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Last active May 4, 2019 03:05
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Haskell MLP implementation
import Data.List
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
import System.Random
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
SNUCSE undergraduate Oh Hyun Seok
Naive implementation of Multilayer Perceptron in Haskell,
but it is so naive that if dataset is just a little large
memory increases unbearably. Maybe it is due to
immutability of haskell list structure.
In this attempt, I learnt that to optimize a code and
increase performance in haskell, you need to be extremely skillful.
I think this is the actual cliff on learning curve of haskell.
main = do
seed <- newStdGen
--mnist csv test code
(test_input, test_label) <- readCSV "mnist_test.csv"
let input_dim = 784
let output_dim = 10
let x = take 8000 test_input
let y = take 8000 test_label
let x_val = drop 8000 test_input
let y_val = drop 8000 test_label
let model = multi_layer_net_initialize [input_dim,784,output_dim] seed
--random dataset test
let input_dim = 784
let output_dim = 10
let x_dim = (200,input_dim)
let y_dim = fst x_dim
let x_val_dim = (500,input_dim)
let y_val_dim = fst x_val_dim
let x = uncurry randomMatrix x_dim seed
let y = boundintlist (0,output_dim-1) $randomintlist y_dim seed
let x_val = uncurry randomMatrix x_val_dim seed
let y_val = boundintlist (0,output_dim-1) $ randomintlist y_val_dim seed
let model = multi_layer_net_initialize [input_dim,784,output_dim] seed
train model x y x_val y_val
readCSV csvpath = do
contents <- readFile csvpath
let csvdata = (map ( splitOn ",") (lines contents))
let label = map readInt $ map head csvdata
let input = map (map readFloat ) $map tail csvdata
return (input, label)
readInt :: String -> Int
readInt = read
readFloat :: String -> Float
readFloat = read
affine_layer :: (Num a) => [[a]] -> [a] -> [[a]] -> ([[a]],([[a]],[[a]],[a]))
affine_layer weight bias input = (out, (input, weight, bias))
out = madd (mmult input weight ) (unsqueeze res_dim bias)
res_dim = (fst (dimension input), snd (dimension weight))
affine_layer_backward :: (Num a) => ([[a]],[[a]],[a])-> [[a]] -> ([[a]],[[a]],[a])
affine_layer_backward (x,w,b) dout = (dx, dw, db)
dx = mmult dout (transpose w)
dw = mmult (transpose x) dout
db = squeeze(mmult (mones 1 (fst (dimension x))) dout)
relu_forward :: (Num a, Ord a) => [[a]] -> ([[a]], [[a]])
relu_forward x = (mapmat (max 0) x, x)
relu_backward :: (Num a, Ord a) => [[a]] -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
relu_backward x dout = mmult_elem (mapmat (\y -> if y <= 0 then 0 else 1) x) dout
softmax_loss :: ( Ord a,Floating a) => [[a]] -> [Int] -> (a,[[a]])
softmax_loss x y = (loss,dx)
probs = mapmat (exp) $madd x $maddinv $unsqueeze (dimension x) (map maximum x)
probs_2 = mdiv_elem probs (unsqueeze (dimension probs) (reduce_sum probs 1))
nN = fst (dimension x)
loss = (-1.0 /(fromIntegral nN)) * sum (map log (zipWith (!!) probs_2 y))
dx = smmult (1.0 /(fromIntegral nN)) $madd probs_2 $maddinv $indexing_one (snd (dimension probs_2)) y
multi_layer_net :: (Floating a, Ord a) => a ->[([[a]],[a])]->[[a]] ->[Int] ->
multi_layer_net reg model input y = (metric, grad)
(scores,cache) = mapAccumL (\(prevout) -> (\(weight,bias) ->
let (curout, newstate) = affine_layer weight bias prevout
let (curout_relu, newstate_relu) = relu_forward curout
(curout_relu, (newstate_relu , newstate) )
)) input model
(data_loss , dx )= softmax_loss scores y
loss = 0.5 * reg * (foldl (\reg_loss -> (\(weight, bias) ->
(reg_loss + sum (reduce_sum (mmult_elem weight weight) 1))
)) 0 model) + data_loss
maxindex xs = head $ elemIndices (maximum xs) xs
accuracy = (\c -> (sum c)/(fromIntegral (length c))) $zipWith (\a -> \b -> if a == b then 1.0 else 0.0)(map maxindex scores) y
metric = (loss, accuracy * 100) -- percent notation
(_,grad,_) = foldr (\(weight, bias) -> (\(dprev_out , grad_cache, cache_left) ->
let (dout_relu) = relu_backward (fst (last cache_left)) dprev_out
let (dout, dw,db) = affine_layer_backward (snd (last cache_left)) dout_relu
(dout, (dw, db): grad_cache,(init cache_left))
)) (dx, [],cache) model
multi_layer_net_initialize :: ( Num b) => [Int] -> StdGen -> [([[Float]],[b])]
multi_layer_net_initialize layer_dimensions seed = model
model = pl2lp wl bl
wl = map weight_initialization_method (pl2lp (init layer_dimensions) (tail layer_dimensions))
bl = map bias_initialization_method (tail layer_dimensions)
pl2lp l1 l2 = if length l1 == length l2
then zipWith (\x -> \y -> (x,y)) l1 l2
else error "trying 2 pairize unequal length lists"
weight_initialization_method = \x -> smmult (sqrt(2.0 / (fromIntegral (fst x) + fromIntegral (snd x)))) ((uncurry randomMatrix x) seed) -- Xavier Initialization
bias_initialization_method = \x -> replicate x 0
stochastic_gradient :: (Num a) =>a -> [([[a]],[a])] -> [([[a]],[a])]-> [([[a]],[a])]
stochastic_gradient learning_rate model grad = updated_model
updated_model = zipWith (update) model grad
update (weight, bias) (weight_grad, bias_grad) = ((madd weight (smmult (-1 * learning_rate) weight_grad)),(zipWith (-) bias (map ((*) learning_rate) bias_grad) ))
train :: (Floating a, Show a,Ord a) => [([[a]],[a])] -> [[a]] -> [Int] -> [[a]] -> [Int] -> IO ([([[a]],[a])])
train model x y x_val y_val = do
let batch_size = 200
let reg = 0.0
let learning_rate = 0.001
let number_of_epoch = 10
let number_of_data = fst $dimension x
let number_of_val_data = fst $dimension x_val
let iterations_per_epoch = number_of_data `div` batch_size
seed <- newStdGen
let train_step model_before = model_after
chosen_indices = boundintlist (0,number_of_data-1) $randomintlist batch_size seed
x_batch = map (x !! ) chosen_indices
y_batch = map (y !! ) chosen_indices
(_, train_grad) = multi_layer_net reg model_before x_batch y_batch
model_after = stochastic_gradient learning_rate model_before train_grad
let iteration n model_before = if n <= 0 then model_before else model_after
model_intermediate = iteration (n-1) model_before
model_after = train_step model_intermediate
let epoch m model_before = if m <= 0 then return model_before else do
model_intermediate <- epoch (m-1) model_before
let model_after = iteration iterations_per_epoch model_intermediate
--loss print
let (train_metric,_) = multi_layer_net reg model_after x_train y_train
chosen_indices = boundintlist (0,number_of_data-1) $randomintlist number_of_val_data seed
x_train = map (x !! ) chosen_indices
y_train = map (y !! ) chosen_indices
let (validation_metric, _) = multi_layer_net reg model_after x_val y_val
print $"training metric : " ++ (show train_metric) ++ " validation metric : " ++ (show validation_metric)
return model_after
print "************ Start training model **********"
epoch number_of_epoch model
--normaldist random code from Data.Random.Normal Module
boxMuller :: Floating a => a -> a -> (a,a)
boxMuller u1 u2 = (r * cos t, r * sin t) where r = sqrt (-2 * log u1)
t = 2 * pi * u2
boxMullers :: Floating a => [a] -> [a]
boxMullers (u1:u2:us) = n1:n2:boxMullers us where (n1,n2) = boxMuller u1 u2
boxMullers _ = []
normal :: (RandomGen g, Random a, Floating a) => g -> (a,g)
normal g0 = (fst $ boxMuller u1 u2, g2)
(u1,g1) = randomR (0,1) g0
(u2,g2) = randomR (0,1) g1
-- numpy-like helper function
mmult :: (Num a) => [[a]] -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
mmult a b = if snd (dimension a) == fst (dimension b)
let b' = transpose b in
--map (\x -> map (\y -> sum (zipWith (*) x y)) b' ) a
[ [ sum $ zipWith (*) ar bc | bc <- b' ] | ar <- a ]
else error $"matrix format does not comply for mmult : " ++ show (dimension a) ++ " to " ++ show (dimension b)
madd :: (Num a) => [[a]] -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
madd a b = if dimension a == dimension b
then zipWith(zipWith (+) ) a b
else error $"matrix format does not comply for madd : " ++ show (dimension a) ++ " to " ++ show (dimension b)
mmult_elem :: (Num a) => [[a]] -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
mmult_elem a b
| dimension a == dimension b = zipWith (zipWith (*) ) a b
| otherwise = error $ "Unable to elementwise multiply two matrices : " ++ (show (dimension a)) ++ " to " ++ (show (dimension b))
mdiv_elem :: (Fractional a) => [[a]] -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
mdiv_elem a b
| dimension a == dimension b = zipWith (zipWith (/) ) a b
| otherwise = error $ "Unable to elementwise divide two matrices : "++ (show (dimension a)) ++ " to " ++ (show (dimension b))
mzeros :: (Num a ) => Int -> Int -> [[a]]
mzeros x y = replicate x $ replicate y 0
maddinv :: (Num a) => [[a]] -> [[a]]
maddinv a = map (map negate) a
mapmat :: (Num a) => (a -> a) -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
mapmat f mat = map (map (f)) mat
smmult :: (Num a) => a -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
smmult a b = mapmat ((*)a) b
mones :: (Num a) => Int -> Int -> [[a]]
mones x y = replicate x $ replicate y 1
indexing_one :: (Num a) => Int -> [Int] -> [[a]]
indexing_one max_index label = map (\x -> (zerolist x) ++ [1] ++ (zerolist (max_index - 1 - x))) label
zerolist n = replicate n 0
reduce_sum :: (Num a) => [[a]] -> Int -> [a]
reduce_sum a b
| null (head a) = []
| b == 1 = map (sum) a
| b == 0 = (sum (map head a)) : (reduce_sum (map tail a) b)
| otherwise = error "reduce_sum axis must be 0 or 1"
dimension :: (Num a) => [[a]] -> (Int,Int)
dimension p = (length p, length (head p))
unsqueeze :: (Num a) => (Int, Int) -> [a] -> [[a]]
unsqueeze (a,b) x
| length x == b = replicate a x
| length x == a = transpose $ replicate b x
| otherwise = error $ "Unable to unsqueeze length "++(show (length x)) ++ " to "++ (show (a,b))
squeeze :: (Num a ) => [[a]] -> [a]
squeeze x
| fst (dimension x) == 1 = head x
| snd (dimension x) == 1 = head (transpose x)
| otherwise = error $ "Unable to squeeze 2d array with dimensions like " ++ (show (dimension x))
splitEvery :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
splitEvery _ [] = []
splitEvery n xs = as : splitEvery n bs
where (as,bs) = splitAt n xs
-- transpose is on Data.List already
--print helper function
printm :: (Num a, Show a) => [[a]] -> IO ()
printm p = do
let (x,y) = dimension p
putStrLn $ (show x) ++ " x " ++ (show y) ++ "size weight matrix"
--mapM_ print (p)
putStrLn ""
layer_print (w,b) = do
printm w
--print b
print $(show (dimension b)) ++ "length bias vector"
putStrLn ""
model_print model_in = do
mapM_ layer_print model_in
-- random element matrix / list
randomMatrix :: Int -> Int -> StdGen -> [[Float]] --normaldist mean 0, variance 1
randomMatrix n m seed = (splitEvery m)$ randomlist (n*m) seed
randomlist :: Int -> StdGen -> [Float]
randomlist n = take n . unfoldr (Just . normal)
boundintlist:: (Int,Int) -> [Int] -> [Int]
boundintlist (low, high) list_in = map ((flip rem) (high - low + 1).abs) list_in
boundedrandomList :: (Int, Int) -> Int -> IO([Int])
boundedrandomList (lower_bound, greater_bound) n = replicateM n $ randomRIO (lower_bound,greater_bound)
randomintlist :: Int -> StdGen -> [Int]
randomintlist n = take n . unfoldr (Just . random)
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