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Created November 15, 2012 19:44
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# Pythonista script
# Script name:
# Author: Olivier HO-A-CHUCK
# License (OHO Ware): free to use modify, alter, re-use for commercial use or not! :)
# Date: Nov. 15th 2012
# Usage: pythonista://_appreviews?action=run&args=<appID>
# exemple: pythonista://_appreviews?action=run&args=308816822
import json
import urllib2
import re
import console
import clipboard
import sys
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
appID = '530524743' #overblog
appID = sys.argv[1]
url = '' + appID + '/sortby=mostrecent/json'
response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
content =
data = json.loads(content.decode("utf8"))
text = ''
print("Application ID: " + appID)
text += "Application ID: " + appID + "\n"
lastUpdate = data['feed']['updated']['label']
print("last comments update: " + lastUpdate)
text += "last comments update: " + lastUpdate + "\n\n"
lastPage = data['feed']['link'][3]['attributes']['href']
nbPages = int(re.findall(r".*page=(\d*)/.*", lastPage)[0])
print("Theoritical number of pages: " + str(nbPages))
maxPages = nbPages
maxPages = maxPages if nbPages < 10 else 10
print("Using " + str(maxPages) + " pages ...\n\n");
i = 0
page = 1
while page < maxPages+1:
#while page < int(nbPages)+1:
urlPos = re.sub("customerreviews","customerreviews/page="+str(page),url)
response = urllib2.urlopen(urlPos)
content =
data = json.loads(content.decode("utf8"))
if len(data['feed']['entry']) == 11: # if script does not work anymore, check if this is still true!
page += 1
for entryIndex in data['feed']['entry']:
if i == 0:
i = 1
#print(str(i) + ": " + entryIndex['title']['label'])
version = entryIndex['im:version']['label']
rating = entryIndex['im:rating']['label']
title = entryIndex['title']['label']
author = entryIndex['author']['name']['label']
content = entryIndex['content']['label']
print(str(page) +"."+ str(i) + ": " + "("+ version +") "+ rating + "* [" + author + "] " + title)
text += str(page) +"."+ str(i) + ": " + "("+ version +") "+ rating + "* [" + author + "] " + title + "\n"
text += content+"\n--\n"
i += 1
page += 1
i = 0
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