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Last active March 5, 2018 16:57
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Mortality 1933-2011
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<p><b>All-cause mortality, ages 50-54 (1933-2011)</b></p>
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var parseTime = d3.timeParse("%Y");
var x = d3.scaleTime().range([0, width]),
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// .curve(d3.curveBasis)
.x(function(d) { return x(d.year); })
.y(function(d) { return y(d.mortality); });
d3.csv("mortality1933-2011.csv", type, function(error, data) {
if (error) throw error;
var country = data.columns.slice(1).map(function(id) {
return {
id: id,
values: {
return {year: d.year, mortality: d[id]};
x.domain(d3.extent(data, function(d) { return d.year; }));
d3.max(country, function(c) { return d3.max(c.values, function(d) { return d.mortality; }); })
z.domain( { return; }));
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function type(d, _, columns) {
d.year = parseTime(d.year);
for (var i = 1, n = columns.length, c; i < n; ++i) d[c = columns[i]] = +d[c];
return d;
year US UK Sweden France Canada Australia
1933 1354.2 1169.4 896.2 1373.3 967.7 1007.2
1934 1409.9 1107.9 886.5 1350.6 949.4 1006
1935 1380.5 1092.6 872.8 1411.2 950.8 1030.2
1936 1441.6 1128.6 943.8 1375.3 972.2 1016.1
1937 1408 1141.4 926.6 1345 987.3 978.5
1938 1306.9 1047.6 894.7 1368 941.8 992.3
1939 1287 1066.4 877.8 1330.5 956.7 1000.6
1940 1278.5 1228.8 856.9 1536.8 963.5 991.7
1941 1240.8 1097.7 823.3 1477.8 943.5 971.9
1942 1225.7 955.3 754.7 1312.4 948 1018.3
1943 1250.6 989.5 736.8 1250.7 923.9 984
1944 1193.4 945.1 754.3 1547.6 910.8 889.1
1945 1169.1 921.1 756 1149.1 890 899.2
1946 1131.8 900.8 700.7 931.7 868.5 941.6
1947 1139 911.7 751.4 921.5 870 956.6
1948 1110.3 843.5 705.2 929.9 881.9 932.3
1949 1056.4 860.2 702 975.1 859.2 869.1
1950 1042.2 854 660.5 974.2 837.7 887.5
1951 1057.7 891 642.2 1010.1 841.8 916
1952 1037.5 820.6 641.2 962.8 856.6 906.3
1953 1022.1 804.9 609.2 995.5 844.5 870.5
1954 974.9 806.2 589.5 945.6 806.1 859.2
1955 946.7 798.8 593.9 930.7 774.5 815.6
1956 925.1 766.9 576.3 951 767.2 804.4
1957 958.9 779.5 585.6 916 773.6 787.6
1958 946 768.6 546.6 822.3 767.9 798.9
1959 927.8 751.8 532.6 827.8 759.1 785.7
1960 937.9 742.6 539.5 840.3 737.4 782.5
1961 912.4 751.7 545.9 791.5 749.1 775
1962 924.8 743.7 540.6 814.9 730.7 797.7
1963 931.4 752.1 516.4 817.2 732.8 796.2
1964 924.1 733 536.7 782.4 733.3 818.7
1965 924.5 739.9 547.6 798.7 751.6 833.6
1966 924.6 749.9 528.7 779.6 736.6 820.9
1967 905.4 714.4 527.7 785.9 729.2 805.5
1968 920.6 739.9 519.8 781.1 708.7 823.5
1969 892.1 747.3 527.8 780.8 712.2 800.9
1970 884.8 733.4 536.6 722 705.1 815.3
1971 860.8 717.7 530.7 736.7 682.8 756.9
1972 852.7 741.6 536.2 733.1 686.9 748.7
1973 834.6 729.1 528.4 719.5 686.3 726.2
1974 810.1 749.8 546.1 739.1 688.6 768.6
1975 785.5 721.1 536.3 742.6 670.3 724.7
1976 770.3 727.2 538 744 660 709.5
1977 754.8 702.9 539.5 710.1 659.1 674.3
1978 744.1 714.1 525.6 701.5 656.9 650.2
1979 719.9 707.1 544.7 712.7 636.4 636.1
1980 713.9 668.6 517 704.6 607.1 616.9
1981 696.6 648 499.1 692.6 584.9 589.2
1982 672.8 626.9 482.5 681 572 587.8
1983 666.6 603.2 496.2 677 550.8 565.4
1984 651.4 584.9 459.1 652 529.3 536.3
1985 646.7 576.5 464.9 645.7 528.6 518.9
1986 635.1 555.3 450.9 632.5 523.4 487.8
1987 629.3 538.8 461.2 603 496.1 485.4
1988 614.2 522.2 435.6 583.8 470.2 466.2
1989 600.2 504.8 416.2 572.3 461.8 453.2
1990 585 496.3 395.2 548.8 455.3 428.9
1991 572.8 488.3 395 528.9 435.3 414.8
1992 561 471.2 394.8 522 430.6 410.6
1993 565 475.3 386 510.7 422.6 379.1
1994 562.6 449 379.6 512.3 415.8 376.7
1995 558.5 450.2 376.7 496.8 417.5 365.9
1996 533.8 435.2 376.9 499.3 400.2 360.2
1997 519.1 426.9 365.6 488.3 382.3 351.8
1998 500.9 419.9 346.4 482.3 373.3 335.8
1999 501.4 415 339.3 480.5 367 313.5
2000 503.6 406.6 339.1 472.8 366.1 313.6
2001 511 405.3 338.8 470.4 361.9 305.9
2002 512.1 396.2 320.3 476.6 352.6 305.9
2003 515.6 394.5 317.2 481.3 359.8 280.3
2004 509.8 385.1 314.2 458.8 348.8 289.5
2005 518.8 377.2 315.2 455.8 343.1 285.5
2006 513.7 378.7 310.1 457.7 342.3 282.6
2007 506.3 367.3 298.1 443.5 341.4 292.2
2008 505.1 365.3 296 437.4 342 284.8
2009 505.4 346 294.4 433.5 334.5 290.2
2010 491.2 342.9 268.7 424.8 320.6 277
2011 495.3 329.2 261 413.2 308 275.7
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