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Created August 27, 2011 11:58
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import org.mozilla.javascript._
class CoffeeScript private(reader: Reader) {
private val _compile = {
val cx = Context.enter()
//generated bytecode for method exceeds 64K limit.回避
val global = cx.initStandardObjects()
cx.evaluateReader(global, reader, "coffee-script.js", 1, null)
val f = cx.compileFunction(global, "function(source, bare) { return CoffeeScript.compile(source, {bare: bare}) }", "_compile", 1, null)
(source: String, bare: java.lang.Boolean) =>, global, null, Array[AnyRef](source, bare)).asInstanceOf[String]
def compile(source: String, bare: Boolean = false): Either[String, String] = {
try {
Right(_compile(source, bare))
} catch {
case ex: JavaScriptException => Left(ex.getValue().toString())
object CoffeeScript {
def using[A, B <: {def close(): Unit}](closeable: B)(f: B => A): A =
try { f(closeable) } finally { closeable.close() }
def fromFile(file: String): Either[Exception,CoffeeScript] = {
try {
using(new FileReader(file)) { reader =>
Right(new CoffeeScript(reader))
catch {
case ex: Exception => Left(ex)
def fromWeb(): Either[Exception,CoffeeScript] = {
try {
val url = new URL("""""")
using(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream())) { reader =>
Right(new CoffeeScript(reader))
catch {
case ex: Exception => Left(ex)
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