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Forked from iximeow/
Created October 30, 2020 23:08
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monkeypatching in rust
trait Person {
fn greeting(&self) -> StateOfMind;
fn name(&self) -> &'static str;
struct Ixi { }
struct Katie { }
enum StateOfMind {
impl Person for Ixi {
fn greeting(&self) -> StateOfMind {
fn name(&self) -> &'static str { "ixi" }
impl Person for Katie {
fn greeting(&self) -> StateOfMind {
fn name(&self) -> &'static str { "katie" }
fn greet(you: &dyn Person) {
println!("{} says {:?} to you!",, you.greeting());
fn correct_ixi() {
unsafe {
// gotta reprogram ixi real quick
let ixi_in_a_box: Box<dyn Person> = Box::new(Ixi {});
unsafe fn inner_takes_dyn(v: Box<dyn Person>) {
if let Some(vtable_offset) = get_greeting_offset() {
// ok we know where in the vtable to patch, just not where the vtable itself is yet.
// v is a pointer to (data, vtable)
let dyn_thingie: [*const usize; 2] = std::mem::transmute(v);
let vtable = dyn_thingie[1];
let table_entry = vtable_offset as usize / std::mem::size_of::<usize>();
// get a pointer to the entry in the vtable we want to fix
let vtable_ptr = (vtable as *mut usize).offset(table_entry as isize);
let katie_greet = get_katie_greet_address()
.expect("if we got here we can read ixi's vtable, and the same should work for katie");
// memory mapping will have this as read-only. gotta fix that...
(vtable_ptr as usize & !(4095)) as *mut _,
4096 * 2,
7, // READ | WRITE
// and commit a crime
std::ptr::write_volatile(vtable_ptr, katie_greet);
// clean up after though
(vtable_ptr as usize & !(4095)) as *mut _,
4096 * 2,
1, // READ | WRITE
} else {
panic!("well we need a vtable offset");
// just get the offset of `greeting` in the `Person` vtable
unsafe fn get_greeting_offset() -> Option<u32> {
// the function is read, so this will be compiled.
// because `greeting` does not return a type with a destructor, it
// will end with a tail call to the function we want. the offset
// of that tail call is the magic number for the offset of the
// function to replace in the vtable.
// in debug builds, this ends with `call; pop; ret`. look for both.
// in both cases these are preceeded by `mov rdi, rax`, spelled
// `4889c7`.
fn do_greeting(b: &Box<dyn Person>) {
let f = do_greeting as *const u8;
// find the magic sigil. 0 indicates we couldn't find it!
let mut i = 1;
let mut vtable_offset = None;
while i < 100 {
let curr = f.offset(i);
if *curr == 0x48 && *(curr.offset(1)) == 0x89 && *(curr.offset(2)) == 0xc7 {
// now the offset is encoded in one of two ways: either an 8-bit
// offset if the vtable is tiny, or a 32-bit offset if it's larger.
// 8-bit offst has modrm bits of 01_rrr_mmm
// 32-bit offset has modrm bits of 10_rrr_mmm
// for example, "call [rcx + 0x18]" is spelled
// ff 61 18
// ^ ^ ^-- offset we want
// | ------ modrm 01_000_001, 8-bit displacement off reg 001 (rcx), r=0 (call)
// --------- opcode for call/jmp [mem]
let modrm: u8 = *curr.offset(4);
let offset = curr.offset(5); // we might not actually read this, depending on mod bits
match modrm >> 6 {
0b00 => {
// no offset - this is just `call [reg]`
vtable_offset = Some(0);
0b01 => {
// 8-bit offset
vtable_offset = Some(std::ptr::read_unaligned(offset) as u32);
0b10 => {
// 32-bit offset
vtable_offset = Some(std::ptr::read_unaligned(offset as *const u32));
0b11 => {
// this is actually `{call,jmp} reg`. we'd be in a bad spot here.
_ => {
// these are just unreachable. if everything is well-formed, anyway.
// anyway we found the instruction so lets break and move on
i += 1;
fn get_katie_greet_address() -> Option<usize> {
// this is for the most part the same logic as correcting ixi, but instead of
// writing to ixi's vtable, we read katie's vtable
unsafe {
let katie_in_a_box: Box<dyn Person> = Box::new(Katie {});
unsafe fn inner_takes_dyn(v: Box<dyn Person>) -> Option<usize>{
if let Some(vtable_offset) = get_greeting_offset() {
// ok we know where in the vtable to read, just not where the vtable itself is yet.
// v is a pointer to (data, vtable)
let dyn_thingie: [*const usize; 2] = std::mem::transmute(v);
let vtable = dyn_thingie[1];
let table_entry = vtable_offset as usize / std::mem::size_of::<usize>();
// get a pointer to the entry in the vtable we want to read
let vtable_ptr = (vtable as *mut usize).offset(table_entry as isize);
// and commit a crime
} else {
fn main() {
greet(&Ixi {});
greet(&Katie {});
println!("wait that's not right, hold on a sec...");
greet(&Ixi {});
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