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Last active April 9, 2024 16:18
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HyVM example: fetch multiple balances on-chain, in one call
import * as ethers from 'ethers';
export const ETH_ADDRESS: HexString = '0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee';
setImmediate(async () => {
const provider = ethers.getDefaultProvider();
const who: HexString = '0x945f803f01F443616546d1F31466c0E7ACfF36f7';
// fetch how much is owned by the the above address, of the below tokens
const balances = await fetchMultipleBalances(provider, who, [
'0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7', // USDT
'0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48', // USDC
// add addresses here !
// print result
// ======================= IMPLEMENTATION
export type HexString = `0x${string}`;
async function fetchMultipleBalances(
provider: ethers.providers.Provider,
who: HexString,
forTokens: HexString[],
): Promise<[HexString, ethers.BigNumber][]> {
const bytecode = fetchBalancesBytecode(who, forTokens);
const result = await{
to: '0xdb4516887ccd9a593e390f6a43e34494a524a551', // HyVM
data: bytecode,
const [decoded] = new ethers.utils.AbiCoder().decode(['uint256[]'], result) as [ethers.BigNumber[]];
if (decoded?.length !== forTokens.length) {
throw new Error('Should not happen: HyVM call did not return the right balances length');
return, i) => [t, decoded[i]]);
function fetchBalancesBytecode(userAddress: HexString, tokens: HexString[]) {
const ops: string[] = [];
const memStart = 0x40;
// store header in memory, so this respects return data encoding of solidity
// store array location
// push array len
...push(memStart + 0x20),
// init mem size at 2 words (which have been written by the header above)
let memSize = 0x40;
// fetch all balances
for (const token of tokens) {
// this will be the place to store our balance
const whereToStore = memStart + memSize;
if (token === ETH_ADDRESS) {
// get ETH balance
// --- push whose balance to get
// --- balance
// --- store it
} else {
// ERC20
// ===== write args to memory
// --- store balanceOf() selector
...push(0), // push1 0 (=where to store)
// --- store whose balance to get at 0x4 (after sig)
...push(0x04), // push1 4 (=where to store)
// ===== call
// -- retSize
// -- retOffset => where we will store the op result
// -- argSize
...push(0x24), // args are 0x24 bytes length (selector + address)
// -- argOffset
// -- contract to call
// -- gas
gas, // gas
// => staticcall !
// ===== pop result (ignore failures)
memSize += 0x20;
// return result
// push return size
// return
return '0x' + ops.join('');
const mstore = '52';
const balance = '31';
const gas = '5A';
const staticcall = 'FA';
const pop = '50';
function push(num: number) {
const str = num.toString(16);
const nBytes = Math.ceil(str.length / 2);
if (num < 0 || nBytes > 32) {
throw new Error('invalid number');
return [(0x60 + nBytes - 1).toString(16), str.padStart(nBytes * 2, '0')];
function pushAddress(_address: HexString) {
const address = _address.substring('0x'.length);
if (address.length !== 40) {
throw new Error('Invalid address');
return [
'73', // push20
address, // push20 address
function pushSig(sig: string) {
if (!/^[\da-fA-F]{8}$/.test(sig)) {
throw new Error('Invalid signature');
return [
'7F', // push32
sig + '00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
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