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Last active July 7, 2018 04:31
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Mean target value encoding for categorical variable using dask (take 2)
import os
import os.path as op
from time import time
import dask.dataframe as ddf
import dask.array as da
from distributed import Client
def make_categorical_data(n_samples=int(1e7), n_features=10, n_partitions=100):
"""Generate some random categorical data
The default parameters should generate around 1GB of random integer data
with increasing cardinality along with a normally distributed real valued
target variable.
feature_names = ['f_%03d' % i for i in range(n_features)]
features_series = [
da.random.randint(low=0, high=(i + 1) * 10, size=n_samples,
chunks=n_samples // n_partitions)
for i in range(n_features)
features_series = [
ddf.from_dask_array(col_data, columns=[feature_name])
for col_data, feature_name in zip(features_series, feature_names)
target = da.random.normal(loc=0, scale=1, size=n_samples,
chunks=n_samples // 10)
target = ddf.from_dask_array(target, columns=['target'])
data = ddf.concat(features_series + [target], axis=1)
data = data.repartition(npartitions=n_partitions)
return data
def target_mean_transform(data, feature_colname, target_colname):
if data[feature_colname].dtype.kind not in ('i', 'O'):
# Non-categorical variables are kept untransformed:
return data[feature_colname]
data = data[[feature_colname, target_colname]]
target_means = data.groupby(feature_colname).mean()
encoded_col = ddf.merge(data[feature_colname].to_frame(), target_means,
left_on=feature_colname, right_index=True,
new_colname = feature_colname + '_mean_' + target_colname
encoded_col = encoded_col.rename(columns={target_colname: new_colname})
# Hack: left join should preserve divisions which are required for
# efficient downstream concat with axis=1 (but is it always true?).
encoded_col.divisions = data.divisions
return encoded_col
def encode_with_target_mean(data, target_colname='target'):
"""Supervised encoding of categorical variables with per-group target mean.
All columns that contain integer values are replaced by real valued data
representing the average target value for each category.
features_data = data.drop(target_colname, axis=1)
target_data = data[target_colname].to_frame()
# Sequential processing of columns: there is no need to parallelize
# column-wise as the inner-operation will already parallelize record-wise.
encoded_columns = [target_mean_transform(data, colname, target_colname)
for colname in features_data.columns]
return ddf.concat(encoded_columns + [target_data], axis=1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# make sure dask uses the distributed scheduler:
# Start the scheduler and at least one worker with:
# $ dask-scheduler
# $ dask-worker localhost:8786
c = Client('localhost:8786')
original_folder_name = op.abspath('random_categorical_data')
encoded_folder_name = op.abspath('random_encoded_data')
if not op.exists(original_folder_name):
print("Generating random categorical data in", original_folder_name)
data = make_categorical_data(n_partitions=10)
ddf.to_parquet(data, original_folder_name)
t0 = time()
print("Using data from", original_folder_name)
data = ddf.read_parquet(original_folder_name)
print("Encoding categorical variables...")
encoded = encode_with_target_mean(data, target_colname='target')
print("Saving encoded data to", encoded_folder_name)
# Repartition to get small parquet files in the output folder.
# encoded = encoded.repartition(npartitions=10)
ddf.to_parquet(encoded, encoded_folder_name)
print("done in %0.3fs" % (time() - t0))
import numpy as np
import os.path as op
import os
from gzip import GzipFile
import pyarrow as pa
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
import pandas as pd
DATA_FOLDER = '~/data/criteo'
OUTPUT_FOLDER = '~/data/criteo_parquet'
CHUNK_SIZE = 500 * 1024 ** 2
COLUMN_NAMES = ['label']
COLUMN_NAMES += ['num_%02d' % (i + 1) for i in range(13)]
COLUMN_NAMES += ['cat_%02d' % (i + 1) for i in range(26)]
def parse_chunk(data, previous_remainder=b"", missing_value=-1):
"""Parse a chunk of bytes"""
lines = data.splitlines()
remainder = lines[-1]
lines = lines[:-1]
lines[0] = previous_remainder + lines[0]
# Everything can be stored as an integer, even the numerical values.
parsed_array = np.empty(shape=(len(lines), len(COLUMN_NAMES)),
invalid_count = 0
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
fields = line[:-1].split(b'\t')
if len(fields) != 40:
invalid_count += 1
for j, x in enumerate(fields):
if not x:
# skip missing values
parsed_array[i, j] = int(x) if j < 14 else int(x, 16)
return parsed_array, remainder, invalid_count
def convert_file_to_parquet(filepath, output_folder, compression='SNAPPY'):
"""Convert gzipped TSV data to smaller parquet files
Gzip does not allow for efficient seek-based file access and TSV
is IO intensive and slow to parse.
Converting to compressed parquet files makes it possible to efficiently
access record-wise or column-wise chunks of the data using the
dask.dataframe API.
invalid_lines_count = 0
filebase, _ = op.splitext(op.basename(filepath))
output_filepattern = op.join(output_folder, filebase + '_{:04d}.parquet')
chunk_idx = 0
print(f"Processing {filepath}...")
with GzipFile(filepath) as f:
remainder = b''
while True:
# Process uncompressed chunks of ~500 MiB at a time:
bytes_chunk =
except EOFError:
print("Warning: truncated file:", filepath)
parsed_chunk, remainder, invalid_count = parse_chunk(
bytes_chunk, previous_remainder=remainder)
if len(parsed_chunk) == 0:
invalid_lines_count += invalid_count
outpath = output_filepattern.format(chunk_idx)
df = pd.DataFrame(parsed_chunk, columns=COLUMN_NAMES)
arrow_table = pa.Table.from_pandas(df)
pq.write_table(arrow_table, outpath, use_dictionary=False,
print(f"Wrote {outpath}")
chunk_idx += 1
if invalid_lines_count:
print(f"Found {invalid_lines_count} invalid lines in {filepath}")
def convert_folder_to_parquet(input_folder, output_folder):
input_folder = op.expanduser(input_folder)
output_folder = op.expanduser(output_folder)
if not op.exists(output_folder):
for filename in os.listdir(input_folder):
if not filename.endswith('.gz'):
filepath = op.join(input_folder, filename)
convert_file_to_parquet(filepath, output_folder)
if __name__ == "__main__":
convert_folder_to_parquet(DATA_FOLDER, OUTPUT_FOLDER)
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ogrisel commented Sep 29, 2017

This is a version of a previous gist that was actually broken. The old version would mistakenly serialize intermediate frames to in-memory pandas data frames.

This new version does not have this problem as it does not try to use dask.delayed at all. Each column is processed sequentially and we just really on the parallelism of the underlying operations instead.

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