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darencard /
Created August 31, 2017 14:20
A quick-start guide for using gnuplot for in-terminal plotting

A quick-start guide for using gnuplot for in-terminal plotting

Sometimes it is really nice to just take a quick look at some data. However, when working on remote computers, it is a bit of a burden to move data files to a local computer to create a plot in something like R. One solution is to use gnuplot and make a quick plot that is rendered in the terminal. It isn't very pretty by default, but it gets the job done quickly and easily. There are also advanced gnuplot capabilities that aren't covered here at all.

gnuplot has it's own internal syntax that can be fed in as a script, which I won't get into. Here is the very simplified gnuplot code we'll be using:

set terminal dumb size 120, 30; set autoscale; plot '-' using 1:3 with lines notitle

Let's break this down:

iandees /
Last active May 30, 2018 19:07
Detecting Road Signs in Mapillary Images with dlib C++


I've been interested in computer vision for a long time, but I haven't had any free time to make any progress until this holiday season. Over Christmas and the New Years I experimented with various methodologies in OpenCV to detect road signs and other objects of interest to OpenStreetMap. After some failed experiments with thresholding and feature detection, the excellent /r/computervision suggested using the dlib C++ module because it has more consistently-good documentation and the pre-built tools are faster.

After a day or two figuring out how to compile the examples, I finally made some progress:

Compiling dlib C++ on a Mac with Homebrew

  1. Clone dlib from Github to your local machine:
rgm / stamp-icon.rb
Last active September 11, 2023 12:40
Add the current version and build number on your iOS app icon
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Requires ImageMagick: `brew install imagemagick`
# Requires from
# Set RGM_STAMP_VERSION_ON_ICONS=1 in your build settings to enable/disable
# stamping on Debug/Relase configurations.
# Make base unstamped versions Icon.base.png, &c. in the source tree. The
# script will make stamped versions Icon.png, &c. It relies on Xcode to copy
osteslag /
Created July 18, 2011 12:45
Script for managing build and version numbers using git and agvtool. See link in comments below.
# Script for managing build and version numbers using git and agvtool.
# Change log:
# v1.0 18-Jul-11 First public release.
# v1.1 29-Sep-12 Launch git, agvtool via xcrun.
version() {
nolanw / ios-configure
Created January 26, 2011 01:48
Compile a library for iOS 4.3 using its configure script
# ios-configure runs a "configure" script using the iOS 4.3 SDK, generating a
# static library that will load and run on your choice of iPhone, iPad, and
# their respective simulators.
# Simply run in the same directory as a "configure" script.
# You can run this script for multiple targets and use lipo(1) to stitch them
# together into a universal library.