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Created January 12, 2019 01:05
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generatePatterns = function(patterns, # final outputs here
helperPatterns = NULL, # intermediate patterns that won't be returned here
.open= '{', .close = '}'){
for (i in seq_along(helperPatterns)){
helperPatterns[[i]] = with(helperPatterns[1:i],
.open = .open,
.close = .close)})
for (i in seq_along(patterns)) {
patterns[[i]] =
with(c(helperPatterns, patterns[1:i]),
.open = .open,
.close =.close)
parser = function(text,patterns){
patterns %>% lapply(function(x){
matches = gregexpr(x,text,perl = TRUE)
matches %>% lapply(function(y){
lengths = attributes(y)$match.length
starts = y
seq_along(lengths) %>% lapply(function(i){
seq(from = starts[i], to = starts[i] + lengths[i] -1)
}) %>% unlist(recursive = FALSE) -> out
}) -> matches
if(matches %>% unlist() %>% duplicated %>% any){
badmatches = which(matches %>% unlist() %>% duplicated)
stop(paste(badmatches,collapse = ', '),' characters match multiple patterns')
missing = !(seq_len(nchar(text)) %in% (matches %>% unlist))
matches$missing = as.list(which(missing))
flatMatches = matches %>% unlist(recursive=FALSE)
names(flatMatches) = names(matches) %>%
lapply(function(x){rep(x,length(matches[[x]]))}) %>% unlist
flatMatches = flatMatches[order(flatMatches %>% sapply(min))]
charSubsets = flatMatches %>% sapply(function(x){
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