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Created May 15, 2015 15:02
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# Day 1
## Andre
## What if the user was a function?
## Martin Kleppe @aemkei
## Invisible Code
- ASCII map, Mandelcode
- jswtf stuff
- Crazy minification stuff
-> <body id=b onload="alert(1)">
-> <body onload="alert(1)"id=b>
- M4TR1X
- Having fun!
## Soledad Penades @supersole
## The disconnected ensemble
- Firefox OS 2 years later
- Brainstorming
- streamline builds
- rethink code structure
- smarter phones, less intrusions
- offline sharing updates <- no connectivity
- context-awareness
- ...P2P web
- no necessary round-trip to cloud
- WiFi direct in JS on phones
- P2P === SOCIAL
- Making Musical toys
- Web Audio audio node
- Web Components based UI
- AudioNode works as a JS object
- Custom Element attaches to AudioNode
- FXOS apps can do web servers
- mozWifiManager
- get IP, status of network
- NFC solves the problem with typing IPs
## Matthew Podwysocki @mattpodwysocki
## Async Javascript at Netflix
- Open Sourcerer @ Microsoft
- Works ~full-time on Reactive Extensions
### Netflix
- 1/3 of US broadband usage
- BIG async problems
- Mem leaks
- Race conds
- Callback hell
- Complex state machines
- Disjointed error handling
- Callbacks make it hard to figure out where the program is going
- Events are just as hard to handle
- You can't cancel a Promise
- Observables make these things trivial
## Mikael Brevik @mikaelbrevik
## Functional UIs and unidirectional dataflow
- Olden days: We had complete static models of HTML
- Now we do updates of content on browser
- Referentially transparent functions
- can be replaced by the result of the function
- are predictable
- sequence of ~ can be executed in any order (can be thought of as single func)
-> composability
- Pure functions
- don't change referential values (= accidental shared state)
- Immutability
- setting returns _new obj_
- reference check is enough for deep equality
- Composable components
- stateless pieces of code
- simple components can be composed together for more complex
- System as a function of state
- all updates go through the "top of the tree"
- state over time (going to a state thru serialization)
- diffing -> do only changes that you need to
## Stephan Boennemann @boennemann
## 148,247 packages on npm
- "A package is a _solved_ problem"
- Dependency hell - updating breaks stuff
### SemVer
- x.y.z
- major.minor.patch
- patch - bugfix
- minor - new functionality
- major - breaking changes
- breaking.feature.patch
We fail to follow SemVer.
- Anything may change at any time
- Version number should not convey stability
- npm: use for exp. tag "next" for unstable vs. "latest"
- Emotional attachment to version numbers
- Versions are not for humans - names are.
- You should rename the project altogether rather than refrain going for 1.0 or 2.0 or ...
## Sebastiano Armeli @sebarmeli
## Enforcing code standards in JS projects
- Enforcing =/= negative
- Standards are good
- Automate - follow the rules _defined by your team_
### Ad
- Editor config
- indents
- eol
- charset
- trailing whitespace
- newline at eof
- Lint
- leaking vars, static checks, code style
- JSLint: quality
- JSCS: style - max line length etc.
- ESLint: quality and style - also custom rules
- JSinspect
- Git commits
- Angular commit standards
- changelog automation
- Build tool
- integrate tools into build
- Plato
- on Jenkins build
- complexity analysis
- maintainability
- Automated release flow
- Setup script
- pre-commit hook, post-merge hoook
- Documentation
- Readme + contributing -> should be enough to start working
- /doc - general advice (avoid var, use let/const)
## Julian Cheal
## Dancing with robots
- Cylon.js
- Johnny-Five
- Blinking a LED
- or multiple LEDs
- or an __array of LEDs__!!
- Sphero with
- Leap Motion: Harder Faster Stronger
- Parrot AR Drone using a PS3
- or a DANCE MAT......
- __Angry Drones__
- with Smart Pigs
- Drinkiebot
- IoT drink serving
# Day 2
## Phil Nash @philnash
## The Web is getting pushy
- Web can do
- geoloc
- accelerometer
- p2p video chat
- perf?
- push notification
- Live demo
- Twitter api express app
- Basic jQuery prepend stuff (real-time)
- Live demo 2
- Notification.requestPermission()
- new Notification (title, message)
- Service Worker
- the application cache is a douche
- not just for offline
self.addEventListener('push', (event) => {
self.addEventListener('notificationclick', (event) => {
event.waitUntil(/* open page on click */)
## Pascal Precht @PascalPrecht
## Dependency Injection for future generations
"25 dollar term for 5 cent concept"
- Design pattern
- object constructor: get all deps as params
- can get unmaintainable soonish
- Framework
- using an Injector to get deps
- problems:
- deps are served as singletons
- sychronous by default
- namespace collisions
- built into the framework (Angular)
- DI in Angular 2
- _Injector -> Binding -> Object_
var injector = Injector.resolveAndCreate([
Car, // bind(Car).toClass(Car)
Engine, // bind(Engine).toClass(OtherEngine)
var car = injector.get(Car)
- both sync and async work
- no namespace collisions
- can be used standalone
## Liv Eriksen @misslivirose
## JS for Virtual Reality
- VR today
- head mounted displays
- Desktop: in essence you're attached to a table
- Mobile: put your phone in a case, get a headset
- Unity, Unreal Engine, _JS_
- WebVR
- experimental API
- specific Chromium builds & Firefox Nightly
- Scene: Environment rendered thru WebGL
- VRControls: listen for position changes -> camera
- VREffect/-Polyfill: render for two side-by-side cameras
- VRManager: device things
- LIVE DEMO in ~ 20 LOC!
- VRManager.js
- provides helpers for dealing with devices
- VREffect.js
- create correct camera effect for certain device
- RiftSketch
- Code Web VR while in VR mode
## Fedor Indutny @indutny
## Diving into C++ internals of IO.js
### A history on Git Blame
- JS Optimization
- avoid "hidden classes"
- avoid "polymorphism"
- manual allocation
- Initial node.js
- 1 file to setup V8 and cli args
- HTTP server
- Next up
- cpp separated from js for soc
- ObjectWrap
- move to CommonJS
(too fast slides to take notes)
## Sufian Rhazi @sufianrhazi
## Transform your code without breaking a sweat
- 1 million LOC of JS
- Code helps customers
- how can we help our code?
- Asset pipeline
- Mental framework
- Identify the change
- Automate the transformation
- Verify behavior
- Clean up instrumented code
- Automate
- Impossible with RegEx
- Abstract syntax trees
- Esprima can provide that
- escodegen used for generating
- Verify
- In test suites: create intentional errors
- In prod: send beacons to server
- Deploy two sets of code -> slow rollout
- Clean up
- leave codebase in better state than you found it
- make deprecation warnings for old behaviors
- Code must evolve
- Polyfills are better than shims
- Parsing and transforming is _easy and powerful_
- Test before prod
- Monitor production
## Jaume Sanches @thespite
## Getting -started- things done with three.js and WebGL
- Building 3D experiences
- WebGL
- based on OpenGL ES
- three.js
## James Halliday @substack
## Anyone can edit
- What if anyone could edit anything?
- wikis as a data model
- tech features
- activity feeds
- wikidb
- non-conflicting data model
- replication through websockets
- services
- can be shut down / hacked
- How can we build services that nobody can own?
- identity: you are your key
- content-addressable data: integrity checking for free, links can't change
- replication is easy: concatenate logs to replicate, allow several HEADs for each key
- distributed hash tables
- WebRTC
- peer to peer connections in browser/node
- peer introductions are tricky
- peernet: gossip
## Anika Lindtner @langziehohr
## How to fix your community in one day
- the world is diverse
- diverse teams are more creative, innovative and productive than others
- capture greater share of market
- closed captioning for deaf people -> much more markets
- 50% of women leave tech
- hostile work env
- isolation
- women have to perform 2.5x better to be considered equal
What can we do?
- have empathy
- learn to give feedback
- accept
- make bias conscious
- counteract
- recognize
- mentor
- be a role model
- take a friend
- cause disruption
- break stereotypes
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