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Created June 15, 2012 11:47
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Find the relative path between two paths
* Find the relative file system path between two file system paths
* @param string $frompath Path to start from
* @param string $topath Path we want to end up in
* @return string Path leading from $frompath to $topath
function find_relative_path ( $frompath, $topath ) {
$from = explode( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $frompath ); // Folders/File
$to = explode( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $topath ); // Folders/File
$relpath = '';
$i = 0;
// Find how far the path is the same
while ( isset($from[$i]) && isset($to[$i]) ) {
if ( $from[$i] != $to[$i] ) break;
$j = count( $from ) - 1;
// Add '..' until the path is the same
while ( $i <= $j ) {
if ( !empty($from[$j]) ) $relpath .= '..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
// Go to folder from where it starts differing
while ( isset($to[$i]) ) {
if ( !empty($to[$i]) ) $relpath .= $to[$i].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
// Strip last separator
return substr($relpath, 0, -1);
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