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Last active July 20, 2018 16:51
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Cancer deaths - GBACR
license: mit
site newCases deaths
Larynx 148 50
Hodgkin Lymphoma 160 23
Cervix Uteri 243 63
Brain 432 333
Ovary 505 312
Stomach 547 321
Liver 761 437
Oral Cavity and Pharynx 824 200
Leukemia 848 409
Pancreas 925 789
Thyroid 941 48
Kidney and Renal Pelvis 1095 257
Corpus Uteri 1100 200
Bladder 1288 259
Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma 1534 422
Melanoma 2118 153
Colon and Rectum 2708 952
Lung and Bronchus 3171 2194
Prostate 3342 560
Breast 5277 788
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<h1>Number of Deaths from Cancer in the Greater Bay Area, by Cancer Site (2015)</h1>
<p> Source: Greater Bay Area Cancer Registry</p>
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