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Created March 6, 2020 22:22
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Playing around with osc
#!/usr/bin/env lsc
{stdin, stdout} = process
stdout.write "\x1b[?25l"
stdin.on \data -> stdout.write "\x1b[?25h"; process.exit 0
require! \osc-js
a = new oscJs plugin:new osc-js.DatagramPlugin port:2222 host:0
v = -> "█"*(it*8) + " ▏▎▍▌▋▊▉█"[0.^.(it*64%8)]
a.on "*" ({address:[...,a], args:[h]}) ->
if !h? => return
s="\n"*(0 >? a - n) + "\x1b[A"*(0 >? n - a)
process.stdout.write s + "#{" "*12}\r#{ 2} #{v h}\r"
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