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Created December 13, 2013 16:31
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.popout-base-bg.timer-modal-1{style: "#{"display: block;" if show_popup == 1}"}
.popout-base.timer-modal-1{style: "#{"display: block;" if show_popup == 1}"}
%p.popup-title Like what you see?
Order today using discount code 30MINI and get 30% off - and keep the class for life!
%a.btn.btn-primary#buy-class{href: "#{new_online_activity_enrollment_path(oa)}"}
Claim your discount
There's a full money back guarantee if you're not completely amazed
%a#start-trial-2{href: ""} continue with your free trial.
.popout-base-bg.timer-modal-2{style: "#{"display: block;" if show_popup == 2}"}
.popout-base.timer-modal-2{style: "#{"display: block;" if show_popup == 2}"}
%h2 Feeling inspired and want to keep going?
%p Order today using discount code 30MINI and get 30% off - and keep the class for life!
%a.butt.big.cta#buy-class{href: "#{new_online_activity_enrollment_path(oa)}"}
Buy now for lifetime access
%p There's a full money back guarantee if you're not completely amazed
%a{href: "#{online_activities_path}"} back to other classes.
- if flash[:notice] == "free-trial"
.popout-base-bg.welcome-modal{style: "display: block;"}
.popout-base.welcome-modal{style: "display: block;"}
%p.popup-title Your free 60 minute trial has started!
%p Start by watching the introductory video on this page. When you're ready for more, click on the next chapter below "Lessons" (on the left hand side of the page).
%p If you like what you see, order today with discount code 30MINI and you'll get an extra 30% off
%a.butt#start-watching{href: ""} Start watching
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