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Last active January 24, 2022 03:27
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class PetsDao(private val dataSource: DataSource) {
private object Sql {
const val get = """
SELECT pets.*, GROUP_CONCAT(photos.url) photo_urls
FROM pets
LEFT JOIN photos ON photos.pet_id =
const val insertPet = "INSERT INTO pets (name) VALUES (?)"
const val insertImage = "INSERT INTO photos(pet_id, url) VALUES (?, ?)"
operator fun get(id: Long): Pet? {
dataSource.connection.use { conn ->
conn.prepareStatement(Sql.get).use { stmt ->
stmt.setLong(1, id.value)
stmt.executeQuery().use { rs ->
if (! return null
return Pet(
id = rs.getLong("id"),
name = rs.getString("name"),
photoUrls = rs.getString("photo_urls")
?: emptyList()
fun create(name: String): Long {
dataSource.connection.use { conn ->
conn.prepareStatement(Sql.insertPet, arrayOf("id")).use { stmt ->
stmt.setString(1, name)
stmt.generatedKeys.use { rs ->
if (! throw IOException("Failed to create pet")
return rs.getLong("id")
fun addImage(petId: Long, url: String) {
dataSource.connection.use { conn ->
conn.prepareStatement(Sql.insertImage).use { stmt ->
stmt.setLong(1, petId)
stmt.setString(2, url)
companion object
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