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Created March 8, 2012 19:52
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Given some rules like:
{(if ?x ?y nil) (when ?x ?y)
(when true . ?x) (do . ?x)}
And the `unify` and `check-form` functions below,
I would like to apply `unify` until I `unify` returns nil.
This means I can take a form and apply multiple rules in succession
(if true ?x nil) => (when true x?) => (do ?x)
I've been able to achieve this with loop/recur (`loop-check-form`) , but I was curious if
core.logic can do this for me
(defn unify
"TODO jonas"
[expr rule]
(let [[r s] (#'logic/prep rule)
alt (first (logic/run* [alt]
(logic/== expr r)
(logic/== s alt)))]
(when alt
{:expr expr
:rule rule
:alt (seq alt)
:line (-> expr meta :line)})))
(defn check-form
"Given an expression/line/form, return a map containing the alternative suggestion info, or `nil`"
(check-form expr all-rules))
([expr rules]
(when (sequential? expr)
(some #(unify expr %) rules))))
(defn loop-check-form
(check-form expr all-rules))
([expr rules]
(when (sequential? expr)
(loop [expr expr
alt-map nil]
(if-let [new-alt-map (some #(unify expr %) rules)]
(recur (:alt new-alt-map)
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