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Last active July 3, 2024 14:22
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
from struct import unpack
from bcc import BPF
from socket import if_indextoname
#include <net/sock.h>
//the structure that will be used as a key for
// eBPF table 'proc_ports':
struct port_key {
u8 proto;
u32 saddr;
u32 daddr;
u16 sport;
u16 dport;
// the structure which will be stored in the eBPF table 'proc_ports',
// contains information about the process:
struct port_val {
u32 ifindex;
u32 pid;
u32 tgid;
u32 uid;
u32 gid;
char comm[64];
// Public (accessible from other eBPF programs) eBPF table
// information about the process is written to.
// It is read when a packet appears on the socket:
BPF_TABLE_PUBLIC("hash", struct port_key, struct port_val, proc_ports, 20480);
int trace_udp_sendmsg(struct pt_regs *ctx) {
struct sock *sk = (struct sock *)PT_REGS_PARM1(ctx);
u16 sport = sk->sk_num;
u16 dport = sk->sk_dport;
// Processing only packets on port 53.
// 13568 = ntohs(53);
if (sport == 13568 || dport == 13568) {
// Preparing the data:
u32 saddr = sk->sk_rcv_saddr;
u32 daddr = sk->sk_daddr;
u64 pid_tgid = bpf_get_current_pid_tgid();
u64 uid_gid = bpf_get_current_uid_gid();
// Forming the structure-key.
struct port_key key = {.proto = 17};
key.saddr = htonl(saddr);
key.daddr = htonl(daddr); = sport;
key.dport = htons(dport);
//Forming a structure with socket properties:
struct port_val val = {}; = pid_tgid >> 32;
val.tgid = (u32)pid_tgid;
val.uid = (u32)uid_gid;
val.gid = uid_gid >> 32;
bpf_get_current_comm(val.comm, 64);
//Write the value into the eBPF table:
proc_ports.update(&key, &val);
return 0;
int trace_tcp_sendmsg(struct pt_regs *ctx, struct sock *sk) {
u16 sport = sk->sk_num;
u16 dport = sk->sk_dport;
// Processing only packets on port 53.
// 13568 = ntohs(53);
if (sport == 13568 || dport == 13568) {
// preparing the data:
u32 saddr = sk->sk_rcv_saddr;
u32 daddr = sk->sk_daddr;
u64 pid_tgid = bpf_get_current_pid_tgid();
u64 uid_gid = bpf_get_current_uid_gid();
// Forming the structure-key.
struct port_key key = {.proto = 6};
key.saddr = htonl(saddr);
key.daddr = htonl(daddr); = sport;
key.dport = htons(dport);
//Form a structure with socket properties:
struct port_val val = {}; = pid_tgid >> 32;
val.tgid = (u32)pid_tgid;
val.uid = (u32)uid_gid;
val.gid = uid_gid >> 32;
bpf_get_current_comm(val.comm, 64);
//Write the value into the eBPF table:
proc_ports.update(&key, &val);
return 0;
#include <net/sock.h>
#include <bcc/proto.h>
//the structure that will be used as a key for
// eBPF table 'proc_ports':
struct port_key {
u8 proto;
u32 saddr;
u32 daddr;
u16 sport;
u16 dport;
// the structure which will be stored in the eBPF table 'proc_ports',
// contains information about the process:
struct port_val {
u32 ifindex;
u32 pid;
u32 tgid;
u32 uid;
u32 gid;
char comm[64];
// eBPF table from which information about the process is extracted.
// Filled when calling kernel functions udp_sendmsg()/tcp_sendmsg():
BPF_TABLE("extern", struct port_key, struct port_val, proc_ports, 20480);
// table for transmitting data to the user space:
// Among the data passing through the socket, look for DNS packets
// and check for information about the process:
int dns_matching(struct __sk_buff *skb) {
u8 *cursor = 0;
// check the IP protocol:
struct ethernet_t *ethernet = cursor_advance(cursor, sizeof(*ethernet));
if (ethernet->type == ETH_P_IP) {
struct ip_t *ip = cursor_advance(cursor, sizeof(*ip));
u8 proto;
u16 sport;
u16 dport;
// We check the transport layer protocol:
if (ip->nextp == IPPROTO_UDP) {
struct udp_t *udp = cursor_advance(cursor, sizeof(*udp));
proto = 17;
//receive port data:
sport = udp->sport;
dport = udp->dport;
} else if (ip->nextp == IPPROTO_TCP) {
struct tcp_t *tcp = cursor_advance(cursor, sizeof(*tcp));
// We don't need packets where no data is transmitted:
if (!tcp->flag_psh) {
return 0;
proto = 6;
// We get the port data:
sport = tcp->src_port;
dport = tcp->dst_port;
} else {
return 0;
// if this is a DNS request:
if (dport == 53 || sport == 53) {
// we form the structure-key:
struct port_key key = {};
key.proto = proto;
if (skb->ingress_ifindex == 0) {
key.saddr = ip->src;
key.daddr = ip->dst; = sport;
key.dport = dport;
} else {
key.saddr = ip->dst;
key.daddr = ip->src; = dport;
key.dport = sport;
// By the key we are looking for a value in the eBPF table:
struct port_val *p_val;
p_val = proc_ports.lookup(&key);
// If the value is not found, it means that we do not have information about the
// process, so there is no point in continuing:
if (!p_val) {
return 0;
// network device index:
p_val->ifindex = skb->ifindex;
// pass the structure with the process information along with
// skb->len bytes sent to the socket:
dns_events.perf_submit_skb(skb, skb->len, p_val,
sizeof(struct port_val));
return 0;
} //dport == 53 || sport == 53
} //ethernet->type == ETH_P_IP
return 0;
import dnslib
except ImportError:
print("Error: Python dnslib module required.")
print("Install it with:")
print("\t$ pip3 install dnslib")
print(" or")
print("\t$ sudo apt install python3-dnslib (on Ubuntu 20+)")
def print_dns(cpu, data, size):
import ctypes as ct
class SkbEvent(ct.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("ifindex", ct.c_uint32),
("pid", ct.c_uint32),
("tgid", ct.c_uint32),
("uid", ct.c_uint32),
("gid", ct.c_uint32),
("comm", ct.c_char * 64),
("raw", ct.c_ubyte * (size - ct.sizeof(ct.c_uint32 * 5) - ct.sizeof(ct.c_char * 64)))
# We get our 'port_val' structure and also the packet itself in the 'raw' field:
sk = ct.cast(data, ct.POINTER(SkbEvent)).contents
# Protocols:
NET_PROTO = {6: "TCP", 17: "UDP"}
# eBPF operates on thread names.
# Sometimes they are the same as the process names, but often they are not.
# So we try to get the process name by its PID:
with open(f'/proc/{}/comm', 'r') as proc_comm:
proc_name =
proc_name = sk.comm.decode()
# Get the name of the network interface by index:
ifname = if_indextoname(sk.ifindex)
# The length of the Ethernet frame header is 14 bytes:
ip_packet = bytes(sk.raw[14:])
# The length of the IP packet header is not fixed due to the arbitrary
# number of parameters.
# Of all the possible IP header we are only interested in 20 bytes:
(length, _, _, _, _, proto, _, saddr, daddr) = unpack('!BBHLBBHLL', ip_packet[:20])
# The direct length is written in the second half of the first byte (0b00001111 = 15):
len_iph = length & 15
# Length is written in 32-bit words, convert it to bytes:
len_iph = len_iph * 4
# Convert addresses from numbers to IPs:
saddr = ".".join(map(str, [saddr >> 24 & 0xff, saddr >> 16 & 0xff, saddr >> 8 & 0xff, saddr & 0xff]))
daddr = ".".join(map(str, [daddr >> 24 & 0xff, daddr >> 16 & 0xff, daddr >> 8 & 0xff, daddr & 0xff]))
# If the transport layer protocol is UDP:
if proto == 17:
udp_packet = ip_packet[len_iph:]
(sport, dport) = unpack('!HH', udp_packet[:4])
# UDP datagram header length is 8 bytes:
dns_packet = udp_packet[8:]
# If the transport layer protocol is TCP:
elif proto == 6:
tcp_packet = ip_packet[len_iph:]
# The length of the TCP packet header is also not fixed due to the optional options.
# Of the entire TCP header we are only interested in the data up to the 13th byte
# (header length):
(sport, dport, _, length) = unpack('!HHQB', tcp_packet[:13])
# The direct length is written in the first half (4 bits):
len_tcph = length >> 4
# Length is written in 32-bit words, converted to bytes:
len_tcph = len_tcph * 4
# That's the tricky part.
# I don't know where I went wrong or why I need a 2 byte offset,
# but it's necessary because the DNS packet doesn't start until after it:
dns_packet = tcp_packet[len_tcph + 2:]
# other protocols are not handled:
# DNS data decoding:
dns_data = dnslib.DNSRecord.parse(dns_packet)
# Resource record types:
DNS_QTYPE = {1: "A", 28: "AAAA"}
# Query:
if dns_data.header.qr == 0:
# We are only interested in A (1) and AAAA (28) records:
for q in dns_data.questions:
if q.qtype == 1 or q.qtype == 28:
print(f'COMM={proc_name} PID={} TGID={sk.tgid} DEV={ifname} PROTO={NET_PROTO[proto]} SRC={saddr} DST={daddr} SPT={sport} DPT={dport} UID={sk.uid} GID={sk.gid} DNS_QR=0 DNS_NAME={q.qname} DNS_TYPE={DNS_QTYPE[q.qtype]}')
# Response:
elif dns_data.header.qr == 1:
# We are only interested in A (1) and AAAA (28) records:
for rr in dns_data.rr:
if rr.rtype == 1 or rr.rtype == 28:
print(f'COMM={proc_name} PID={} TGID={sk.tgid} DEV={ifname} PROTO={NET_PROTO[proto]} SRC={saddr} DST={daddr} SPT={sport} DPT={dport} UID={sk.uid} GID={sk.gid} DNS_QR=1 DNS_NAME={rr.rname} DNS_TYPE={DNS_QTYPE[rr.rtype]} DNS_DATA={rr.rdata}')
print('Invalid DNS query type.')
# BPF initialization:
bpf_kprobe = BPF(text=C_BPF_KPROBE)
bpf_sock = BPF(text=BPF_SOCK_TEXT)
# UDP sending:
bpf_kprobe.attach_kprobe(event="udp_sendmsg", fn_name="trace_udp_sendmsg")
# Sending TCP:
bpf_kprobe.attach_kprobe(event="tcp_sendmsg", fn_name="trace_tcp_sendmsg")
# Socket:
function_dns_matching = bpf_sock.load_func("dns_matching", BPF.SOCKET_FILTER)
BPF.attach_raw_socket(function_dns_matching, '')
print('The program is running. Press Ctrl-C to abort.')
while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
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gptlang commented Mar 17, 2024

Thank you! I was just looking for this to track down rogue DNS calls to Spotify on a system where it's not installed.

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gptlang commented Mar 17, 2024

Could we add proc_ports.delete(&key); here so that the table doesn't fill up? (Complete noob. Just wondering)

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mYu4N commented May 8, 2024

if your linux server open nscd , when you curl ,but comm display is nscd ,not curl ,can you fix it ?

$m = curtask->real_parent;
printf("%-8d %-16s ",
$m = $m->parent;
if ($m == 0 || $m->tgid == 0) {

but nscd parent is systemd ,can not get curl

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