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Created March 13, 2012 01:40
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Feature: Offer Notifications
Given there are the following users:
| email |
| |
| |
Given a clear email queue
And "" has created an Offer:
| description |
| Alice's offer |
And "" has created a Request:
| description |
| Bob's request |
Given I am signed in as ""
And I am on the homepage
Scenario: Offer owner is notified when someone joins ride
When I follow "My Requests"
And I follow "Details" within "#request_1"
And I follow "Apply to this offer" within "#offer_1"
Then I should see "You have applied to join offer #1"
And "" should receive an email
When "" opens the email
Then they should see "has applied to join your ride" in the email body
Scenario: Request owner is notified when application is accepted
When I follow "My Requests"
And I follow "Details" within "#request_1"
And I follow "Apply to this offer" within "#offer_1"
Then I should see "You have applied to join offer #1"
And "" should receive an email
When "" opens the email
Then they should see "has applied to join your ride" in the email body
When I follow "Log out"
Given I am signed in as ""
When I follow "My Offers"
And I follow "Details" within "#offer_1"
And I follow "Approve Rider"
Then I should see "This rider has been approved!"
And "" should receive an email
When "" opens the email
Then they should see "has approved your request to join" in the email body
Scenario: Request owner is notified when application is declined
When I follow "My Requests"
And I follow "Details" within "#request_1"
And I follow "Apply to this offer" within "#offer_1"
Then I should see "You have applied to join offer #1"
And "" should receive an email
When "" opens the email
Then they should see "has applied to join your ride" in the email body
When I follow "Log out"
Given I am signed in as ""
When I follow "My Offers"
And I follow "Details" within "#offer_1"
And I follow "Decline Rider"
Then I should see "This rider's application has been denied."
And "" should receive an email
When "" opens the email
Then they should see "has declined your request to join" in the email body
Feature: Offer Notifications
Given there are the following users:
| email |
| |
| |
Given a clear email queue
And "" has created an Offer:
| description |
| Alice's offer |
And "" has created a Request:
| description |
| Bob's request |
Given I am signed in as ""
And I am on the homepage
Scenario Outline: Notifications
When I follow "My Requests"
And I follow "Details" within "#request_1"
And I follow "Apply to this offer" within "#offer_1"
Then I should see "You have applied to join offer #1"
And "" should receive an email
When "" opens the email
Then they should see "has applied to join your ride" in the email body
When I follow "Log out"
Given I am signed in as ""
When I follow "My Offers"
And I follow "Details" within "#offer_1"
And I follow <link>
Then I should see <flash_message>
And "" should receive an email
When "" opens the email
Then they should see <email_text> in the email body
| link | flash_message | email_text |
| "Approve Rider" | "This rider has been approved!" | "has approved your request to join" |
| "Decline Rider" | "This rider's application has been denied." | "has declined your request to join" |
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