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Created December 17, 2012 05:59
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This is a preview of my experiments using the Alloy Language and Verifier in Clojure. The goal is to use one common, open spec backend to generate: test.generative tests, core.contract constraints, Alloy specs, extra documentation, etc
(ns sterling.example.filesystem.fs
(:require [clojure.walk :as cwalk]))
;; Overview
;; ==========
;; A common example is to illustrate Alloy's abilities is a simpel filesystem.
;; Below is a pure Clojure implementation of the same system, with the same
;; checks.
;; Sterling, Alloy, Trammel, core.contracts or any other specification is not used.
;; Protocols are open - so I can't say anything about the total set of FSObjects
;; For example, in Alloy I could say something like `{ File + Dir = FSObject }`
;; That doesn't exist here.
(defprotocol FSObject
(repr [fs-obj]))
(defrecord FSDir [parent contents]
(repr [d] d))
(defrecord FSFile [parent]
(repr [f] f))
(def root (atom (->FSDir nil [])))
(defn in-root [x]
(let [contents (flatten (:contents root))]
(or (identical? x root)
(some #{x} contents))))
(defn owned [contents parent]
(every? #(= parent (:parent %)) contents))
(defn root-replace!
"Replace the old instance of something in the root,
with a new instance"
([old new-t]
(root-replace! old new-t root))
([old new-thing root-atom]
(reset! root-atom (cwalk/postwalk-replace {old new-thing} @root-atom))))
(defn ->FSDir
"Construct a new FSDir Record
parent - A Directory, that must also be connected to the root
contents - A Vector of FSObjects, whose `parent` is set to this Directory"
[parent contents]
{:pre [(= FSDir (type parent)) ;; the parent is a single directory
(in-root parent) ;; the parent is part of filesystem
(vector? contents) ;; the contents are a vector
(every? #(satisfies? FSObject %) contents) ;; all of the contents are FSObjects
(owned contents nil)] ;; all of the contents are not owned
:post [(some #{%} (:contents parent)) ;; the new FSDir is in the parent dir
(in-root %) ;; sitting safely in the filesystem
(owned contents %)]} ;; and the contents of the new FSDir are all owned by the FSDir
(let [new-fsdir (new FSDir parent contents)
new-fsdir (assoc new-fsdir :contents (map #(assoc % :parent new-fsdir) contents))
new-parent (update-in parent [:contents] conj new-fsdir)
new-root (root-replace! parent new-parent root)]
This is a simplistic (and naive) example of a potential File System.
The idea was pulled from a tutorial:
module fs2
open util/relation as rel
// A file system object in the file system
abstract sig FSObject { parent: lone Dir }
// File system objects must be either directories or files.
// A directory in the file system
sig Dir extends FSObject { contents: set FSObject }
// A file in the file system
sig File extends FSObject { }
// There exists a root
one sig Root extends Dir { }
// File system is connected
fact { all x:FSObject-Root | one x.parent }
// A directory is the parent of its contents
// ie: parent is the inverse of contents
fact { contents = ~ parent }
// The contents path is acyclic
fact { acyclic[contents, Dir] }
(ns sterling.example.filesystem.fs-sterling
(:require [sterling.alloy :as alloy]))
(def FSObject {:sig :abstract
:parent {:lone :FSDir}})
(def FSDir {:extends :FSObject
:contents {:set :FSObject}})
(def FSFile {:extends :FSObject})
(def root {:sig :one
:extends :FSDir})
(def -facts
[{:all "x: FSObject-root"
:such-that "one x.parent"}
{:no "d: Dir"
:such-that "d in d.^contents"}
{:holds "contents = ~ parent"}])
(def -assertions
{:one-root {:one "d: Dir"
:such-that "no d.parent"}})
(alloy/alloy 'sterling.example.filesystem.fs-sterling
:facts -facts
:assertions -assertions
:check :one-root
:for 5)
;(alloy/alloy 'sterling.example.filesystem.fs-sterling
; :facts -facts
; :run {}
; :for 3
; :but {})
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