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Created January 26, 2012 02:29
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Picking out a subject
;; This is O(n*m) for all cases, where n is the length of a, and m is the length of b
user=> a
"8th grade biology"
user=> b
["chemistry" "biology" "algebra"]
user=> (def s (cstr/split a #" "))
user=> s
["8th" "grade" "biology"]
user=> (for [w b
ww s
:when (.contains w ww)] w)
user=> ;; OR MORE LIKE THE PHP -- O(m) in the best case O(n*m) in the worst
user=> (def a "8th grade biology")
user=> (def b ["chemistry" "biology" "algebra"])
user=> (reduce (fn [ret w] (if (neg? (.indexOf a w)) ret (conj ret w))) [] b)
user=> (for [w b :when (> (.indexOf a w) -1)] w)
;;; --- Now let's sort by longest name descending :: sort is timsort, so O(n) best, O(nlogn)
;; where n is the length of ret
user=> (def a "8th grade microbiology")
user=> (def b ["chemistry" "biology" "algebra" "microbiology"])
user=> (def ret (for [w b :when (> (.indexOf a w) -1)] w))
user=> (sort-by count > ret)
("microbiology" "biology")
//O(m) in the best case O(n*m) in the worst - where m is the length of b and n is the length of a
$a = "8th grade microbiology";
$b = array("chemistry", "biology", "algebra", "microbiology");
$ret_array = array();
foreach($b as $wi => $w) {
if (strpos($a, $w)) {
$ret_array[] = $w;
function wCmp($a, $b)
if ($a == $b) {
return 0;
return (strlen($a) > strlen($b)) ? -1 : 1;
// O(nlogn) -- n is the length of ret_array
usort($ret_array, 'wCmp'); // Believe it or not, this is destructive
/* -- From my PHPSH session
php> $a = "8th grade microbiology";
php> $b = array("chemistry", "biology", "algebra", "microbiology");
php> $ret_array = array();
php> foreach($b as $wi => $w) {
... if (strpos($a, $w)) {
... $ret_array[] = $w;
... }
... }
php> var_dump($ret_array);
array(2) {
string(7) "biology"
string(12) "microbiology"
php> function wCmp($a, $b)
... {
... if ($a == $b) {
... return 0;
... }
... return (strlen($a) > strlen($b)) ? -1 : 1;
... }
php> usort($ret_array, 'wCmp'); // Believe it or not, this is destructive
php> var_dump($ret_array);
array(2) {
string(12) "microbiology"
string(7) "biology"
>>> a = "8th grade microbiology"
>>> b = ["chemistry", "biology", "algebra", "microbiology"]
>>> ret = [w for w in b if w in a]
>>> sorted(ret, key=len, reverse=True)
['microbiology', 'biology']
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