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Created September 11, 2015 20:15
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Personal Belief Exemptions for Immunizations
SchoolType Enrollment PBEnumber PBEpercent PBEpercent100
Marin public 2799 153 0.06 5.5
Marin private 491 58 0.12 11.8
San Francisco public 4562 35 0.01 0.8
San Francisco private 1953 82 0.04 4.2
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<h1>Is it (a) right to refuse shots?</h1>
<p>Percent kindergarteners with personal belief exemptions (PBEs) for immunizations in San Francisco and Marin county (2014-2015).</p>
<p> Source: <a href=""></a></p>
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.text(">10% PBEs put population at risk for disease outbreak")
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