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Software Engineer doing some awesome things on the front end

Matthew Malone ohnomalone

Software Engineer doing some awesome things on the front end
  • nZero
  • San Francisco Bay Area
View GitHub Profile


By Matthew Malone Perl is a high-level programming language created by Larry Wall in 1987. Coming from JavaScript, there are many similarities, and the transitioning is smooth until the need for modules arises. Modules are like packages and components for JS. They are similarly imported at the top of the file you want to use them in.

Thirty-three years old, I can see how Perl was a fantastic precursor to Javascript. If I didn't know any better, I would say that Perl is an early version of JavaScript. When creating new variables, there is no need to define what type of variable it is going to be, declare it, and put the string, integer, or boolean after it.

The syntax is the most significant difference, which changes if you're writing in strict (use strict;) or not at the top of the file. To access the arguments sent through a function, they are assigned to a variable inside the function itself, not set as parameters. Semicolons have to be at the end of every statement, Perl won't do all the things

Matthew's Post Grad Action Plan

Step 1: Calendar

Monday January, 20th

7:00am-9:00am: Workout then eat breakfast

9:00am-10:00am: wirte cover letter for IBM

10:00am-11:00am: Read Fearless Leadership By BB

11:00am-12:00pm: Codewars or excercism challange



Jan 4, 2020

Swipe Page

  1. Load users A. Load all users except for current user B. Filter out matched and No's
  2. Make Buttons Work A. Need endpoints for no and yes

React Navigation


There are three libraries that need to installed via the command line:

  1. Install React Navigation npm install --save react-navigation
  2. Install react-native-gesture-handler npm install --save react-native-gesture-handler
  3. Install react-navigation-stack npm install --save react-navigation-stack

Cross-Poll Pitch MVP & Iterations


  1. Six rounds: warm-up round and five rounds of gameplay with the game summary
  2. Login Accounts for teachers and students
  3. Fun interactive experience to encourage continued play/learning

Interation 2.0

  1. Machine Learning - This will take past stats of student's performances showing insights of strengths and weaknesses for teacher insight and future gameplay.
  2. Additional Themes - Students can chose between themes that update and the images and wording among the app.

Fetch, Post & Delete to an API


Often fetch is called from componentDidMount in the main component. From there it can live in that file or often times the actual fetch lives in a differnt file. For this example fetch will be envoked in the componentDidMount method of the App.js file from a function called getIdeas()

In the App.js file componentDidMount() is setup like this:

export default class App extends Component {
  constructor() {

Building a Form Component in React

  • Form needs to have state and because of that it will need to be a class. The state will hold and updat as the user types in the input fields.

The cyclical nature of state in a From Component.

This is an example to build a simple form taking in a users info including:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email
  • Phone Number

Mod 4 Job Search Mentorship Application

Section I: Calendar

Screen Shot 2019-12-02 at 9 54 49 AM

Section II: Short Answer Responses

1: Why do you want to mentor in the job search?

A: I am entering a new area of the workforce, one I am mostly unfamiliar about. A mentor will provide insight on how I should present myself and work to best show off the skills looking for in a technical role. The mentoring groups will offer support along with immediate experiences of their successes and failures in the job search.

Building a Form Component in React

  • Form needs to have state and because of that it will need to be a class. The state will hold and updat as the user types in the input fields.

The cyclical nature of state in a From Component.

This is an example to build a simple form taking in a users info including:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email
  • Phone Number