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Created September 21, 2016 11:22
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CALayer as SCNMaterial content leaks...
import Cocoa
import SceneKit
class ViewController: NSViewController {
@IBOutlet weak var sceneView: SCNView!
@IBOutlet weak var loadButton: NSButton!
override func viewDidLoad() {
super.viewDidLoad() = self
loadButton.action = #selector(self.loadAction)
var cameraNode : SCNNode = {
let camera = SCNCamera()
camera.usesOrthographicProjection = true
let node = SCNNode() = camera
node.position.z = 50
return node
func loadAction(sender: NSButton) {
let enable = sender.state == NSOnState
if enable {
let parentNode = SCNNode()
let box = SCNBox(width: 50, height: 50, length: 50, chamferRadius: 1)
box.firstMaterial?.diffuse.contents =
let boxNode = SCNNode(geometry: box)
let plane = SCNPlane(width: 300, height: 300)
plane.firstMaterial?.diffuse.contents = TestLayer()
let planeNode = SCNNode(geometry: plane)
let newScene = SCNScene()
self.sceneView.scene = newScene
self.sceneView.autoenablesDefaultLighting = true
} else {
self.sceneView.scene = nil
class TestLayer : CALayer {
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
override init() {
self.frame = NSMakeRect(0, 0 , 300, 300)
self.backgroundColor = NSColor.clear.cgColor
deinit {
print("I'm deinited")
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