjMatrix) = uniqueClasses
network=graph_from_adjacency_matrix( adjMatrix, weighted=T, mode="undirected", diag=F)
E(network)$width <- E(network)$weight*100
plot(network,layout = layout_as_star,
vertex.size = strength(network)*100
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