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Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
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use strict;
use warnings;
package WebService::SendGrid::Newsletter::Lists;
use WebService::SendGrid::Newsletter::Lists::Email;
=method new
Creates a new instance of WebService::SendGrid::Newsletter::Lists.
my $lists = WebService::SendGrid::Newsletter::Lists->new(sgn => $sgn);
=over 4
=item * sgn
An instance of WebService::SendGrid::Newsletter.
sub new {
my ($class, %args) = @_;
my $self = {};
bless($self, $class);
$self->{sgn} = $args{sgn};
return $self;
sub add {
my ($self, %args) = @_;
return $self->{sgn}->_send_request('lists/add', %args);
sub get {
my ($self, %args) = @_;
return $self->{sgn}->_send_request('lists/get', %args);
sub edit {
my ($self, %args) = @_;
return $self->{sgn}->_send_request('lists/edit', %args);
sub delete {
my ($self, %args) = @_;
return $self->{sgn}->_send_request('lists/delete', %args);
sub email {
my ($self) = @_;
if (!defined $self->{email}) {
$self->{email} = WebService::SendGrid::Newsletter::Lists::Email->new(
sgn => $self->{sgn}
return $self->{email};
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use Test::Exception;
plan skip_all => 'SENDGRID_API_USER and SENDGRID_API_KEY are required to run live tests'
my $sgn;
lives_ok {
$sgn = WebService::SendGrid::Newsletter->new(
api_user => $ENV{SENDGRID_API_USER},
api_key => $ENV{SENDGRID_API_KEY},
} 'Can successfully create a new instance';
my $list_name = 'subscribers_test';
$sgn->lists->add(list => $list_name, name => 'name');
is($sgn->{last_response_code}, 200, 'Can successfully create new subscribers list');
ok($sgn->{last_response}->{message}, 'Get response message');
$sgn->lists->get(list => $list_name);
is($sgn->{last_response_code}, 200, 'Can successfully get new subscribers list');
ok($sgn->{last_response}->[0]->{id}, 'Get list ID');
is($sgn->{last_response}->[0]->{list}, "$list_name", 'Get list name');
list => $list_name,
data => {
name => 'Customer',
email => ''
is($sgn->{last_response_code}, 200, 'Can successfully add subscriber to the list');
my $new_list = 'subscribers_new';
$sgn->lists->edit(list => $list_name, newlist => $new_list);
is($sgn->{last_response}->{message}, 'success', 'Get correct response message');
is($sgn->{last_response_code}, 200, 'Can successfully update subscriber list');
$sgn->lists->delete(list => $new_list);
is($sgn->{last_response}->{message}, 'success', 'Get correct response message');
is($sgn->{last_response_code}, 200, 'Can successfully delete subscriber list');
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