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Last active October 30, 2020 07:26
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  • Save ohAitch/8301841ac7aa58aacf9acdac24a60e0d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ohAitch/8301841ac7aa58aacf9acdac24a60e0d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Kinda in the middle of figuring out the Either<Index,u32> aspect of the data representation
use std::convert::{TryInto,TryFrom};
use std::mem;
use core::fmt;
use core::fmt::{Debug};
use core::ops::{IndexMut};
mod sgbr {
pub struct Sgbr<F: Fn()>(pub F);
impl<F: Fn()> Drop for Sgbr<F> { fn drop(&mut self){
if std::thread::panicking() { self.0() }
} }
macro_rules! sgbr {
($($data:tt)*) => { let _raii = $crate::sgbr::Sgbr(|| {eprintln!($($data)*);});};
//TODO 4096 maybe
const PAGE_SIZE: usize = 64;
const PAGES: usize = 1024;
type Elem = u32;
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct Index(u16,u8,u8);
impl Index {
fn of(a:usize, b:usize, c:usize)-> Self { Self(a.try_into().unwrap(), b.try_into().unwrap(), c.try_into().unwrap())}
fn of32(a:u32, b:u32, c:u32)-> Self { Self(a.try_into().unwrap(), b.try_into().unwrap(), c.try_into().unwrap())}
impl std::ops::Add<u8> for Index {
type Output = Self; fn add(self, ofs: u8)-> Self { let mut s = self; s.2 += ofs; s }
impl std::ops::Sub<u8> for Index {
type Output = Self; fn sub(self, ofs: u8)-> Self { let mut s = self; s.2 -= ofs; s }
impl Debug for Index {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f,"{}-{}-{}", self.0, self.1, self.2)
impl Into<Elem> for Index { fn into(self) -> Elem { (self.0 as u32)*0x1_0000 ^ (self.1 as u32)*0x100 ^ (self.2 as u32) } }
impl From<Elem> for Index { fn from(e: Elem) -> Self { Self::of32(e>>16, e>>8 & 0xff, e&0xff) } }
//NOTE not strictly speaking cloneable, ideally this would be a sealed bit-clone
// trait that was only used by the allocator
#[derive(Clone,Default, Debug)]
struct Pair([Elem; 2]);
type List<const LEN: usize> = List_<[Elem; LEN]>;
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct List_<T: ?Sized>{ //NOTE secretly, LEN: u8
tail: Index,
used: u8,
data: T,
impl<T: Copy> List_<[T]>{
fn overwrite<const LEN: usize>(&mut self, other: &List_<[T; LEN]>){
assert!( ==;
self.tail = other.tail;
self.used = other.used;;
trait Meta {
fn len(&self)-> u8; fn list(&self)-> Option<&List_<[Elem]>>;
fn fits(&self, ix: Index)-> bool {(0..self.len()).contains(&ix.2)}
fn used(&self)-> u8 {if let Some(l) = self.list() {l.used} else {self.len()}}
fn is_used(&self, ix: Index)-> bool {
impl Meta for Pair {
fn len(&self)-> u8 {2}
fn list(&self)->Option<&List_<[Elem]>> { None }
impl<const N: usize> Meta for List<N> {
fn len(&self)-> u8 {N as u8}
fn list(&self)->Option<&List_<[Elem]>> { Some(self) }
trait Data {
fn data(&self)-> &[Elem];
fn get_elem(&self, ix: Index)-> &Elem { &[ix.2 as usize]}
impl Data for Pair { fn data(&self)->&[Elem] { &self.0 } }
impl<const T: usize> Data for List<T> {
fn data(&self)->&[Elem] { & }
trait DataMut: Data { fn data_mut(&mut self)-> &mut[Elem]; }
impl DataMut for Pair { fn data_mut(&mut self)->&mut[Elem] { &mut self.0 } }
impl<const T: usize> DataMut for List<T> {
fn data_mut(&mut self)->&mut[Elem] { &mut }
trait Use { fn use_idx(&mut self, i: u8);}
impl Use for Pair {fn use_idx(&mut self, _:u8){}}
impl<const T: usize> Use for List<T>{
fn use_idx(&mut self, i:u8){
assert!(i<=self.used, "i={} self={:?}", i, self);
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
enum PageType {Pair, List2, List6, List14} //, List30, List62, List126, List254}
trait Taggable { fn tag(&self)-> PageType; }
impl Taggable for Pair { fn tag(&self)->PageType { PageType::Pair } }
impl Taggable for List<2> { fn tag(&self)->PageType { PageType::List2 } }
impl Taggable for List<6> { fn tag(&self)->PageType { PageType::List6 } }
impl Taggable for List<14> { fn tag(&self)->PageType { PageType::List14 } }
trait Container: Meta + Data + DataMut + Taggable + Use + Debug {}
impl<T: Meta+Data+DataMut+Taggable+Use+Debug> Container for T {}
impl PageType {
const fn max_idx(self)-> u8 {
let size = match self {
PageType::Pair => PAGE_SIZE/mem::size_of::<Pair>(),
PageType::List2 => PAGE_SIZE/mem::size_of::<List<2>>(),
PageType::List6 => PAGE_SIZE/mem::size_of::<List<6>>(),
PageType::List14 => PAGE_SIZE/mem::size_of::<List<14>>(),
if size-1 > u8::MAX as usize { panic!("TODO u10 page indexes") };
(size-1) as u8
const fn next(self)-> Self {
match self {
PageType::Pair => PageType::List2, PageType::List2 => PageType::List6,
PageType::List6 => PageType::List14, PageType::List14 => PageType::List14,
macro_rules! page_arr {
($T:ty) => {
[[$T; PAGE_SIZE/mem::size_of::<$T>()]; PAGES]
union Pages {
pairs: page_arr!(Pair),
list2: page_arr!(List<2>),
list6: page_arr!(List<6>),
list14: page_arr!(List<14>),
/*list30: page_arr!(List<30>),
list62: page_arr!(List<62>),
list126: page_arr!(List<126>),
list254: page_arr!(List<254>),*/
struct Store {
free: [bool; PAGES], //FIXME bitvec
full: [bool; PAGES], //FIXME bitvec
types: [Option<PageType>; PAGES], //TODO this is an arrayvec honestly
//FIXME u4 + hashtable backing? u8 + hashtable backing? also like sparsity / types mb
rc: [[u16; PAGE_SIZE/mem::size_of::<Pair>()]; PAGES],
pages: Pages,
impl core::ops::Index<Index> for Store {
type Output = Elem;
fn index(&self, ix: Index)-> &Elem { &self.grab(ix).unwrap().data()[ix.2 as usize] }
impl IndexMut<Index> for Store {
fn index_mut(&mut self, ix: Index)-> &mut Elem {
&mut self.grab_mut(ix).unwrap().data_mut()[ix.2 as usize]
impl Store {
fn alloc_page(&mut self, t: PageType) -> u16 {
let i =|x| *x).expect("OOM");[i] = false;
self.types[i] = Some(t);
fn alloc(&mut self, t: PageType)-> Index {
for (page,full) in self.full.iter_mut().enumerate().filter(|(_,full)| !**full){
match self.types[page] {
None => {[page] = false;
self.types[page] = Some(t);
return self.gain(Index::of(page,0,0))
Some(tne) if tne != t => continue,
Some(_) => {
let i: usize = self.rc[page].iter().position(|x|*x==0).expect("page was not full");
let last: usize = t.max_idx().into();
if !(0..=last).contains(&(i+1)) {*full=true};
return self.gain(Index::of(page,i,0))
fn gain(&mut self, idx: Index)-> Index {
let Index(page, list, _item) = idx;
self.rc[page as usize][list as usize] += 1;
// eprintln!("{} gain {:?}",page, self.rc[page as usize]);
const fn new()-> Self {
// let mut self_ =
const W: usize = PAGE_SIZE/mem::size_of::<Pair>();
const ZEROED: Pair = Pair([0,0]);
Self {
types: [None; PAGES],
pages: Pages { pairs: [[ZEROED; W]; PAGES] }, // basically mem::zeroed()
rc: [[0; W]; PAGES],
free: [true; PAGES],
full: [false; PAGES],
// fn lookup(page:&[impl Container], at: usize) -> &impl Container {
// &page[at]
// }
fn grab(&self, ix: Index)-> Option<&dyn Container> { Some({
let Index(page, list, _item) = ix;
if self.rc[page as usize][list as usize] == 0 { None? };
//SAFETY: as long as the types don't lie
match self.types[page as usize]? {
PageType::Pair => unsafe {&self.pages.pairs[page as usize][list as usize]},
PageType::List2 => unsafe {&self.pages.list2[page as usize][list as usize]},
PageType::List6 => unsafe {&self.pages.list6[page as usize][list as usize]},
PageType::List14 => unsafe {&self.pages.list14[page as usize][list as usize]},
fn grab_mut(&mut self, ix: Index)-> Option<&mut dyn Container> { Some({
let Index(page, list, _item) = ix;
//SAFETY: as long as the types don't lie
match self.types[page as usize]? {
PageType::Pair => unsafe {&mut self.pages.pairs[page as usize][list as usize]},
PageType::List2 => unsafe {&mut self.pages.list2[page as usize][list as usize]},
PageType::List6 => unsafe {&mut self.pages.list6[page as usize][list as usize]},
PageType::List14 => unsafe {&mut self.pages.list14[page as usize][list as usize]},
fn grab_mut_list(&mut self, ix: Index)-> Option<&mut List_<[Elem]>> { Some({
let Index(page, list, _item) = ix;
//SAFETY: as long as the types don't lie
match self.types[page as usize]? {
PageType::Pair => None?, // Not a list
PageType::List2 => unsafe {&mut self.pages.list2[page as usize][list as usize]},
PageType::List6 => unsafe {&mut self.pages.list6[page as usize][list as usize]},
PageType::List14 => unsafe {&mut self.pages.list14[page as usize][list as usize]},
fn copy(&mut self, from: Index, to: Index){
fn do_copy<const N: usize>(arr: &mut [[impl Clone; N]], from: Index, to: Index){
arr[to.0 as usize][to.1 as usize] = arr[from.0 as usize][from.1 as usize].clone()
assert!(self.types[from.0 as usize] == self.types[to.0 as usize]);
//SAFETY: as long as the types don't lie
match self.types[from.0 as usize].unwrap() {
PageType::Pair => unsafe {do_copy(&mut self.pages.pairs, from, to)},
PageType::List2 => unsafe {do_copy(&mut self.pages.list2, from, to)},
PageType::List6 => unsafe {do_copy(&mut self.pages.list6, from, to)},
PageType::List14 => unsafe {do_copy(&mut self.pages.list14, from, to)},
fn car(&self, ix: Index)-> Option<Elem>{
let Index(_, _, item) = ix;
let cell = self.grab(ix)?;
if !cell.is_used(ix) { return None };
if item == 0 { cell.list()?; }; // Pair has no tail
Some([item as usize])
fn cdr(&self, ix: Index)-> Option<Result<Index,Elem>>{ Some({
let Index(_, _, item) = ix;
if item > 0 {Ok(ix - 1)}
else {
let cell = self.grab(ix)?;
if !cell.is_used(ix) { None? };
if let Some(list) = cell.list() { Ok(list.tail)}
else { Err([0]) }
fn pair(&mut self, car: Elem, cdr: Elem)-> Index {
let n = self.alloc(PageType::Pair);
self[n] = cdr;
self[n+1] = car;
fn cons(&mut self, car: Elem, ix: Index)-> Option<Index>{ Some({
// #[derive(Debug)] struct Cons(Elem,Index); eprint!("{:?} ",Cons(car,ix));
let cdr = self.grab(ix)?;
let next: Index = {
if ix.2 < u8::MAX && cdr.fits(ix+1) &&
(!cdr.is_used(ix+1) || *cdr.get_elem(ix+1) == car) {
} else if ix.2 == 0 && cdr.tag() == PageType::Pair {
// NOTE in theory shouldn't happen, you'd just use the elem
let n = self.alloc(PageType::Pair);
} else {
let tag = cdr.tag().next();
let n = self.alloc(tag);
self.grab_mut_list(n).unwrap().tail = ix;
self[next] = car;
// fn empty(&self, mut ix: Index)-> Option<bool> {
// loop {
// if != 0 {
// return Some(false);
// }
// match self.cdr(ix){
// None => return Some(true),
// Some(iix) => ix = iix
// }
// }
// }
fn grab_page(&self, page: u16)-> Option<impl Iterator<Item=&dyn Container>+Clone> { Some({
let p = page as usize;
match self.types[p]? {
PageType::Pair => unsafe {&self.pages.pairs[p][..]}, _ => &[]
}).iter().map(|x|->&dyn Container {x}))
match self.types[p]? {
PageType::List2 => unsafe {&self.pages.list2[p][..]}, _ => &[]
}).iter().map(|x|->&dyn Container {x}))
match self.types[p]? {
PageType::List6 => unsafe {&self.pages.list6[p][..]}, _ => &[]
}).iter().map(|x|->&dyn Container {x}))
match self.types[p]? {
PageType::List14 => unsafe {&self.pages.list14[p][..]}, _ => &[]
}).iter().map(|x|->&dyn Container {x}))
// PageType::List2 => unsafe {&self.pages.list2[page as usize].iter().map(|x|->&dyn Container {x})},
// PageType::List6 => unsafe {&self.pages.list6[page as usize].iter().map(|x|->&dyn Container {x})},
// }
fn get_iter(&self, i: Index) -> impl Iterator<Item=Elem> + Clone + '_ {
IndexIterator {store: &self, idx:Some(i)}
fn non_free_pages(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item=usize> + Clone + '_ {|(_,&x)| !x).map(|(i,_)|i)
struct Nullable<T>(Option<T>);
impl<T:Debug> Debug for Nullable<T> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
Ok(if let Some(x) = &self.0 { x.fmt(f)? })
struct DebugRow<'a, T: Debug + Sized>{
ty: PageType,
rc: &'a [u16],
x: T,
struct Listerator<D: Debug, I: Clone + Iterator<Item=D>>(I);
impl<D: Debug, I: Clone + Iterator<Item=D>> Debug for Listerator<D,I> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
struct Maperator<K: Debug, V: Debug, I: Clone + Iterator<Item=(K,V)>>(I);
impl<K: Debug, V: Debug, I: Clone + Iterator<Item=(K,V)>> Debug for Maperator<K,V,I> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
struct Lined<T>(T);
impl<T: Debug> Debug for Lined<T> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
impl<T: Clone> Clone for Lined<T> {fn clone(&self) -> Self { Self(self.0.clone())}}
struct IndexIterator<'a> {
store: &'a Store,
idx: Option<Index>
impl Iterator for IndexIterator<'_> {
type Item = Elem;
fn next(&mut self)-> Option<Elem>{
let a =;
let idx =;
self.idx = idx.ok();
match (a,idx) {
(Some(_), Ok(_))=> a,
(None, Err(e))=> Some(e),
_ => panic!("yo")
impl Debug for Store {
fn fmt<'a>(&'a self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let page = self.grab_page(i as u16).unwrap();
let page = page.enumerate().filter(move |(j,_)| self.rc[i][*j] != 0);
(i, Lined(DebugRow {
ty: self.types[i].unwrap(),
rc: &self.rc[i],
x: Maperator(page)
struct Elems<'a>(&'a Store);
// impl AsRef<Store> for Elems<'_> { fn as_ref(&self)-> &Store {&self.0}}
impl Debug for Elems<'_> {
fn fmt<'a>(&'a self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
// (&[(1,2)]).iter().cloned()
let page = self.0.grab_page(i as u16).unwrap();
let page = ( |j| self.0.rc[i][*j] != 0);
page.flat_map(move |j|{
let max = self.0.grab(Index::of(i,j,0)).unwrap().used().into();
move |k| (Index::of(i,j,k), Lined(Listerator(self.0.get_iter(Index::of(i,j,k)))))
macro_rules! nodbg { ($e:expr)=> {$e} }
fn _size<T>(_:T)-> usize { mem::size_of::<T>()}
fn main(){
// dbg!(mem::size_of::<PageType>());
let mut store = Box::new(Store::new());
if true {
for _ in 1..10 {
dbg!(store.cons(2, Index(0,0,0)));
let pairs = format!{"{:?}", unsafe {&store.pages.pairs[0][..4]}}; dbg!(pairs);
let c3 = dbg!(store.cons(3, Index(0,0,0))).unwrap();
let pairs = format!{"{:?}", unsafe {&store.pages.pairs[0][..4]}}; dbg!(pairs);
let c4 = dbg!(store.cons(4, c3)).unwrap();
dbg!(Listerator(store.get_iter(c4)), store.grab(c4));
// if true {return ()};
let pairs = format!{"{:?}", unsafe {&store.pages.pairs[0][..4]}}; dbg!(pairs);
// dbg!(store.empty(Index(0,0,0)));
// dbg!({let l = store.pair(0,0); store.empty(l)});
// dbg!(store.empty(Index(1,0,0)));
dbg!(format!{"{:?}", &store.rc[0]});
let l6 = nodbg!(store.alloc(PageType::List6));
let l6d = List::<6>{ tail: c3, used: 3, data: [4,5,6,77,0,0]};
// dbg!(store.grab(Index(0,0,0)), store.grab(Index(0,4,0)), store.grab(Index(1,0,2)));
// dbg!(size(store.types));
// dbg!(mem::size_of::<Index>());
// dbg!([PageType::Pair, PageType::List2, PageType::List6].map(|a|{mem::discriminant(&a)}));
store.gain(Index(3,3,0)); unsafe {store.pages.pairs[3][3] = Pair([13,13])};
// eprintln!("{:?}",store);
// eprintln!("{:?}",Elems(&store));
let mut l = store.pair(18,19);
for i in (1..=17).rev() {
l = store.cons(i,l).unwrap()
eprintln!("l = {:?}",Listerator(store.get_iter(l)));
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