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Created August 4, 2023 23:05
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CMS@joomla@joomla\!@*@(Set-Cookie: [a-z0-9]{32}=.*);
CMS@joomla@joomla\!@*@(Set-Cookie: .*=[a-z0-9]{26,32});
CMS@heartcore@heartcore@*@(<meta name=["']author["'] content=["']{2}).*
CMS@wordpress@wordpress@*@(<body class=["']home ).*
CMS@AWStats configdir Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@AWStats migrate Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@AWStats Totals multisort Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Barracuda IMG.PL Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@BASE base_qry_common Remote File Include@*@*@*
CMS@Basilic 1.5.14 diff.php Arbitrary Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Cacti graph_view.php Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@CakePHP Cache Corruption Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Carberp Web Panel C2 Backdoor Remote PHP Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Citrix Access Gateway Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@ClipBucket Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Coppermine Photo Gallery picEditor.php Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@DataLife Engine preview.php PHP Code Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Dogfood CRM spell.php Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Drupal CODER Module Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Drupal Drupalgeddon 2 Forms API Property Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Drupal RESTWS Module Remote PHP Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Drupal RESTful Web Services unserialize() RCE@*@*@*
CMS@EGallery PHP File Upload Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@elFinder PHP Connector exiftran Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@FlashChat Arbitrary File Upload@*@*@*
CMS@Foswiki MAKETEXT Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@FreePBX config.php Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@FusionPBX Command exec.php Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@FusionPBX Operator Panel exec.php Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Generic Web Application Unix Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@GetSimpleCMS PHP File Upload Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@Graphite Web Unsafe Pickle Handling@*@*@*
CMS@Matt Wright Arbitrary Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Hastymail 2.1.1 RC1 Command Injection@*@2.1.1@*
CMS@Havalite CMS Arbitary File Upload Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@Horde Framework Unserialize PHP Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@HybridAuth install.php PHP Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@InstantCMS 1.6 Remote PHP Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Invision IP.Board unserialize() PHP Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Joomla Akeeba Kickstart Unserialize Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Joomla Component Fields SQLi Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Joomla Component JCE File Upload Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Joomla Content History SQLi Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Joomla Media Manager File Upload Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@blueimp's jQuery (Arbitrary) File Upload@*@*@*
CMS@Kimai v0.9.2 'db_restore.php' SQL Injection@*@*@*
CMS@LibrettoCMS File Manager Arbitary File Upload Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@Maarch LetterBox Unrestricted File Upload@*@*@*
CMS@Mambo Cache_Lite Class mosConfig_absolute_path Remote File Include@*@*@*
CMS@Mitel Audio and Web Conferencing Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@MoinMoin twikidraw Action Traversal File Upload@*@*@*
CMS@myBB 1.6.4 Backdoor Arbitrary Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Nagios3 history.cgi Host Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Nagios3 statuswml.cgi Ping Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Nagios XI Network Monitor Graph Explorer Component Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Narcissus Image Configuration Passthru Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@Open Flash Chart v2 Arbitrary File Upload@*@*@*
CMS@OpenEMR 4.1.1 Patch 14 SQLi Privilege Escalation Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@OpenEMR PHP File Upload Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@OpenMediaVault rpc.php Authenticated PHP Code Injection@*@*@*
CMS@OpenNetAdmin Ping Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@openSIS Unauthenticated PHP Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@OpenSIS 'modname' PHP Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@HP Openview connectedNodes.ovpl Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@OpenX banner-edit.php File Upload PHP Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Oracle VM Server Virtual Server Agent Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@osCommerce 2.2 Arbitrary PHP Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@PAJAX Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@PHP-Charts v1.0 PHP Code Execution Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@Generic PHP Code Evaluation@*@*@*
CMS@PHP Remote File Include Generic Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@vBulletin misc.php Template Name Arbitrary Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@PHP XML-RPC Arbitrary Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@phpBB viewtopic.php Arbitrary Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@phpCollab 2.5.1 Unauthenticated File Upload@*@*@*
CMS@PhpMyAdmin Config File Code Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Piwik Superuser Plugin Upload@*@*@*
CMS@Project Pier Arbitrary File Upload Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@ProjectSend Arbitrary File Upload@*@*@*
CMS@QuickTime Streaming Server parse_xml.cgi Remote Execution@*@*@*
CMS@rConfig install Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Redmine SCM Repository Arbitrary Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@SePortal SQLi Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Simple E-Document Arbitrary File Upload@*@*@*
CMS@SixApart MovableType Storable Perl Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@SkyBlueCanvas CMS Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Simple PHP Blog Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@SPIP connect Parameter PHP Injection@*@*@*
CMS@SPIP form PHP Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Squash YAML Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@SquirrelMail PGP Plugin Command Execution (SMTP)@*@*@*
CMS@SugarCRM REST Unserialize PHP Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@SugarCRM unserialize() PHP Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@ThinkPHP Multiple PHP Injection RCEs@*@*@*
CMS@TikiWiki tiki-graph_formula Remote PHP Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@TikiWiki jhot Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Tiki Wiki unserialize() PHP Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Tiki Wiki Unauthenticated File Upload Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@TrixBox CE endpoint_devicemap.php Authenticated Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Trixbox langChoice PHP Local File Inclusion@*@*@*
CMS@Tuleap 9.6 Second-Order PHP Object Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Tuleap PHP Unserialize Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@TWiki History TWikiUsers rev Parameter Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@TWiki MAKETEXT Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@TWiki Search Function Arbitrary Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@vBulletin index.php/ajax/api/reputation/vote nodeid Parameter SQL Injection@*@*@*
CMS@VICIdial Manager Send OS Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@VICIdial user_authorization Unauthenticated Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Webmin /file/show.cgi Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Webmin Upload Authenticated RCE@*@*@*
CMS@WebTester 5.x Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@WordPress Admin Shell Upload@*@*@*
CMS@WordPress Plugin Advanced Custom Fields Remote File Inclusion@*@*@*
CMS@Wordpress Ajax Load More PHP Upload Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@WordPress Asset-Manager PHP File Upload Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@Wordpress Creative Contact Form Upload Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@Wordpress Download Manager (download-manager) Unauthenticated File Upload@*@*@*
CMS@WordPress WP EasyCart Unrestricted File Upload@*@*@*
CMS@WordPress Plugin Foxypress uploadify.php Arbitrary Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Wordpress Front-end Editor File Upload@*@*@*
CMS@WordPress Plugin Google Document Embedder Arbitrary File Disclosure@*@*@*
CMS@WordPress Holding Pattern Theme Arbitrary File Upload@*@*@*
CMS@Wordpress InBoundio Marketing PHP Upload Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@WordPress InfiniteWP Client Authentication Bypass@*@*@*
CMS@Wordpress InfusionSoft Upload Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@WordPress cache_lastpostdate Arbitrary Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@WordPress WP Mobile Detector 3.5 Shell Upload@*@*@*
CMS@Wordpress N-Media Website Contact Form Upload Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@WordPress OptimizePress Theme File Upload Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@WordPress Photo Gallery Unrestricted File Upload@*@*@*
CMS@WordPress PHPMailer Host Header Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@WordPress Plugin Pie Register Auth Bypass to RCE@*@*@*
CMS@WordPress Pixabay Images PHP Code Upload@*@*@*
CMS@Wordpress Plainview Activity Monitor RCE@*@*@*
CMS@WordPress Platform Theme File Upload Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@WordPress WP-Property PHP File Upload Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@Wordpress Reflex Gallery Upload Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@WordPress RevSlider File Upload and Execute Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@Wordpress SlideShow Gallery Authenticated File Upload@*@*@*
CMS@WordPress WP Symposium 14.11 Shell Upload@*@*@*
CMS@WordPress W3 Total Cache PHP Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Wordpress Work The Flow Upload Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@WordPress wpDiscuz Unauthenticated File Upload Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@WordPress WPshop eCommerce Arbitrary File Upload Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@WordPress WPTouch Authenticated File Upload@*@*@*
CMS@Wordpress MailPoet Newsletters (wysija-newsletters) Unauthenticated File Upload@*@*@*
CMS@XODA 0.4.5 Arbitrary PHP File Upload Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@Xymon useradm Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@ZeroShell Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Zimbra Collaboration Server LFI@*@*@*
CMS@ZoneMinder Language Settings Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@ZoneMinder Video Server packageControl Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@ZPanel htpasswd Module Username Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Active Collab \@*@*@*chat module\@*@*@* Remote PHP Code Injection Exploit@*@*@*
CMS@Adobe ColdFusion Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Agent Tesla Panel Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@AjaXplorer checkInstall.php Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@ActiveMQ web shell upload@*@*@*
CMS@APISIX Admin API default access token RCE@*@*@*
CMS@Apache Couchdb Erlang RCE@*@*@*
CMS@Apache Druid JNDI Injection RCE@*@*@*
CMS@Apache Flink JAR Upload Java Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Apache Jetspeed Arbitrary File Upload@*@*@*
CMS@Apache mod_cgi Bash Environment Variable Code Injection (Shellshock)@*@*@*
CMS@Apache NiFi API Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Apache 2.4.49/2.4.50 Traversal RCE@*@*@*
CMS@Apache RocketMQ update config RCE@*@*@*
CMS@Apache Roller OGNL Injection@*@*@*
CMS@appRain CMF Arbitrary PHP File Upload Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@Atlassian Confluence Namespace OGNL Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Atlassian Confluence WebWork OGNL Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Atlassian Crowd pdkinstall Unauthenticated Plugin Upload RCE@*@*@*
CMS@Auxilium RateMyPet Arbitrary File Upload Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@Axis2 / SAP BusinessObjects Authenticated Code Execution (via SOAP)@*@*@*
CMS@Baldr Botnet Panel Shell Upload Exploit@*@*@*
CMS@Bassmaster Batch Arbitrary JavaScript Injection Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Bitbucket Environment Variable RCE@*@*@*
CMS@CMS Bolt File Upload Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@BuilderEngine Arbitrary File Upload Vulnerability and execution@*@*@*
CMS@China Chopper Caidao PHP Backdoor Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@ChurchInfo 1.2.13-1.3.0 Authenticated RCE@*@*@*
CMS@Cisco Prime Data Center Network Manager Arbitrary File Upload@*@*@*
CMS@Cisco Data Center Network Manager Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@ClipBucket beats_uploader Unauthenticated Arbitrary File Upload@*@*@*
CMS@CMS Made Simple Authenticated RCE via object injection@*@*@*
CMS@CMS Made Simple (CMSMS) Showtime2 File Upload RCE@*@*@*
CMS@CMS Made Simple Authenticated RCE via File Upload/Copy@*@*@*
CMS@Cockpit CMS NoSQLi to RCE@*@*@*
CMS@Adobe ColdFusion CKEditor unrestricted file upload@*@*@*
CMS@Adobe ColdFusion RDS Authentication Bypass@*@*@*
CMS@Atlassian Confluence Widget Connector Macro Velocity Template Injection@*@*@*
CMS@CUPS Filter Bash Environment Variable Code Injection (Shellshock)@*@*@*
CMS@CuteFlow v2.11.2 Arbitrary File Upload Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@ForgeRock / OpenAM Jato Java Deserialization@*@*@*
CMS@Dexter (CasinoLoader) SQL Injection@*@*@*
CMS@DotCMS RCE via Arbitrary File Upload.@*@*@*
CMS@Drupal HTTP Parameter Key/Value SQL Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Network Shutdown Module (sort_values) Remote PHP Code Injection@*@*@*
CMS@ManageEngine Eventlog Analyzer Arbitrary File Upload@*@*@*
CMS@eXtplorer v2.1 Arbitrary File Upload Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@Family Connections less.php Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Fortra GoAnywhere MFT Unsafe Deserialization RCE@*@*@*
CMS@FreeNAS exec_raw.php Arbitrary Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@GestioIP Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@GetSimpleCMS Unauthenticated RCE@*@*@*
CMS@Malicious Git and Mercurial HTTP Server For CVE-2014-9390@*@*@*
CMS@Git LFS Clone Command Exec@*@*@*
CMS@Malicious Git HTTP Server For CVE-2017-1000117@*@*@*
CMS@Malicious Git HTTP Server For CVE-2018-17456@*@*@*
CMS@Gitea Git Fetch Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Gitea Git Hooks Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@GitLab Unauthenticated Remote ExifTool Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@GitLab File Read Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@GitLab GitHub Repo Import Deserialization RCE@*@*@*
CMS@Gitlab-shell Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@GitList v0.6.0 Argument Injection Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@Gitorious Arbitrary Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Sun/Oracle GlassFish Server Authenticated Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Glossword v1.8.8 - 1.8.12 Arbitrary File Upload Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@GLPI install.php Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Gogs Git Hooks Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Horde CSV import arbitrary PHP code execution@*@*@*
CMS@Horde Form File Upload Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@Horde 3.3.12 Backdoor Arbitrary PHP Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@HorizontCMS Arbitrary PHP File Upload@*@*@*
CMS@HP SiteScope issueSiebelCmd Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@HP SiteScope Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@HP System Management Homepage JustGetSNMPQueue Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@VMware Hyperic HQ Groovy Script-Console Java Execution@*@*@*
CMS@IBM OpenAdmin Tool SOAP welcomeServer PHP Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@ISPConfig Authenticated Arbitrary PHP Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@JBoss JMX Console Beanshell Deployer WAR Upload and Deployment@*@*@*
CMS@JBoss Java Class DeploymentFileRepository WAR Deployment@*@*@*
CMS@JBoss DeploymentFileRepository WAR Deployment (via JMXInvokerServlet)@*@*@*
CMS@JBoss JMX Console Deployer Upload and Execute@*@*@*
CMS@JBoss Seam 2 File Upload and Execute@*@*@*
CMS@Jenkins ACL Bypass and Metaprogramming RCE@*@*@*
CMS@Jenkins-CI Script-Console Java Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Jenkins XStream Groovy classpath Deserialization Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@Atlassian HipChat for Jira Plugin Velocity Template Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Atlassian Jira Authenticated Upload Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Joomla HTTP Header Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Kong Gateway Admin API Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Kordil EDMS v2.2.60rc3 Unauthenticated Arbitrary File Upload Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@LotusCMS 3.0 eval() Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Liferay Portal Java Unmarshalling via JSONWS RCE@*@*@*
CMS@Log1 CMS writeInfo() PHP Code Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Log4Shell HTTP Header Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Lucee Authenticated Scheduled Job Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Magento 2.0.6 Unserialize Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Mako Server v2.5, 2.6 OS Command Injection RCE@*@*@*
CMS@ManageEngine Desktop Central / Password Manager LinkViewFetchServlet.dat SQL Injection@*@*@*
CMS@ManageEngine ADSelfService Plus Unauthenticated SAML RCE@*@*@*
CMS@ManageEngine Multiple Products Authenticated File Upload@*@*@*
CMS@ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus Arbitrary File Upload@*@*@*
CMS@ManageEngine Security Manager Plus 5.5 Build 5505 SQL Injection@*@*@*
CMS@ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus Unauthenticated SAML RCE@*@*@*
CMS@Mantis manage_proj_page PHP Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@MantisBT XmlImportExport Plugin PHP Code Injection Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@MaraCMS Arbitrary PHP File Upload@*@*@*
CMS@MediaWiki SyntaxHighlight extension option injection vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@MediaWiki Thumb.php Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Metasploit Web UI Static secret_key_base Value@*@*@*
CMS@Metasploit Web UI Diagnostic Console Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Micro Focus Operations Bridge Manager Authenticated Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Micro Focus UCMDB Java Deserialization Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Th3 MMA mma.php Backdoor Arbitrary File Upload@*@*@*
CMS@MobileCartly 1.0 Arbitrary File Creation Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@Monitorr unauthenticated Remote Code Execution (RCE)@*@*@*
CMS@Monstra CMS Authenticated Arbitrary File Upload@*@*@*
CMS@Moodle Admin Shell Upload@*@*@*
CMS@Moodle Authenticated Spelling Binary RCE@*@*@*
CMS@Moodle SpellChecker Path Authenticated Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Moodle Teacher Enrollment Privilege Escalation to RCE@*@*@*
CMS@Movable Type 4.2x, 4.3x Web Upgrade Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Mutiny Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@MyBB Admin Control Code Injection RCE@*@*@*
CMS@NAS4Free Arbitrary Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Navigate CMS Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Netwin SurgeFTP Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Nibbleblog File Upload Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@Nostromo Directory Traversal Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Novell ServiceDesk Authenticated File Upload@*@*@*
CMS@NUUO NVRmini upgrade_handle.php Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@October CMS Upload Protection Bypass Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@OP5 license.php Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@OP5 welcome Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Open Web Analytics 1.7.3 - Remote Code Execution (RCE)@*@*@*
CMS@Openfire Admin Console Authentication Bypass@*@*@*
CMS@Openfire authentication bypass with RCE plugin@*@*@*
CMS@OpenMediaVault Cron Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@OpenMRS Java Deserialization RCE@*@*@*
CMS@OpenX Backdoor PHP Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@ManageEngine OpManager and Social IT Arbitrary File Upload@*@*@*
CMS@ManageEngine OpManager SumPDU Java Deserialization@*@*@*
CMS@Oracle ATS Arbitrary File Upload@*@*@*
CMS@Oracle Forms and Reports Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Oracle WebLogic wls-wsat Component Deserialization RCE@*@*@*
CMS@OrientDB 2.2.x Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@osCommerce Installer Unauthenticated Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Pandora FMS v3.1 Auth Bypass and Arbitrary File Upload Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@PaperCut PaperCutNG Authentication Bypass@*@*@*
CMS@Pentaho Business Server Auth Bypass and Server Side Template Injection RCE@*@*@*
CMS@Phoenix Exploit Kit Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@PHP CGI Argument Injection@*@*@*
CMS@PHP-FPM Underflow RCE@*@*@*
CMS@PHP Utility Belt Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@PHP Volunteer Management System v1.0.2 Arbitrary File Upload Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@phpFileManager 0.9.8 Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@phpLDAPadmin query_engine Remote PHP Code Injection@*@*@*
CMS@PHPMailer Sendmail Argument Injection@*@*@*
CMS@PHPMoAdmin 1.1.2 Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@phpMyAdmin server_sync.php Backdoor@*@*@*
CMS@phpMyAdmin Authenticated Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@phpMyAdmin Authenticated Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@phpMyAdmin Authenticated Remote Code Execution via preg_replace()@*@*@*
CMS@phpScheduleIt PHP reserve.php start_date Parameter Arbitrary Code Injection@*@*@*
CMS@PHPStudy Backdoor Remote Code execution@*@*@*
CMS@PhpTax pfilez Parameter Exec Remote Code Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Phpwiki Ploticus Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Pimcore Unserialize RCE@*@*@*
CMS@PlaySMS sendfromfile.php Authenticated \@*@*@*Filename\@*@*@* Field Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@PlaySMS index.php Unauthenticated Template Injection Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@PlaySMS import.php Authenticated CSV File Upload Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Plone and Zope XMLTools Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@PmWiki pagelist.php Remote PHP Code Injection Exploit@*@*@*
CMS@PolarBear CMS PHP File Upload Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@ProcessMaker Open Source Authenticated PHP Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@ProcessMaker Plugin Upload@*@*@*
CMS@qdPM 9.1 Authenticated Arbitrary PHP File Upload (RCE)@*@*@*
CMS@qdPM v7 Arbitrary PHP File Upload Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@Ruby on Rails ActionPack Inline ERB Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Ruby On Rails DoubleTap Development Mode secret_key_base Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@Ruby on Rails Dynamic Render File Upload Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Ruby on Rails JSON Processor YAML Deserialization Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Ruby on Rails Known Secret Session Cookie Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Ruby on Rails Web Console (v2) Whitelist Bypass Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Ruby on Rails XML Processor YAML Deserialization Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Rocket Servergraph Admin Center fileRequestor Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Rudder Server SQLI Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Sflog! CMS 1.0 Arbitrary File Upload Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@Apache Shiro v1.2.4 Cookie RememberME Deserial RCE@*@*@*
CMS@Shopware createInstanceFromNamedArguments PHP Object Instantiation RCE@*@*@*
CMS@Simple Backdoor Shell Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Support Incident Tracker Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Snortreport nmap.php/nbtscan.php Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@SolarWinds Storage Manager Authentication Bypass@*@*@*
CMS@Apache Solr Remote Code Execution via Velocity Template@*@*@*
CMS@SonicWALL GMS 6 Arbitrary File Upload@*@*@*
CMS@Dell SonicWALL Scrutinizer 11.01 methodDetail SQL Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Splunk Search Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Splunk Custom App Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Spreecommerce 0.60.1 Arbitrary Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Spreecommerce Arbitrary Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Spring Cloud Function SpEL Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Spring Framework Class property RCE (Spring4Shell)@*@*@*
CMS@Apache Struts 2 Struts 1 Plugin Showcase OGNL Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Apache Struts Jakarta Multipart Parser OGNL Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Apache Struts 2 Forced Multi OGNL Evaluation@*@*@*
CMS@Apache Struts 2 Namespace Redirect OGNL Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Apache Struts 2 REST Plugin XStream RCE@*@*@*
CMS@Apache Struts Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Apache Struts ClassLoader Manipulation Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Apache Struts Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Apache Struts ParametersInterceptor Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Apache Struts 2 DefaultActionMapper Prefixes OGNL Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Apache Struts 2 Developer Mode OGNL Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Apache Struts Dynamic Method Invocation Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Apache Struts REST Plugin With Dynamic Method Invocation Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Apache Struts includeParams Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@STUNSHELL Web Shell Remote PHP Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@STUNSHELL Web Shell Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Intelliants Subrion CMS 4.2.1 - Authenticated File Upload Bypass to RCE@*@*@*
CMS@SugarCRM unauthenticated Remote Code Execution (RCE)@*@*@*
CMS@Sun Java System Web Server WebDAV OPTIONS Buffer Overflow@*@*@*
CMS@SysAid Help Desk Administrator Portal Arbitrary File Upload@*@*@*
CMS@SysAid Help Desk 'rdslogs' Arbitrary File Upload@*@*@*
CMS@TestLink v1.9.3 Arbitrary File Upload Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@Tomcat RCE via JSP Upload Bypass@*@*@*
CMS@Apache Tomcat Manager Application Deployer Authenticated Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Apache Tomcat Manager Authenticated Upload Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Total.js CMS 12 Widget JavaScript Code Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Traq admincp/common.php Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Trend Micro Threat Discovery Appliance admin_sys_time.cgi Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@UniFi Network Application Unauthenticated JNDI Injection RCE (via Log4Shell)@*@*@*
CMS@Idera Up.Time Monitoring Station 7.0 post2file.php Arbitrary File Upload@*@*@*
CMS@Idera Up.Time Monitoring Station 7.4 post2file.php Arbitrary File Upload@*@*@*
CMS@v0pCr3w Web Shell Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@vBSEO proc_deutf() Remote PHP Code Injection@*@*@*
CMS@vBulletin /ajax/api/content_infraction/getIndexableContent nodeid Parameter SQL Injection@*@*@*
CMS@vBulletin 5.1.2 Unserialize Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@vBulletin 5.x /ajax/render/widget_tabbedcontainer_tab_panel PHP remote code execution.@*@*@*
CMS@vBulletin widgetConfig RCE@*@*@*
CMS@Visual Mining NetCharts Server Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@VMware vCenter Server Unauthenticated JNDI Injection RCE (via Log4Shell)@*@*@*
CMS@VMware vCenter Server Unauthenticated OVA File Upload RCE@*@*@*
CMS@Vtiger Install Unauthenticated Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Vtiger CRM - Authenticated Logo Upload RCE@*@*@*
CMS@vTigerCRM v5.4.0/v5.3.0 Authenticated Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@vTiger CRM SOAP AddEmailAttachment Arbitrary File Upload@*@*@*
CMS@Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Handle RCE@*@*@*
CMS@WebNMS Framework Server Arbitrary File Upload@*@*@*
CMS@WebPageTest Arbitrary PHP File Upload@*@*@*
CMS@Werkzeug Debug Shell Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@WikkaWiki 1.3.2 Spam Logging PHP Injection@*@*@*
CMS@WordPress AIT CSV Import Export Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Wordpress Plugin Catch Themes Demo Import RCE@*@*@*
CMS@WordPress Crop-image Shell Upload@*@*@*
CMS@WP Database Backup RCE@*@*@*
CMS@Wordpress Drag and Drop Multi File Uploader RCE@*@*@*
CMS@WordPress File Manager Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@WordPress Ninja Forms Unauthenticated File Upload@*@*@*
CMS@Wordpress Plugin Backup Guard - Authenticated Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Wordpress Plugin Elementor Authenticated Upload Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Wordpress File Manager Advanced Shortcode 2.3.2 - Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution through shortcode@*@*@*
CMS@Wordpress Plugin Modern Events Calendar - Authenticated Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Wordpress Plugin SP Project and Document - Authenticated Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Wordpress Popular Posts Authenticated RCE@*@*@*
CMS@WordPress Responsive Thumbnail Slider Arbitrary File Upload@*@*@*
CMS@WordPress Simple File List Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@WSO2 Arbitrary File Upload to RCE@*@*@*
CMS@X7 Chat 2.0.5 lib/message.php preg_replace() PHP Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Zabbix Authenticated Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Zemra Botnet CnC Web Panel Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Novell ZENworks Configuration Management Arbitrary File Upload@*@*@*
CMS@Novell ZENworks Configuration Management Remote Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Zpanel Remote Unauthenticated RCE@*@*@*
CMS@Cacti color filter authenticated SQLi to RCE@*@*@*
CMS@ContentKeeper Web Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@CTEK SkyRouter 4200 and 4300 Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Dell KACE K1000 File Upload@*@*@*
CMS@Cambium ePMP1000 'get_chart' Shell via Command Injection (v3.1-3.5-RC7)@*@*@*
CMS@Cambium ePMP1000 'ping' Shell via Command Injection (up to v2.5)@*@*@*
CMS@FreePBX 2.10.0 / 2.9.0 callmenum Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@PHP Laravel Framework token Unserialize Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@LifeSize Room Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Clickjacking Vulnerability In CSRF Error Page pfSense@*@*@*
CMS@pfSense Restore RRD Data Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@pfSense Diag Routes Web Shell Upload@*@*@*
CMS@pfSense authenticated graph status RCE@*@*@*
CMS@pfSense authenticated group member RCE@*@*@*
CMS@pfSense plugin pfBlockerNG unauthenticated RCE as root@*@*@*
CMS@Pi-Hole heisenbergCompensator Blocklist OS Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Pi-Hole DHCP MAC OS Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Pi-Hole Whitelist OS Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Quest KACE Systems Management Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Schneider Electric Pelco Endura NET55XX Encoder@*@*@*
CMS@Syncovery For Linux Web-GUI Authenticated Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@tnftp \@*@*@*savefile\@*@*@* Arbitrary Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@TWiki Debugenableplugins Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@VMTurbo Operations Manager vmtadmin.cgi Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@xdebug Unauthenticated OS Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Accellion FTA getStatus verify_oauth_token Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Advantech Switch Bash Environment Variable Code Injection (Shellshock)@*@*@*
CMS@Airties login-cgi Buffer Overflow@*@*@*
CMS@Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise masterCGI Arbitrary Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@AlienVault OSSIM/USM Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@AlienVault OSSIM SQL Injection and Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Apache Continuum Arbitrary Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Apache CouchDB Arbitrary Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Apache Druid 0.20.0 Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Apache OFBiz XML-RPC Java Deserialization@*@*@*
CMS@Apache OFBiz SOAP Java Deserialization@*@*@*
CMS@Apache Spark Unauthenticated Command Injection RCE@*@*@*
CMS@Artica proxy 4.30.000000 Auth Bypass service-cmds-peform Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Astium Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@AsusWRT LAN Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@ATutor 2.2.1 Directory Traversal / Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Axis IP Camera Application Upload@*@*@*
CMS@Axis Network Camera .srv-to-parhand RCE@*@*@*
CMS@Belkin Play N750 login.cgi Buffer Overflow@*@*@*
CMS@Bitbucket Git Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Bludit Directory Traversal Image File Upload Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@Cacti 1.2.22 unauthenticated command injection@*@*@*
CMS@Cayin CMS NTP Server RCE@*@*@*
CMS@Centreon Poller Authenticated Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Centreon SQL and Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Centreon Web Useralias Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Red Hat CloudForms Management Engine 5.1 agent/linuxpkgs Path Traversal@*@*@*
CMS@Cisco ASA-X with FirePOWER Services Authenticated Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Cisco Firepower Management Console 6.0 Post Authentication UserAdd Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@Cisco HyperFlex HX Data Platform unauthenticated file upload to RCE (CVE-2021-1499)@*@*@*
CMS@Cisco HyperFlex HX Data Platform Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Cisco Prime Infrastructure Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Cisco RV320 and RV325 Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Cisco RV Series Authentication Bypass and Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Cisco Small Business RV Series Authentication Bypass and Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Cisco UCS Director Cloupia Script RCE@*@*@*
CMS@Cisco UCS Director Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@CWP login.php Unauthenticated RCE@*@*@*
CMS@Cisco Prime Infrastructure Health Monitor TarArchive Directory Traversal Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@Crypttech CryptoLog Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Cisco RV110W/RV130(W)/RV215W Routers Management Interface Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@DC/OS Marathon UI Docker Exploit@*@*@*
CMS@DD-WRT HTTP Daemon Arbitrary Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@DenyAll Web Application Firewall Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@D-Link authentication.cgi Buffer Overflow@*@*@*
CMS@D-Link Devices Unauthenticated Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@D-Link DCS-931L File Upload@*@*@*
CMS@D-Link DCS-930L Authenticated Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@D-Link DIR-645 / DIR-815 diagnostic.php Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@D-Link Devices Unauthenticated Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@D-Link DIR-605L Captcha Handling Buffer Overflow@*@*@*
CMS@D-Link DIR615h OS Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@DIR-850L (Un)authenticated OS Command Exec@*@*@*
CMS@D-Link DSL-2750B OS Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@D-Link Cookie Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@D-Link info.cgi POST Request Buffer Overflow@*@*@*
CMS@DLINK DWL-2600 Authenticated Remote Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@D-Link hedwig.cgi Buffer Overflow in Cookie Header@*@*@*
CMS@D-Link HNAP Request Remote Buffer Overflow@*@*@*
CMS@D-Link Devices HNAP SOAPAction-Header Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Dlink DIR Routers Unauthenticated HNAP Login Stack Buffer Overflow@*@*@*
CMS@D-Link Devices UPnP SOAP Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@dnaLIMS Admin Module Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Docker Daemon - Unprotected TCP Socket Exploit@*@*@*
CMS@Dolibarr ERP/CRM Post-Auth OS Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@OpenPLI Webif Arbitrary Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Endian Firewall Proxy Password Change Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@elFinder Archive Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@PowerShellEmpire Arbitrary File Upload (Skywalker)@*@*@*
CMS@E-Mail Security Virtual Appliance learn-msg.cgi Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@EyesOfNetwork 5.1-5.3 AutoDiscovery Target Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@F5 BIG-IP TMUI Directory Traversal and File Upload RCE@*@*@*
CMS@F5 iControl iCall::Script Root Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@F5 iControl Remote Root Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@F5 BIG-IP iControl RCE via REST Authentication Bypass@*@*@*
CMS@F5 iControl REST Unauthenticated SSRF Token Generation RCE@*@*@*
CMS@F5 BIG-IP iControl Authenticated RCE via RPM Creator@*@*@*
CMS@F5 BIG-IP iControl CSRF File Write SOAP API@*@*@*
CMS@FLIR AX8 unauthenticated RCE@*@*@*
CMS@Foreman (Red Hat OpenStack/Satellite) bookmarks/create Code Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Fortinet FortiNAC keyUpload.jsp arbitrary file write@*@*@*
CMS@Fortinet FortiOS, FortiProxy, and FortiSwitchManager authentication bypass.@*@*@*
CMS@Fritz!Box Webcm Unauthenticated Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Froxlor Log Path RCE@*@*@*
CMS@Geutebruck Multiple Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Geutebruck instantrec Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Geutebruck testaction.cgi Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Github Enterprise Default Session Secret And Deserialization Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@Gitlist Unauthenticated Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@GLPI htmLawed php command injection@*@*@*
CMS@GoAhead Web Server LD_PRELOAD Arbitrary Module Load@*@*@*
CMS@GoAutoDial 3.3 Authentication Bypass / Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Berlios GPSD Format String Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@Grandstream GXV31XX 'settimezone' Unauthenticated Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Grandstream UCM62xx IP PBX sendPasswordEmail RCE@*@*@*
CMS@GravCMS Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@GroundWork monarch_scan.cgi OS Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Hadoop YARN ResourceManager Unauthenticated Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Hikvision IP Camera Unauthenticated Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@HP System Management Anonymous Access Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@HP VAN SDN Controller Root Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Huawei HG532n Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@IBM Data Risk Manager Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@IBM QRadar SIEM Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Imperva SecureSphere PWS Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@IPFire Bash Environment Variable Injection (Shellshock)@*@*@*
CMS@IPFire proxy.cgi RCE@*@*@*
CMS@IPFire 2.25 Core Update 156 and Prior pakfire.cgi Authenticated RCE@*@*@*
CMS@IPFire proxy.cgi RCE@*@*@*
CMS@Ivanti Cloud Services Appliance (CSA) Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Jenkins CLI Deserialization@*@*@*
CMS@Kaltura Remote PHP Code Execution over Cookie@*@*@*
CMS@Kaltura Remote PHP Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Klog Server authenticate.php user Unauthenticated Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Kloxo SQL Injection and Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@LibreNMS addhost Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@LibreNMS Collectd Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@LifeSize UVC Authenticated RCE via Ping@*@*@*
CMS@Linear eMerge E3-Series Access Controller Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Linksys WRT54 Access Point apply.cgi Buffer Overflow@*@*@*
CMS@Linksys E1500/E2500 apply.cgi Remote Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Linksys E-Series TheMoon Remote Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Linksys Devices pingstr Remote Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Linksys WRT160nv2 apply.cgi Remote Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Linksys WRT54GL apply.cgi Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Linksys WVBR0-25 User-Agent Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@LinuxKI Toolset 6.01 Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Logsign Remote Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Lucee Administrator imgProcess.cfm Arbitrary File Write@*@*@*
CMS@Mailcleaner Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Micro Focus Operations Bridge Reporter Unauthenticated Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@MicroFocus Secure Messaging Gateway Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Mida Solutions eFramework ajaxreq.php Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@MobileIron Core Unauthenticated JNDI Injection RCE (via Log4Shell)@*@*@*
CMS@MobileIron MDM Hessian-Based Java Deserialization RCE@*@*@*
CMS@D-Link/TRENDnet NCC Service Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Mutiny 5 Arbitrary File Upload@*@*@*
CMS@MVPower DVR Shell Unauthenticated Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Nagios XI Autodiscovery Webshell Upload@*@*@*
CMS@Nagios XI Chained Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Nagios XI Chained Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Nagios XI 5.5.6 to 5.7.5 - ConfigWizards Authenticated Remote Code Exection@*@*@*
CMS@Nagios XI Magpie_debug.php Root Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Nagios XI 5.6.0-5.7.3 - Mibs.php Authenticated Remote Code Exection@*@*@*
CMS@Nagios XI Prior to 5.6.6 Authenticated Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Nagios XI Prior to 5.8.0 - Plugins Filename Authenticated Remote Code Exection@*@*@*
CMS@Nagios XI 5.5.0-5.7.3 - Snmptrap Authenticated Remote Code Exection@*@*@*
CMS@Netgear DGN1000 Setup.cgi Unauthenticated RCE@*@*@*
CMS@Netgear DGN1000B setup.cgi Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Netgear DGN2200B pppoe.cgi Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Netgear DGN2200 dnslookup.cgi Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Netgear R7000 and R6400 cgi-bin Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@NETGEAR ReadyNAS Perl Code Evaluation@*@*@*
CMS@Netgear Devices Unauthenticated Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@NETGEAR WNR2000v5 (Un)authenticated hidden_lang_avi Stack Buffer Overflow@*@*@*
CMS@Netsweeper WebAdmin unixlogin.php Python Code Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Nexus Repository Manager Java EL Injection RCE@*@*@*
CMS@Nginx HTTP Server 1.3.9-1.4.0 Chunked Encoding Stack Buffer Overflow@*@*@*
CMS@NUUO NVRmini 2 / Crystal / NETGEAR ReadyNAS Surveillance Authenticated Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@NUUO NVRmini 2 / NETGEAR ReadyNAS Surveillance Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@op5 v7.1.9 Configuration Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Openfiler v2.x NetworkCard Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@OpenTSDB 2.4.0 unauthenticated command injection@*@*@*
CMS@Optergy Proton and Enterprise BMS Command Injection using a backdoor@*@*@*
CMS@Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) Unauthenticated Arbitrary File Upload@*@*@*
CMS@Pandora FMS Events Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Pandora FMS Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Pandora FMS Default Credential / SQLi Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Pandora FMS Ping Authenticated Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Palo Alto Networks Authenticated Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Palo Alto Networks readSessionVarsFromFile() Session Corruption@*@*@*
CMS@PeerCast URL Handling Buffer Overflow@*@*@*
CMS@php imap_open Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@PineApp Mail-SeCure ldapsyncnow.php Arbitrary Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@PineApp Mail-SeCure livelog.html Arbitrary Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@PineApp Mail-SeCure test_li_connection.php Arbitrary Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Hak5 WiFi Pineapple Preconfiguration Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Hak5 WiFi Pineapple Preconfiguration Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@RedHat Piranha Virtual Server Package passwd.php3 Arbitrary Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Pulse Secure VPN Arbitrary Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Pulse Secure VPN gzip RCE@*@*@*
CMS@pyLoad js2py Python Execution@*@*@*
CMS@QNAP Q'Center change_passwd Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Raidsonic NAS Devices Unauthenticated Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Railo Remote File Include@*@*@*
CMS@Rancher Server - Docker Exploit@*@*@*
CMS@Rconfig 3.x Chained Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@rConfig Vendors Auth File Upload RCE@*@*@*
CMS@Realtek SDK Miniigd UPnP SOAP Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Riverbed SteelCentral NetProfiler/NetExpress Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Roxy-WI Prior to Unauthenticated Command Injection RCE@*@*@*
CMS@SaltStack Salt REST API Arbitrary Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@SaltStack Salt API Unauthenticated RCE through wheel_async client@*@*@*
CMS@Samsung SRN-1670D Web Viewer Version Arbitrary File Read and Upload@*@*@*
CMS@Seagate Business NAS Unauthenticated Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Supermicro Onboard IPMI close_window.cgi Buffer Overflow@*@*@*
CMS@SonicWall SMA 100 Series Authenticated Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Sophos UTM WebAdmin SID Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Sophos Web Protection Appliance Interface Authenticated Arbitrary Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Sophos Web Protection Appliance sblistpack Arbitrary Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Sourcegraph gitserver sshCommand RCE@*@*@*
CMS@Apache Spark Unauthenticated Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Spring Cloud Gateway Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@SuiteCRM Log File Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Supervisor XML-RPC Authenticated Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Symantec Messaging Gateway Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Symantec Web Gateway ipchange.php Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Symantec Web Gateway Arbitrary PHP File Upload Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@Symantec Web Gateway relfile File Inclusion Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@Symantec Web Gateway pbcontrol.php Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Symantec Web Gateway 5 restore.php Post Authentication Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Symmetricom SyncServer Unauthenticated Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Synology DiskStation Manager SLICEUPLOAD Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Synology DiskStation Manager smart.cgi Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@TerraMaster TOS 4.2.06 or lower - Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@TerraMaster TOS 4.2.15 or lower - RCE chain from unauthenticated to root via session crafting.@*@*@*
CMS@TerraMaster TOS 4.2.29 or lower - Unauthenticated RCE chaining CVE-2022-24990 and CVE-2022-24989@*@*@*
CMS@Tiki-Wiki CMS Calendar Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@TP-Link Cloud Cameras NCXXX Bonjour Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@TP-Link SC2020n Authenticated Telnet Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Zyxel/Eir D1000 DSL Modem NewNTPServer Command Injection Over TR-064@*@*@*
CMS@Trend Micro InterScan Messaging Security (Virtual Appliance) Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Trend Micro InterScan Messaging Security (Virtual Appliance) Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Trend Micro Smart Protection Server Exec Remote Code Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Trend Micro Web Security (Virtual Appliance) Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@TrueOnline / Billion 5200W-T Router Unauthenticated Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@TrueOnline / ZyXEL P660HN-T v1 Router Unauthenticated Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@TrueOnline / ZyXEL P660HN-T v2 Router Authenticated Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Ubiquiti airOS Arbitrary File Upload@*@*@*
CMS@Unitrends UEB http api remote code execution@*@*@*
CMS@Unraid 6.8.0 Auth Bypass PHP Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Arris VAP2500 tools_command.php Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@V-CMS PHP File Upload and Execute@*@*@*
CMS@Vesta Control Panel Authenticated Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@VMware NSX Manager XStream unauthenticated RCE@*@*@*
CMS@VMware vCenter Server Analytics (CEIP) Service File Upload@*@*@*
CMS@VMware vCenter Server Virtual SAN Health Check Plugin RCE@*@*@*
CMS@VMware View Planner Unauthenticated Log File Upload RCE@*@*@*
CMS@VMWare Aria Operations for Networks (vRealize Network Insight) pre-authenticated RCE@*@*@*
CMS@VMware vRealize Operations (vROps) Manager SSRF RCE@*@*@*
CMS@VMware Workspace ONE Access CVE-2022-22954@*@*@*
CMS@VMware Workspace ONE Access VMSA-2022-0011 exploit chain@*@*@*
CMS@WAN Emulator v2.3 Command Execution@*@2.3@*
CMS@Western Digital MyCloud multi_uploadify File Upload Vulnerability@*@*@*
CMS@Western Digital MyCloud unauthenticated command injection@*@*@*
CMS@WebCalendar 1.2.4 Pre-Auth Remote Code Injection@*@1.2.4@*
CMS@WeBid converter.php Remote PHP Code Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Webmin password_change.cgi Backdoor@*@*@*
CMS@Webmin File Manager RCE@*@*@*
CMS@Webmin Package Updates RCE@*@*@*
CMS@Webmin Package Updates Remote Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Barco WePresent file_transfer.cgi Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@WePresent WiPG-1000 Command Injection@*@*@*
CMS@Xplico Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Zabbix 2.0.8 SQL Injection and Remote Code Execution@*@*@*
CMS@ZEN Load Balancer Filelog Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@Zenoss 3 showDaemonXMLConfig Command Execution@*@*@*
CMS@TAR Path Traversal in Zimbra (CVE-2022-41352)@*@*@*
CMS@Zip Path Traversal in Zimbra (mboximport) (CVE-2022-27925)@*@*@*
CMS@UnRAR Path Traversal in Zimbra (CVE-2022-30333)@*@*@*
CMS@Zimbra Collaboration Autodiscover Servlet XXE and ProxyServlet SSRF@*@*@*
CMS@Zyxel chained RCE using LFI and weak password derivation algorithm@*@*@*
CMS@Zyxel Firewall ZTP Unauthenticated Command Injection@*@*@*
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