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Last active May 13, 2021 06:48
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Sample code for KeenASR speech recognition engine usage from Unity
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using KeenResearch;
public class TestKeenASR : MonoBehaviour {
AudioSource audioData;
void Start () {
// setup a few things before we initialize the SDK
KeenASR.SetLogLevel (KeenASR.LogLevelInfo);
KeenASR.onInitializedReceived += KeenASRInitialized;
// init the SDK with the ASR bundle name
Debug.Log ("Keen: Initializing KeenASR Plugin");
// Initialization works in a slghtly different manner on Android and iOS. On Android
// it will be done asynchroniously, whereas on iOS it's done
KeenASR.Initialize ("keenB2mQT-nnet3chain-en-us");
// Update is called once per frame
//void Update () {
// if (KeenASR.Instance!=null && KeenASR.Instance.GetRecognizerState()==KeenASR.RecognizerStateListening) {
// // here we just show how input levels change; you would poll the input levels somewhere else
// // and use it to drive a UI component (not print in the log file)
// //Debug.Log ("\tLevel: " + KeenASR.Instance.InputLevel ());
// }
// After recognizer is initalized we can setup other resources (this could be done else where and in some cases
// multiple decoding graphs may be setup and used independently
public void KeenASRInitialized(bool status) {
if (!status) {
Debug.Log ("KeenASR SDK was not initialized properly");
KeenASR recognizer = KeenASR.Instance;
// setup events with the instance of the recognizer
recognizer.onFinalASRResultReceived += FinalASRResult;
recognizer.onPartialASRResultReceived += PartialASRResult;
recognizer.onRecognizerReadyToListenAfterInterruptReceived += KeenASRReadyToListenAfterInterrupt;
recognizer.onUnwindAppAudioBeforeAudioInterruptReceived += UnwindAppAudio;
//recognizer.SetCreateJSONMetadata (true);
string dgName = "sampleDG";
Debug.Log ("Keen: Creating decoding graph");
string[] phrases = new string[] { "YES", "NO", "MAYBE", "SURE", "HOW ARE YOU", "I AM GOOD", "I'M GOOD", "I DON'T FEEL GOOD", "I FEEL GOOD", "I AM OKAY", "I'M OKAY", "I AM ALRIGHT", "I'M ALRIGHT" };
// we don't have to recreate the decoding graph every time; we can instead just
// check for the existance of the graph with specific name. Note however, that with
// the latter approach you WILL NEED to force recreation of the graph if you change
// the list of input phrases
recognizer.CreateCustomDecodingGraphFromSentences (dgName, phrases);
// we now use this decoding graph for recognition. Multiple decoding graphs can
// exist on the device and be switched back and forth
// when set to true, SDK will create audio recordings capturing audio that was
// passed to the engine (between start and end listening)
// you can get the file pat via GetLastRecordingFilename(), once the recognizer
// stopped listening (e.g. in onFinalASRResultReceived callback
recognizer.SetCreateAudioRecordings (true);
// VAD (Voice Activity Detection) is used to automatically stop listening
// It can be changed at any time (e.g. slightly reduced in partial callbacks, based
// on semantic interpretation of the partial result)
// final result will be reported after this many seconds end silence
recognizer.SetVADParameter (KeenASR.VadParamTimeoutEndSilenceForGoodMatch, 1f);
recognizer.SetVADParameter (KeenASR.VadParamTimeoutEndSilenceForAnyMatch, 1f);
// also review KeenASR.VadParamTimeoutForNoSpeech and KeenASR.VadParamTimeoutMaxDuration
// which also control when stopListening kicks in automatically
public void FinalASRResult(ASRResult result) {
Debug.Log ("Keen FINAL RESULT:" + result.cleanText + ", conf: " + result.confidence + ", numWords: " + result.words.Length);
foreach (ASRWord word in result.words) {
if (word.isTag)
Debug.Log ("Word " + word.text + " is a tag word");
if (word.confidence < 0.8)
Debug.Log ("Word " + word.text + " has LOW confidence");
KeenASR recognizer = KeenASR.Instance;
//if (recognizer != null)
// recognizer.ResetSpeakerAdaptation ();
// For testing/demo purposes only; it's unlikely you would need to call this method from within
// the FinalASRResult callback
// Debug.Log("final callback recognizer state returns: " + KeenASR.Instance.GetRecognizerState());
//Debug.Log("Audio file saved in: " + KeenASR.Instance.GetLastRecordingFilename());
public void PartialASRResult(string result) {
Debug.Log ("Keen PARTIAL RESULT:" + result);
// For testing/demo purposes only; it's unlikely you would need to call this method from within
// the FinalASRResult callback
// Debug.Log("partial callback, GetRecognizerState returns: " + KeenASR.Instance.GetRecognizerState());
public void UnwindAppAudio() {
Debug.Log ("Unwinding app audio");
public void KeenASRReadyToListenAfterInterrupt() {
Debug.Log ("App ready to listen again...");
// TODO reanable UI elements, etc.
KeenASR recognizer = KeenASR.Instance;
void OnGUI() {
GUIStyle buttonStyle = new GUIStyle();
buttonStyle.fontSize = 70;
if (GUI.Button (new Rect (100, 450, 400, 100), "Start Listening", buttonStyle)) {
Debug.Log("KeenASR about to start listening");
Debug.Log("KeenASR started to listen. State is " + KeenASR.Instance.GetRecognizerState());
// Debug.Log("KeenASR started to listen. ");
private void Awake() {
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