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Eyre formal


The %eyre vane serves one purpose: receiving inbound HTTP requests from browsers and clients pretending to be browsers. To facilitate this communication, %eyre does two things: 1. provide an API for traditional clients to talk to; and 2. provide a mechanism for saving state that allows the server to keep track of identities/sessions, subscription data, and active connections.

This document outlines the following:

  1. perk, a pork subset that defines what URLs the client can send to %eyre.

  2. the values stored on the client, both statically in cookies and dynamically as the window.urb object, which facilitate this transaction.

  3. kiss, the requests %eyre will accept.

  4. gift, the responses it will give to those requests.

  5. note, the set of arvo requests that %eyre makes to the other vanes.

  6. whir, a wire subset, the associated dynamic state

  7. sign, the responses %eyre accepts

  8. bolo, the state stored between separate events.

1. URL structure [#perk]

There exist several URL forms accepted by %eyre.

1.1 Functional request

The simplest of them is a static %f functional publish request:

GET /<ship>/[desk]/[case]/path/to/file.[mark]



A case of 0 signifies the most recent version.

A shorter form:


is interpreted as case 0 of the requested desk on the current ship.

Auxiliary paths start with /~/, and provide other functionality, such as:

1.2 Auto-reload

When a new version of a page becomes available, it is useful to propagate it to the client. This is accomplished through long-polling endpoints:

  • /~/on/[desk]/[case].json[#on-change] produces a version number of the revision following the provided case, blocking until it is available.
  • /~/on/<ship>/[desk]/[case].json is similar.
  • /~/on.json?<ship>/[desk1]/[case]/path/inside&<ship>/[desk2]/[case]/path/inside&... listens to more specific paths, producing {<beam>:[case]} upon any update.
  • /~/on/<ship>?/[desk]/[case].js is a lightweight script that polls for the above. It is primarily used in error messages.

1.3 Authentication [#auth]

Authenticated requests are accomplished through sessions, tracked with cookies which are set on the first such request.

  • /~/as/[user]/... is an authenticated request to ..., where user can be a @p ship, 'own', or 'anon'.

    • 'anon' is a randomly-generated per-session submarine, and requires no further authentication.
    • 'own' represents the serving ship. The short form of /~/as/own/ is /~~/
    • Auth requests are handled in three ways:
    • I. If the session is associated with the ship, serve ..., storing the ship as the session's default ship. For example, /~/as/sivtyv-barnel/main/pub/test.html is an authenticated request of /main/pub/test.html with the identity of ~sivtyv-barnel.
    • II. If the session is not associated with the ship in the path, the client is redirected to a login page, where a password can be entered. Successful authentication results in a page refresh to the requested path.
    • III. otherwise, send a message to the claimed ship, and redirect the user to https://[foregin-host]/~/am/[ses]/...#[current-host]&?code=[code]
  • /~/am/[ses]/...#original-host similarly serves a login page. Upon success, inform the ship of the success and redirect it back to http://[original-host]/~/as/<this-ship>/...

  • /~/auth.json returns {oryx,user,auth}: a CSRF token, active user, and all allowed users respectively.

  • /~/at/{...}.js is an alternate form of /~/auth.json, which injects a line into the served js file that sets {oryx, user, auth} on the window.urb object. (XX always inject?)

So far, all the paths specified have been GET requests. Authentication, however, requires sending data. This is also done at the /~/auth.json endpoint.

  • POST {oryx,ship,code} /~/auth.json?PUT is used by the login script to authorize a user, and returns the same result as GET, additionally containing either{ok:true} or {fail:'type',mess:"Error message"}
  • POST {oryx,ship?} /~/auth.json?DELETE revokes authorization. Response as above.

1.4 Messaging

  • POST {oryx, xyro} /~/to/[app]/[mark].json, where xyro is data that will be converted to the mark. In the simplest case, /~/do/hello/json.json will pass xyro through verbatim, sending [%json xyro] to the ++poke arm of app %hello.
  • POST {oryx, xyro} /~/to/<ship>/[app]/[mark].json is a foreign message send, as above.

1.5 Subscriptions [#subs]

  • /~/of/[ixor][#of-ixor] is an EventSource: a conceptually infinite file containing a stream of events. By default, it sends a newline every 30 seconds serving to signal that the connection is alive to both the server and IP middleware.
    • /~/of/[ixor]?poll={n} is a long-polling fallback interface. Produces event number {n}, blocking until it occurs.

Its contexts can be affected by POST requests with a body of {oryx}, and a query string of PUT or DELETE. They return either {mark}(which may be null), or {fail, mess}

  • /~/in/<ship>/[desk]/[case].json is a dual to /~/on. It binds mod events, containing <beak> followed by the updated version number.
  • /~/is/[app]/path/to.[mark] binds rush events, formatted with a first line of [app] /path/to, and the rest containing subscription data. Additionally, mean events formatted similarly may arrive, also converted to the relevant mark.

1.6 Ablative [#temp]

These interfaces will temporarily exist to aid development, and are to be considered unstable.

  • /~/debug/... access normally inaccessible pages. For example, /~/debug/as.html will present the login page, regardless of current session status.

2. Client state [#client]

Authenticated users receive a cookie on the domain of * A window.urb object is initialized by poll.js to contain the following values:

  • ship, by default the serving ship
  • revs, the (normalized, nonzero) case of the desk
  • auto, a boolean specifying whether auto-reload should occur. By default it is set if the request case is 0.

It is common(possibly automatic XX) to extend it with the contents of /~/auth.json[#auth-json]:

  • oryx is a unique CSRF token that identifies this view, bound to the session cookie
  • ixor is a hash of oryx, used as an insecure view identifier
  • user is the authenticated/generated ship name
  • auth is a list of identities usable by this session

Finally, /main/lib/urb.js adds helpers:

  • app is an optional app name to send messages to by default
  • send({data,mark?='json',app?,ship?}, cb?) delivers messages
  • bind({path,app?}, cb) subscribes by path
  • drop({path,app?}, cb?) pulls the subscription
  • util is an object containing methods for converting between JavaScript types and Hoon atom odors.

3. Requests [#kiss]

[%born port=@ud], unix init

When the vere process is re/started, a TCP port is bound, HTTP requests on which are the scope of this document. The %born gift informs eyre of this occurrence, which in turn updates its state.

Gifts given in response: none.

3.1 [%this httq], inbound http

The primary %eyre request type comes from the host system, and constitutes an inbound http request. It consists of five parts:

I. p=[? @if]: a loobean determining whether the request is being made over https, and the client source, an IPv6 address possibly encoding an IPv4 one as . II. q=meth, an http method III. r=@t, the unparsed URL IV. s=mess, an associative list of header keys/values V. t=(unit octs), the request body, if any.

After r is parsed to a purl, the pork(relative path) determines the resource being served. The first step in handling an http request is classifying its intent.

  • A ford request results in a %boil note.
  • /~/[name].js is generated from session or view state, and served as %js.
  • /~/am generates a login page.
  • /~/as is resolved further if authenticated, generates a similar login page if the claimed ship is local, and otherwise is saved to session state and sends a "login" %a message to the foreign ship.
  • /~/at and /~/auth.json generate a new oryx and store it in the session state.
  • /~/in and /~/is affect view state, possibly sending subscriptions or unsubscriptions to %c and %g respectively, and are generated from view state.
  • /~/on/<beak> is saved to the bolo by beak, and translated to a %warp note if the beak is new.
  • /~/of fails if the ixor is unknown, and otherwise is stored in the ixor, receiving a partial response and all events after its last-seen header. If it has a poll parameter, the response is full, and only occurs if the body is non-empty.
  • /~/to transforms into a %g message.

Gifts given in response: a %thou, or a %that followed by multiple %thars.

3.2 [%thud ~], inbound close

Sent when an unresponded-to request is cancelled.

3.3 [%thin p=@ud], delivery failure

Sent when a partial response or body fails to arrive. Its duct is the same as that of the original request. This is handled by waiting for the client to reconnect, and if this not occur, unwinding all subscription state.

Gifts given in response: None.

3.4 [%wart sock [path *]], inbound message

Sometimes, messages are received from other ships. They are expected to take the from of a gram.

Gifts given in response: %nice or %mean.

3.4.1 gram [#gram]


There are three messages of note, all concerning authentication [#foreign]

  • [/lon ses] [#lon] is a login request, which contains the session wishing to authenticate.
  • if the session is already authorized, a reply of [/aut ses] from (%eyre on) a foreign ship prescribes that the session is henceforth allowed to act on its behalf. All waiting /~/as are resolved as succesful.
  • otherwise, [/hat ses hart] contains the ship's preferred hostname. This can then be used to redirect the client. All waiting /~/as are given 307 Redirects to /~/am on the provided host.

Gifts given in response: ??

4. Responses [#gift]

4.1 [%nice ~], [%mean ares], network acknowledgement [#ack]

A %nice is given upon receiving an ames message, indicating succesful receipt. %mean is currently unused directly, but reserved for error conditions.

4.2 [%thou httr], full HTTP response

Most requests are served with one coherent response, consisting of

  • p=@ud, an HTTP status code
  • q=mess, response headers
  • r=(unit octs), an optional body

4.3 [%that httr], partial HTTP response [#that]

EventStream responses consist of multiple sequential chunks. Treated as %thou, except the request is kept open.

4.4 [%thar (unit octs)], partial HTTP body [#thar]

Complementing %that, %thar is a body chunk, containing an event. An empty %thar signals for the connection to be closed.

Body chunks, besides [1 '\0a'](a heartbeat newline), are encoded from even events. The stem becomes the event field, and the content, data lines.

4.4.1 even, event types [#even]

There are three events that a client subscription will be given.

  • [%mod beam @ud][#even-mod] is a %c update, and contains the path and new version number.
  • [%rush [term path] wain][#even-rush] is sourced subscription data.
  • [%mean [term path] ares] is a sourced subscription error.

5. Vane requests [#note]

5.1 [%a %wont sock `[path *]`gram], outbound message

The %a interface provides conveyance of messages over UDP.

Signs a %woot upon message arrival.

5.2 [%b ?(%wait %rest) time], timeout set/unset [#wait]

All open subscriptions require a "heartbeat" newline every ~s30. When this fails to arrive, a complementary timer is set for ~m1, after which the client is considered to have departed. The %b timer interface is used to schedule the next such event, or cancel past scheduled ones when a connection closes.

Signs a %wake upon timer activation.

5.3 [%c %warp sock desk (unit ,[%& %y case ~])], filesystem listen [#warp]

Knowledge of filesystem changes, requested by /~/on and /~/in, comes via the %c interface. Besides the XX requesting ship, A request contains the target ship, desk, and version or range of versions.

Signs a %writ upon change.

5.4 [%f %exec (unit silk)], functional transformations

The %f interface converts nouns from one form to another.

Signs a %made containing the computation result.

The silks used are as follows:

[%cast %mime %boil mark beam [%web span ~]], file load

The simplest functional request is the construction of a page.

  • The mark is the request extension, defaulting to %html.
  • A beam(path in %clay) is decoded from the request path.
  • A /web/<nyp ced quy> virtual path is appended, span-encoding method, auth, and query string.

[%cast mark %done ~ cage], convert [#done]

This is used when communicating with apps, in both directions.

  • Client messages are encoded as JSON objects, but can contain many different marks. Ones sent to non-json.json endpoints are %cast to he relevant mark, with a cage of [%json p:!>(*json) jon], prior to being sent onwards to applications with [%g %mess].
  • Subscription responses also come in arbitrary marks, but are required to be sent as whichever mark an endpoint is subscribed to. They get %cast prior to being sent back as a %that EventSource segment.

5.5 %g, app actions

The end goal of many a userspace hymn.hook is to provide UI for a %gall app. To accommodate this, various functionality needs to be interfaced with.

[%mess hapt ship cage], app message [#mess]

After a /~/to POST has been received, and possibly converted to the correct mark, it is sent to %g for processing. The hapt is the destination, the ship is the source, the cage is the marked message data.

Signs a %nice or %mean, in userspace or upon crashing.

[%show hapt ship path], app subscription[#show]

An /~/is PUT, if not already registered, results in a new subscription. A request for such contains the destination hapt, requesting ship, and app-internal path.

Signs a %nice on init, %rush on data, and a %mean in subscription termination.

[%took hapt ship], %rush confirmation

A %took must be sent to acknowledge the receipt of subscription data, which in this case occurs automatically.

Causes no signs.

[%nuke hapt $|(ship [ship path])], subscription cancel

An /~/is DELETE is used to remove a subscription, and is converted straightforwardly to a %nuke. Additionally, when a client disconnects, all of its subscriptions are %nuked to reflect their experiation.

Signs an empty %mean for each open subscription that is closed.

6. In-flight metadata [#whir]

Various state can be associated with requests, but not necessarily be returned in responses to them.

6.1 ~, dropthrough [#wire-drop]

If the response should be sent statelessly further up the duct, the wire is empty. This is used in %f pure functional page generation, and %c subscriptions on behalf of /~/on and /~/in requests.

6.2[?(%y %n) ...], stability [#wire-live]

The first element of a %b timer path distinguishes between live(%y) and dying(%n) channels.

6.3 /of/[oryx], view

Designates which stream to act upon. Present on %b timer cards.

6.4 /to/[term], app [#wire-to]

Present on %f translations of message marks

6.5 /is/[oryx]/{term path}, subscription [#wire-is]

Subscription requests. Present on %g subscription requests, and %f translations of %rush subscription data.

7. Vane responses [#sign]

The goal of requests is to cause some manner of result. Specifically,

7.1 [%a %woot ship coop], acknowledgement

A message which has been acknowledged remotely.

7.2 [%b %wake ~], timer

Timer activate. If this is a %y timer, send a newline to each /~/of/[oryx]; if %n and the oryx still has no listeners, wipe its state/subscriptions.

7.3 [%c %writ riot], filesystem update

This message signifies a beak has changed, and listeners to that beak should be updated. Results in %mod events to concerned streams, and full responses to relevant long-polls.

7.4 [%f %made (each bead (list tank))], compute result

Further action depends on the wire. It can:

  • Be empty, designating direct request data, which is served back up the duct.
  • Contain an app name, which designates an app message has been converted to the correct mark, and can now be sent to the app with an empty wire.
  • Contain an oryx, app, and path, designating subscription data. If the subscription is active in the relevant stem, it is acknowledged with a %took and given as a %rush event to all listeners. Otherwise, the subscription is %nuked.

7.5 %g, applications

The %g interface sends several responses.

[%nice ~] and [%mean ares], acknowledgment

These are given as a response to %mess, with an empty wire, and %shows, with a subscription wire. The former is served back to the requester(i.e. the remaining duct), and the latter returned to the client.

7.5 [%rush cage], subscription data

A %rush arrives on a subscription wire, and is then sent for conversion to the correct mark. An unexpected %rush is %nuked.

8. Server state [#bolo]

There is a quantity of data that persists between events.

8.1 Global

  • (jar ship hart) remembered hostnames in order of preference, made accessible through .^
    • The default values(for self) are http://<ship> if not on a fake network, followed by[port].
  • (jug beak (each duct oryx)), /~/on and /~/in endpoints listening to %c updates.
  • (map ixor oryx) open /~/of streams.
  • (map oryx stem), open view state.
  • (map hole sink), session state.
  • (map hole ,[ship ?]), foreign session names, along with their origin ships and whether they are authorized to act on our behalf.

8.2 sink, per-session state [#sink]

Each hole has associated authentication state.

  • priv, a random secret that verifies the session, stored in cookie.
  • [ship (set ship)], the ship a session is acting as and any others it has been authorized with.
  • (jug ship ,[path duct]), authentication /~/as requests waiting on foreign ships.
  • (set oryx), views associated with this session. Dual of hole in stem.

8.3 stem, per-view state [#stem]

Each oryx has active subscription state.

  • hole, session in which this view resides. Dual of (set oryx) in sink.
  • ixor[#ixor], a cached hash of the oryx that is used as a subscription id, by the /~/of EventStream.
  • [,@u (map ,@u even)], queued events. Has a maximum size.
  • (unit ,[duct @u ?]), http connection, its last received event, and whether it is a long-poll request.
  • (set beam), subscribed /~/in points. Mirrored in bolo.
  • (map ,[hasp path] mark), subscribed /~/is points

Appendix A: Glossary

  • An oryx is a CSRF token used for authenticated requests
  • mean.json[#mean-json] is a rendering of hoon ares: an error message formatted as {fail:'type',mess:"Error message"}
  • urb.js[#urb-js] is the standard client-side implementation of the %eyre protocols, normally found in /=main=/lib
  • The act of "serving" [#mime], refers to the wrapping of a %mime cage in an HTTP 200 Success response, and errors or other marks being sent to ford for conversion. Inside a sign, this conversion occurs along the same wire; otherwise, the wire is empty.

Appendix B: EventSource [#eventsource]

For more information, see

An EventSource is a stream of events, encoded in a conceptually infinite GET request. Each event is formatted as

id: {number}
event: {type}
data: {contents}
data: {more-contents}

Data lines are joined by ASCII 10 newline characters; multiple newlines signify separate events. The id is used in a Last-Event-ID HTTP request header upon reconnection.

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