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Last active June 19, 2018 01:35
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An example of how to make conditional interceptors that enqueue new interceptors
;; Let's start with a simple conditional interceptor that works with functions...
(defn conditional-context
"Given a keyword name and any variable predicate and terminator function pairs,
return an interceptor that will apply the terminator function paired to the first
truthy predicate. Predicates and terminators are both given the context as
the only argument.
If all predicates fail, the original context is returned."
[name-kw & pred-terms]
{:pre [(even? (count pred-terms))]}
(let [pred-term-pairs (partition 2 pred-terms)]
:name name-kw
:enter (fn [context]
(keep (fn [[pred term]] (when (pred context)
(term context)))
;; Let's write a predicate function that inspects a specific header
(defn forwarded-from-foo?
(= (get-in ctx [:request :headers "X-Forwarded-From") ""))
;; We can now use Pedestal's interceptor chain API to enhance it...
(require '[io.pedestal.interceptor.chain :as chain])
(defn handle-foo
"Given a context (map)
return a new context that has enqueued the additional interceptors
needed to handle requests."
(chain/enqueue ctx
;; ... any interceptors you want in here, including another router
;; Putting it all together
(conditional-context ::my-cond-interceptor
forwarded-from-foo? handle-foo
:else #(assoc :response {:body "Nothing" :headers {} :status 200}))
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