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Last active January 24, 2022 03:39
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class PetService(private val pets: PetsDao, private val images: ThirdPartyImageClient) {
fun get(id: Long): Pet? {
return pets[id]
fun create(name: String): Pet {
val id = pets.create(name)
return pets[id] ?: throw IllegalStateException("Pet was not created")
fun uploadImage(petId: Long, contentType: String, content: InputStream): Pet? {
pets[petId] ?: return null
val url = images.uploadImage(contentType, content) ?: return null
pets.addImage(petId, url)
return pets[petId]
class PetServiceTest {
private val petsDao = PetsDao.mock()
private val thirdPartyImageBackend = FakeThirdPartyImageBackend()
private val testObj = PetService(
pets = petsDao,
images = ThirdPartyImageClient(thirdPartyImageBackend)
fun `get missing pet`() {
testObj.get(123) shouldBe null
fun `get pet`() {
val id = petsDao.create("Tigger")
testObj.get(id) shouldBe Pet(
id = id,
name = "Tigger",
photoUrls = emptyList()
fun `create pet`() {
val result = testObj.create("Tigger") shouldBe "Tigger"
fun `add image`() {
val id = petsDao.create("Tigger")
val content = "foobarbaz".toByteArray()
val updated = content.inputStream().use { data ->
testObj.uploadImage(id, "image/png", data)
// test service result
updated shouldBe Pet(
id = id,
name = "Tigger",
photoUrls = listOf("http://images.fake/image0")
// test side-effect on the pets dao
// test side-effect on the image repo
id = "image0",
url = "http://images.fake/image0",
contentType = "image/png",
size = content.size
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